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Police Training and Use of Force

In the United States, the ovеrusе of fоrce by рolice has long been a problem, resulting in several instances of police brutality and public anger. Police officers in numerous agencies nationwide continue to use excessive force despite stringent policies and training programs. To address this issue, this study examines police training and force effectiveness. To examine how police officers learn and adopt best practices linked to using force, the study will apply adult and social learning theories. By helping to design more efficient training programs and policies surrounding the use of force, the study’s findings can advance practice in the police field. The study can also contribute to advancing knowledge in the field by incorporating and extending critical theories of social and adult learning.

Part 1: Significance to Practice

Particularly regarding training and policy around the use of force, the study’s findings have the potential to advance practice in the police field significantly. The study’s emphasis on identifying what aspects of present police training and regulations regarding the use of force are effective and ineffective can enhance the caliber of police training and increase the efficacy of policies in minimizing the use of excessive force. The study’s conclusions can also be used to establish new regulations and instruction plans that consider the flaws found and the particular requirements of police officers and the communities they serve.

The US has long debated police brutality, so the findings could have a considerable influence. The study can help improve police training and policy by addressing the causes of excessive force. Ultimately, the study’s findings may help advance more compassionate and efficient policing methods, ultimately boosting public confidence in law enforcement and enhancing neighborhood safety.

Part 2: Significance to Theory

This study can enhance knowledge in the field by utilizing and extending upon two significant theories, Adult Learning Theory, and Social Learning Theory. The study’s use of adult learning theory may shed light on how to create and carry out efficient training programs for police officers. According to this theory, it is crucial to customize learning experiences to meet the requirements and preferences of adult learners, for example, by allowing for active engagement and self-directed learning. The study can determine how to increase the quality and relevance of training for police officers by applying this theory to police training programs, boosting their capacity to successfully use force in a manner that is suitable and proportionate to the context.

The study’s application of the Social Learning Theory can offer essential insights into encouraging police officers to use force more effectively and reasonably. This theory strongly emphasizes the value of observational learning and behavioral modeling, which can aid in fostering positive attitudes and actions in police officers. The study can determine how to encourage the adoption of best practices and deter the use of excessive force among police officers by applying this theory to the context of police training and policy.

Overall, the study’s contributions to adult learning theory and social learning theory can aid in advancing scientific understanding and provide guidance for creating more efficient and compassionate policing tactics.


The results of this study may have substantial ramifications for the field of policing as well as for the more considerable community sum up. The study can establish more efficient and kind policing tactics by assessing what is and is not working regarding police training and the use of force. The study’s contributions to adult learning theory and social learning theory can further scholarly understanding and guide the creation of best practices for police policy and training. By raising the standard of police training and lowering the use of excessive force by оfficers, this study will ultimately contribute to developing a safer and more just society.


Rhodes, W. A. (2020). It does not take much to piss off a cop: A commentary on systemic racism in policing. Delaware Journal of Public Health6(5), 36.

Klinger, D. (2020). Organizational accidents and deadly police-involved violence: Some thoughts on extending theory, expanding research, and improving police practice. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science687(1), 28–48.


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