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Exploration of Nonpf Competencies and Their Role in Promoting Social Change

Scientific Foundation

In institutions, other disciplines and the humanities frequently use nurse practitioners to gather knowledge. This competency aids in developing my knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice, research, and critical thinking as a nurse practitioner (Thomas et al., 2017). I would propose to participate in social change in my community as a nurse practitioner using my Scientific Foundation competency. For instance, I may collaborate with healthcare institutions and community leaders to create initiatives addressing health inequalities and advancing healthcare equality. This might entail carrying out community-based research to pinpoint the underlying reasons behind local health inequalities and creating treatments that are grounded in fact and catered to the particular requirements of the community. State nurse practitioner associations are actively engaged in several lobbying initiatives relating to the competency of the Scientific Foundation. For instance, some groups want more financing for nursing research, which can strengthen the scientific basis for nursing practice. Other organizations might work to advance practices and policies based on the most recent research evidence. These advocacy initiatives can assist patients in receiving better healthcare outcomes and develop the nursing profession. To minimize the abuse of opioids and other controlled medications, the nurse practitioner association in my state, for instance, has been promoting the adoption of evidence-based prescription guidelines. This advocacy effort is based on the most recent findings in substance abuse and pain management, and it has the potential to improve patient outcomes and lower the prevalence of opioid addiction in the neighbourhood.


Effective communication is one of the key traits of a good leader. As a nurse, I can develop my professional managerial and interpersonal skills through the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) to assist me in advancing the patient care provided (Thomas et al., 2017). As a nurse practitioner, I would offer a strategy for bringing about social change in my community by identifying a particular healthcare issue that requires attention, such as resolving healthcare inequities or providing access to treatment for marginalized groups (Thomas et al., 2017). I would next work with other healthcare professionals, local authorities, and advocacy organizations to create a comprehensive strategy that tackles the problem. Promoting legislation that would increase underprivileged communities’ access to healthcare is one example of an advocacy action in which a state nurse practitioner group may be involved (Thomas et al., 2017). This might entail collaborating with state lawmakers and other advocacy organizations to draft and push legislation to improve community health centre financing or incentivize medical professionals to practice in underprivileged regions.


According to the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF), quality represents the highest level of achievement and serves as a benchmark to ensure that my nurse practitioner tasks are carried out with respect (Thomas et al., 2017). The main goal of NONPF is to provide practitioners with a clinical practice that is high-quality, secure, and economical (Thomas et al., 2017). In order to guarantee that patients receive a high-quality treatment, I would utilize my Quality competence as a nurse practitioner to develop a strategy that participates in social change in my community. I would identify particular healthcare delivery areas that need to be improved. I encourage healthcare professionals to follow professional standards and promote evidence-based procedures to ensure patients receive safe, effective, and efficient treatment. Promoting the application of clinical practice guidelines to enhance the standard of care is one instance of an advocacy action in which a state nurse practitioner association may be involved. Developing and implementing policies that reflect best practices in healthcare delivery may entail collaboration with healthcare providers and other stakeholders. We can ensure that patients receive care following current thinking and research by encouraging the implementation of evidence-based recommendations.

Practice Inquiry

The NONPF operational research centres around the environment and the ability to adapt and use applicable findings from relevant research to improve the professional setting. Through practice research, as a nurse, I can develop my critical thinking skills and apply the established rules to transmit knowledge (Thomas et al., 2017). As a nurse, I can learn how to use the available research to enhance patient care through this competency. (Thomas et al., 2017). I suggest a strategy as a nurse practitioner of utilizing my practice inquiry competency to engage in social change in my community by using research to pinpoint opportunities to enhance healthcare delivery. I would concentrate on formulating research questions that address particular healthcare needs, and then I would utilize tried-and-true research techniques to gather and examine data to find the answers to these questions. I could use this to find the best practices and make decisions about patient care. One example of an advocacy activity is in which a state nurse practitioner organization may promote evidence-based practices to improve patient outcomes. This could involve working with healthcare providers and other stakeholders to develop and implement guidelines and protocols that reflect current research findings. By using evidence-based practices, we can ensure patients receive care consistent with current knowledge and research, leading to better outcomes.

Technology and Information Literacy

Due to recent technological developments, technology and information literacy are now regarded as mutually incompatible in the healthcare sector. My obligations as a nurse practitioner associated with this skill include communicating healthcare information to patients, creating effective data designs, and maintaining patients’ data. I would put my technology and information literacy expertise to use as a nurse practitioner to suggest a strategy that participates in social change in my community by utilizing technology to enhance patient care and advance health equality (Thomas et al., 2017). I would leverage technology to enhance patient communication, develop efficient data designs, and securely retain patient data. Promoting telemedicine to enhance underprivileged people’s access to care is one instance of an advocacy action in which a state nurse practitioner organization may be involved (Thomas et al., 2017). Developing and implementing telehealth programs that reach individuals with trouble obtaining conventional healthcare services due to distance or mobility challenges could entail collaborating with healthcare professionals and other stakeholders. By utilizing technology, we can increase access to care for all people and reduce healthcare inequalities.


The notion that healthcare depends on decision-making, demanding an equal distribution of resources, is the fundamental premise of the NONPF concept of policy competence. Policy competency depends on the actions done to guarantee that healthcare is improved in terms of care access, quality of care, and reasonable prices as far as ethics are concerned (Thomas et al., 2017). As a nurse practitioner, I can utilize my policy knowledge to advocate for measures that will increase access to healthcare, guarantee high-quality treatment, and support universal access to affordable healthcare services. For instance, I may advocate for laws that support community health centres with more money, encourage preventative care, and boost the availability of mental health treatments. My state’s nurse practitioner association participates in advocacy work, including pushing for nurse practitioners to have full power. In order to do this, one must work to modify the law so that nurse practitioners can exercise their professional judgment to the fullest degree possible following their education and training. Especially in poor areas with a physician shortage, this will increase access to treatment.

Health Delivery System

According to NONPF, this competency covers healthcare organizational practices, legal and regulatory challenges, decision-making procedures, and collaborative activities in the healthcare sector (Thomas et al., 2017As a nurse practitioner, the Health Delivery System competence has aided in my comprehension of the intricate healthcare system, including its organizational framework, governmental regulations, and governing principles. With this ability, I can now make judgments that will improve the standard of care, patient safety, and efficient use of healthcare resources. I would utilize the Health Delivery System skill to find holes and inefficiencies in my community’s healthcare system while implementing a strategy to effect social change. For instance, I may promote the development of a community health education program to address health inequalities among underprivileged people or establish a telemedicine program to increase access to healthcare services in remote regions. An example of an advocacy activity that my state nurse practitioner organization is involved in is advocating for full practice authority for nurse practitioners. This involves lobbying for state legislative changes that remove barriers to nurse practitioners’ ability to practice to the full extent of their training and education.


The NONPF established ethics skills to aid with moral decision-making. (Thomas et al., 2017I have to give their patients moral and ethical care as nurse practitioners. Ethics competence’s foundation for moral decision-making aids my ability to make wise choices in challenging circumstances. It ensures that I respect the moral values of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and fairness in my work. For instance, I have used my ethics knowledge by discussing end-of-life care with my patients. I’ve had challenging discussions with patients and their families about their alternatives and have given them support and assistance so they can make wise choices. I would utilize my Ethics skill to push for healthcare regulations that adhere to moral standards to advocate for a proposal that affects social change in my neighbourhood. For instance, I might support laws that guarantee everyone, regardless of color, gender, or financial background, equal access to healthcare.

Additionally, I could collaborate with other healthcare professionals and community organizations to create initiatives that support moral principles and ethical decision-making in the medical field. The complete practice authority of nurse practitioners is a cause in which my state’s nurse practitioner association is actively engaged. As a result, nurse practitioners could use their professional judgment to the fullest extent possible without requiring physician supervision. By enabling nurse practitioners to deliver healthcare services to marginalized groups and increase access to care, this advocacy action supports the ideals of autonomy and justice. It is in line with the Ethics competency.

Independent Practices

The independent practices of NONPF promote evidence-based decision-making in the healthcare environment. They conduct operations following local legislation and direct independent practitioners while dispensing medicine (Thomas et al., 2017). As a nurse practitioner, I would utilize my competency in independent practice to suggest a strategy that promotes social change in my neighbourhood. For instance, I may collaborate with local authorities and healthcare providers to create initiatives that increase underserved groups’ access to healthcare, such as low-income families or residents in rural regions. This might entail promoting legislation encouraging healthcare fairness, giving free or inexpensive health screenings, and disseminating information and resources on preventative care. In terms of advocacy activities in which state nurse practitioner organizations are involved, there are many examples. For instance, some state organizations advocate for full practice authority for nurse practitioners, allowing them to practice independently without physician supervision. Other organizations may work to promote increased funding for nursing education or support for healthcare workforce development (Thomas et al., 2017). These advocacy efforts can help advance the nursing profession and improve patient healthcare outcomes.


Thomas, A., Crabtree, M. K., Delaney, K., Dumas, M. A., Kleinpell, R., Marfell, J., & Wolf, A. (2017). Nurse practitioner core competencies content. The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties.


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