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Perspectives on the Troubled Past of History


The paper will discuss the understanding of the difficulty in a historical study by Wendy Pojmann et al. and Michel-Rolph Trouillot. Pojmann et al., in their writing Doing History: Introduction to the Historian’s Craft, emphasize the need for good methods and planning in historical research. They claim that when researchers do not adhere to the given steps or do not consider alternative positions, history can be frustrating and obscure. They aim to adopt more realistic and prudent methods that render history more coherent. In contrast, Trouillot, in his writing Silencing the Past: In his article Power and the Production of History, Foucault analyzes how power is used to produce history. He suggests that history is not an arena for neutral, objective listening; sometimes, even powerful people might deliberately ignore some voices to fit their agenda. As Trouillot puts it, more than using bad methods, history’s problems owe themselves to those who help shape the narrative.

This paper has explored the various approaches within these different ideas about how Pojmann et al. and Trouillot bring different points of view to historical issues. In our comparison, we have looked at the importance of methodological precision instead of an understanding of power struggles – with a focus on creating a concise yet smart analysis.

Perspectives on the Troubled Past of History

Both Wendy Pojmann et al. (2015 and Michel-Rolph Trouillot, in their writing on Making History: An Introduction to the Historian’s Craft and in Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History, respectively, have identified various problems surrounding history discipline. Although both writings have differed in different perspectives that are key in this discipline, they have provided insight in various aspects.

Pojmann et al. Emphasis on Methodological

Pojmann et al. have focused on the importance of historical research, conducting a critical examination, and having a consistent methodology. This is by being vocal while studying methods used to develop history, emphasizing the importance of conducting history in a more appropriate manner and the right way. Their approach aligns with the traditional way of writing historical scholarly, which demands rigorous research methods. His history may arise due to a lack of following the correct procedures, such as poor organization, hence the presentation of an incomplete narrative (Pojmann et al., 85). It also emphasizes analyzing primary sources and looking for potential unfairness. Hence, based on these, Pojmann et al. state that inadequate historical methods and a lack of involvement in different perspectives resulted in trouble in history.

Trouillot Nuanced Critique of Power Dynamics

As per Trouillot, the main focus is evaluating the historical narrative inherent power dynamic of the worrying past. He specifies that developing history is not a straight or a neutral thing. Specific power dynamics and the demising of various voices may also influence it (Trouillot, 23). Some critical voices could have been left out due to lack of influence, power and others intentionally. He states the bad history does not result from using destructive methods. Still, this results from people possessing power-altering circumstances to suit their objectives and interests. He maintains that the lousy history may result from manipulating and deliberately omitting certain events and historical narratives to meet specific status and objectives. Hence, he recommends that historians examine the method used to create history and critically examine the motive behind their creation and who was involved.

Divergent Perspectives: Methodology vs. Power Dynamics

Pojmann et al. state that having a sound study methodology produces the best history. At the same time, Trouillot urges not only the methodology of study but also looking at who was involved in the creation of history and its power. State that following the proper methods and not ignoring specific details can rectify history (Pojmann et al., 25). At the same time, Trouillot emphasizes that understanding who was holding the power to tell the story is essential in figuring out how history was presented. Pojmann et al. acknowledge history as truth when collected, while Trouillot says history can never be neutral. Although they have differences in their methodology, they can work together since they can build a historically solid research foundation when their principles are combined. Trouillot provides the guidelines for liking the power dynamic pushing history development, while Pojmann et al. provide the shaping forces for history. Pojmann et al. focus on the historical fine-tuning methods, calling for discipline and a systematic research process. They think a problematic history can be dealt with through adherence to methodological accuracy. In contrast, Trouillot supports adopting a broader approach to what influences the historical discourse. He asserts that acknowledging power relations and addressing the deliberate suppression of voices are essential for an honest narrative.

Personal Reflection

Both approaches are imperative in presenting principles on what should be evaluated and relevant to a historical story. When writing history, a story is inspired by a particular methodology to ensure the accuracy of evidence and focus on who created the story, their motivation, and the power they yielded. Combining Pojmann et al. and Trouillot assists historical research by analysing factors beyond the uprising of different methods, such as using mixed methods and identifying compering power and reasons, creating a credible historical story.

In conclusion, the combination of Pojmann et al. and Trouillot allows us to understand the challenges faced with the historical development of past events and even evaluate the narrative. The combination of methods and dynamics of power enables a greater understanding of history.


Pojmann, W., Reeves-Ellington, B., & Mahar, K. W. (2016). Doing History: An Introduction to the Historian’s Craft, with Workbook Activities. In Amazon (1st edition). Oxford University Press.

Trouillot, M.-R. (2015). Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History. In Google Books. Beacon Press.


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