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Why Was the Renaissance a Significant Time in Western History?

The European Renaissance era was an important period in the history of the world. Although many people relate the renaissance to the paintings of this period, the renaissance was much more than art. For instance, it helped to establish the foundation through which the European exploration age, which resulted in its global power. Renaissance was a period immediately following the middle ages in western civilization. The term “renaissance” is derived from the French term “rebirth,” representing how the West came out of the very dark period, reawakening in art, science, culture, music, and technology. This was an important era of beauty, followed by increased curiosity and creativity. It also witnessed the exploration and discovery of new continents, commerce growth, innovations, and the invention of printing, paper, and gunpowder. Arguably, the renaissance was mainly a period in which classical learning was restored following a long stagnation period.

Due to a variety of circumstances, the European economy grew during the Renaissance. Exploration in other countries brought in a lot of money (Portnova 41). Christopher Columbus brought in more money for Spain when he discovered North America as a shorter route to the Indies. Additionally, the exploration of Africa’s southern coast generated enormous additional revenue. This money was obtained by abducting and trading Africans as slaves, exploiting them. Creating colonies in Africa, gold mines, and mining for other necessary metals also brought in money. Because of this extra money, the Europeans could fund their artistic work. During the renaissance period, several changes happened in the field of art.

Arguably, the renaissance is marked and, more importantly, remembered as a significant era of change that appears to outshine many other ages. Its significance can be traced to the era’s artwork, literature, and politics, which have greatly impacted how we live today (Vogt et al. 188). Undeniably, the renaissance is reborn of the European civilization. It also marks the revolution from the traditional to the modern that occurred between the 14-17th centuries. A great revolution in science, mathematics, and philosophy was witnessed during the renaissance era. Renaissance plays a significant role in teaching us the need to look into the past to gain insights and inspiration. For instance, we might think that those who lived in the past led an interesting life with more superior cultures than ours. However, even during this period, people still looked back to their pats to gain guidance and insights. During their period, they looked back to the ancient Romans and Greeks, whose civilizations existed for more than one thousand years.

Renaissance helped to show us the need for continual innovation and invention. Renaissance is considered along the historical perspectives and views that occurred during the 15th and 16th centuries (Portnova 41). During this period, the scientific revolution was not yet realized, but we can still see a push toward applying new means to solve human problems during this era. For example, several principles were discussed in the artwork world, which resulted in the creation of more realistic illusions in sculpted and painted images. On the other hand, in the engineering field, many challenges are solved through forward-looking innovations. The most appropriate example to explain this phenomenon is during the time Filippo Brunelleschi created the dome, which helped to cover the Florence cathedral. During the construction of this church in the 14th century, a big hole was not closed in the ceiling since nobody had the knowledge on how to close it with a dome. The hole was not closed until Filippo Brunelleschi applied an original technique to solving the problem.

Another significant example can explain the significance of the renaissance concerning the engineering field (Vogt et al. 189). This example involves Domenico Fontana’s installation of a big obelisk in St. Peter’s Basilica. On the other hand, in the painting field, we find crucial changes in the realism showed figures and spaces related to the innovations in the painting techniques. We do innovate things even in the modern days; however, it rests on the past generations that tried and failed in many aspects of life. Therefore, what is being held today can be traced back to what was being laid in the past. During the renaissance period, there were humanists’ beliefs in the human ability to rise against all odds and solve their problems.

Renaissance played a significant role in the rise of humanism in the history of the world (Vogt et al. 190). Arguably, people were expected to dedicate themselves and their lives to religion above anything else in the middle ages. However, with renaissance humanists, the people’s medieval beliefs were broken, and people began focusing on their interests rather than their religious needs. Humanists focused on the importance of earthly pressures and explored classical texts from theorists such as Aristotle and Plato to gain inspiration. Because of the spirit of humanism, there was an increased interest in exploration and travel among the Europeans. According to research, many scientists, writers, thinkers, and artists were greatly influenced by humanism (Normatova 89). Some of the most known individuals greatly inspired by the spirit of humanism include Francis Bacon and Sir Thomas More. All these individuals are recognized for influencing renaissance literature and art.

Renaissance helped in the spread of knowledge. It was not until around 1450 that Johannes Gutenberg, a German citizen, invented the printing press, which helped increase information dissemination to society (Portnova 41). Before the renaissance, texts were handwritten, and education was largely attributed to the high class and wealthy people who could afford the luxury. However, due to the invention of the printing press, communication was revolutionized. As a result, middle-class individuals could seek information and educate themselves. On the other hand, it facilitated sharing of ideas and work among scientists, which later facilitated major discoveries. The printing press is considered an important aspect that helped spread ideas and information quickly amongst the people throughout Europe and allowed the reformation of the education sector.

Additionally, the renaissance is best considered to contribute to the development of arts; rather than emphasizing the traditional beliefs of religion and iconography, many artists, such as Titan and Michelangelo, detailed studies concerning human bodies (Vogt et al. 192). Similarly, due to the renaissance influence, many painters were inspired by the ancient Romans and Greek. Today’s improved studies on anatomy can be largely associated with renaissance painters who sought to create perfect proportions, emotions, and details. The popularity of nudes grew during the time, and therefore in advocating for their realist ideology, renaissance painters conducted several experiments with texture and depth. In addition, a renaissance has played an important role in increasing our reliance on observation. Arguably, it is because of the renaissance that there was an increasing battle between religion and science. During this era, most scientists began to consider their practical observations rather than religious beliefs and teachings (Vogt et al. 197). As a result, the scientists opposed most religious workers. Francis Bacon and many others advocated the scientific method and urged the general public to examine the theories by applying hard evidence. Consequently, dissection was popularized during the renaissance, and many scientists started to better comprehend the foundations of human anatomy. According to Sir Francis’s observations, the telescope Galileo Galilei was against the beliefs of the catholic church.

Arguably, during the Renaissance, the Catholic Church’s influence on the arts decreased (Portnova 41). As a result, more secular patronage and reduced focus on religion allowed sculptors and painters to form more realistic images. For example, musicians were able to create new and powerful instruments. On the other hand, architects could incorporate classical designs with mathematical formulas and principles. Writers and scholars started to see humanity to be a progressive thing. For instance, writers such as France’s Michel de Monaigne and Italy’s Dante Alighieri printed the human body’s mechanics, making humanistic thoughts accessible to non-clerical individuals.

Humanism, an antiquated intellectual worldview that stressed both the beauty and the relevance of people in the universe, was possibly the most significant theme of Renaissance thinking. Humanists believed humanity was naturally logical, beautiful, and honorable rather than devalued, immoral, or weak (Normatova 71). In their works of art, research, and buildings’ elegant designs, they aimed to highlight the beauty of the human body, mind, and accomplishments. Humanism was, among many other things, a positive outlook on the artistic and intellectual potential that argued that humankind was the pinnacle of God’s creation by pointing to the accomplishments of antiquity.

Most contemporary notions about individuality, such as the idea that education should produce a well-rounded individual, have their roots in Renaissance. With a strong education in many different fields of study, the objective of education during the Renaissance era was to improve human creativity as much as possible (Normatova 79). The main goal of education was no longer thought to be the understanding of religious ideas or stronger intellectual support for religion; rather, it was thought to be the creation of a more skilled and well-rounded individual. This represented a true, substantial reform from medieval methods of education.

In the history of the world, the renaissance is considered as a robust civilization example incorporating the world’s future and past. Admittedly, all ages are directed by what was innovated before them and what is expected out of them (Normatova 89). Today, many historians into account the time before the renaissance as the middle ages, which started with the Rome’s fall in the 15th century and existed for about eight centuries. Even though the middle ages may not be considered entirely homogenous, it can be argued that the rate of development during the period was low compared to the development after and during the renaissance era.

After the renaissance, the world began to change in several ways and aspects. For example, the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution, and the enlightenment age are largely associated with the centuries before (Portnova 41). The renaissance era can be considered the gateway to modern society’s emergency. In this sense, the renaissance is considered by many scholars as the early modern era, even though nothing can be considered modern in the 15th century. Looking into the history of western civilization, an individual can point out that the renaissance era was one of the most significant periods in the history of the world. For example, the renaissance connects almost everything from the past and the future (Portnova 41). For example, art and architecture were perfect during the Renaissance, as many people worldwide still visit most of the art created during the time.

In conclusion, the renaissance is significant in filling the gap between the middle ages and modern civilization, including western civilization. There are several scientists, thinkers, authors, and artists in the history of the world who succeeded during the era. European commerce improved due to the exploration and innovation that came with the renaissance era. As such, the renaissance played a significant role in facilitating religious reforms and reviving the idea of scholarship in the West that eventually helped to influence the world. However, it is important to note that this period also had some devastating effects on the populations of the western hemisphere, and most indigenous people were largely affected. Others turned to slaves under the rule of the Europeans. The systems of colonization, conquest, and slavery were experienced on other continents. Even today, European colonization and slavery are still happening in some parts of the world.

Works Cited

Normatova, Dildor. “Issues of man and humanism in renaissance literature and art in Europe.” Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 11.3 2021: 1865-1871.

Portnova, Tatiana V. “Integration of science and art in the study of Renaissance art culture.” Perspectives of Science & Education 41.5 2019.

Vogt, Charlotte, et al. “The renaissance of the Sabatier reaction and its applications on Earth and in space.” Nature catalysis 2.3 (2019): 188-197.


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