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Annotated Bibliography on Habitat Loss in Washington DC

Source one

Landscape Washington. “Washington’s Biodiversity.” Landscope America, 8 Mar. 2019, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.

According to Landscope Washington, habitat loss is a massive consequence of biodiversity. The conversion of our natural land for residential purposes and commercial growth is a primary technique in which habitat is permanently lost in Washington, Dc. Without proper planning, this inappropriate conversion could happen in a scattered and decentralized pattern, taking a considerable amount of land and bringing unrequired fragmentation of our beautiful landscape. This case has been in Washington in recent decades, and the impacts are not only the loss of habitat but natural corridors.

The author states that the degradation of essential ecosystem services that ensure clean air and water, contribute to climate regulation, and reduce natural disasters are highly affected. The fragmentation of Washington’s landscape has dramatically affected its biodiversity immensely. The developments of roads and commercial premises have contributed to reducing natural vegetation. Large patches are more beneficial than vegetation because of the species-region relationship, where the richness of species accelerates with habitat capacity. According to the author, biodiversity sort of doubles with every increase in habitat area. Large patches are critical for ecosystem services like filtering nutrients, preventing soil erosion, giving pollinators for various crops, and removal of carbon from the air.

Source two

Center, Laura J., et al. “Offsetting impacts of development on biodiversity and ecosystem services.” Ambio 49.4 (2020): 892-902.

Author Sonter indicates that from various research carried out, suppose these current trends continue occurring where lands are cleared for agriculture, all habitats will be dead. The study projects show that 90% of land animals will be extinct. As of now, humans have utilized more than three-quarters of land for our ambitious endeavors, which indicates that 11.6 % of the earth’s 57.3 million miles of natural land are already used. The author states that following a report by nature sustainability if food production does not undergo a severe transformation, nature is poised to lose 1.3 million of lands to agriculture before the mid-century.

The author estimates that the transformation of this ecosystem to agriculture will shrink further the remaining small percentage of Washington’s habitat. We must change our consumption and production process if we care about our habitat. There have been critical changes that should be made globally to save our planet from dying further. The researcher states that advancing our crop yield, moving towards a plant-based diet, and eradicating food waste are fundamental steps toward defending our natural habitat. Strategies should be facilitated to ensure the complete restoration of our natural environment to help preserve our species.

The writer states that Washington Biodiversity Council works tirelessly to promote and sustain biodiversity. The natural habitat must be maintained according to the total capacity of all its life forms, which is vital to the economy of Washington Dc and life quality. It works to ensure that its citizens are encouraged to advance stewardship of the natural heritage for the good of future generations. The council is working to implement various reforms to ensure conservation strategies are in place. The techniques put in place are subjected to significant areas like land usage and growth, education, outreach, incentives and markets, science and information, and accomplishing positive results.

The lengthy achievement of implementing strategies and ensuring their success requires accountability and leadership. Washington Biodiversity Council is regulating the original implementation of the technique and growing a biodiversity scorecard to ensure that the state is progressing forward and not backward. Additionally, the council aims to educate, inform, and engage scholars and the public concerning the essence of biodiversity to life quality. According to the author, building and conserving will enhance the restoration of Washington’s ecosystem. Scientific research and a variety of study, it has helped immensely to comprehend Washington’s biodiversity.

Source three

Gass, Susan, et al. “Exploring the value of a BioBlitz as a biodiversity education tool in a post-secondary environment.” Environmental Education Research 27.10 (2021): 1538-1556.

Gass BioBlitz is an important event whose main objective is to identify different species in a given area within a short time. At the BioBlitz event, friends, families, scholars, and community members coordinate to gather the overall number of plants, fungi, animals, and other organisms that live in that area. The cornerstone of BioBlitz took place in Washington, DC., where a Biodiversity Festival followed it. According to the researcher, the booth demonstrates how different resources can be utilized to assist in identifying and acquiring more knowledge concerning all living species around Washington. For the sake of coordinating data and synthesizing information about biodiversity, the event is an integral part of Washington’s Dc, which helps contribute to more knowledge that will assist in safeguarding the environment. According to the author, the event is a participation of the whole community, and during this, knowledge is acquired, passed, and digest through fun activities. BioBlitz event is crucial in the steps towards conserving the natural environment, and it is through this that people can learn more about our environment. Exploration of the domain is essential in learning and understanding more about Washington’s biodiversity and guaranteeing its safety.

Source four

Thompson, Luke. “Habitat loss means Washington sage grouse in trouble.” The Yakima Herald-Republic,18 Aug. 2018, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.

The author says habitat loss is the primary driver of biodiversity distinction in inland and terrestrial water structures. Conversion of the natural systems like forests, grasslands, and woodlands to become agricultural lands has decreased the region’s natural design and contributed massively to the reduction of specie richness in Washington D.C. According to a variety of meta-analyses, there has been an indication that species richness and abundance have seen a decline after the conversion of natural land. Although not all species have been eradicated, others could become converted habitats.

Conversion of the natural land started after agriculture’s establishment decades ago and continues to this modern age. The expansiveness of conversion plus extensive human alterations of the surrounding contributed to the notion that our planet is currently in the era of Anthropocene. The increasing human population in Washington, along with the growth of wealth and food demand, increase in demand for fibers and wood have driven land conversion that caused habitat loss. According to researchers’ projections, more will be needed to accomplish the production increase of food and forest products in the future. Habitat loss in the terrestrial system and especially forests in Washington Dc are at significant risk if the necessary changes are not implemented to prevent it.

Source five

Vapes, Lynda. “Endangered wildlife, habitat burned in Washington’s wildfires.” The Seattle Times, PhysOrg, 16 Sept. 2020, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.

Author Vapes states that Washington Dc is favorably blessed with a rich and natural heritage. Although, the existence of the beautiful estate must not be taken for granted with the increase in environmental pollution. The writer says that Washington Dc has several challenges that need to be taken care of before they progress into something serious that will disturb the environment. For example, population growth and consistent development, increase in habitat loss, increase in need for water storage, and better sources of energy. Alteration of natural processes (e.g., frequent and severe wildfires), climate change, and invasive species are examples of difficulties Washington Dc is currently going through that require urgent solutions.

According to the author, the biggest challenge ahead is making informed decisions concerning development and growth. The utilization of natural resources must also be considered so that the state can sustain its social health, economy, and ecology. The population of Washington is now at six million, which has doubled in the last forty years. The city of Washington is expected to have at least eight million residents before the year 2030. This significant growth is expected to be more in Spokane and Clark counties. New homes, water structures, and commercial buildings will be needed with this increase. All the advancements will contribute to the pressures on the ecosystems and species.

Source six

Gustafsson, Lena, et al. “Retention as an integrated biodiversity conservation approach for continuous-cover forestry in Europe.” Ambio 49.1 (2020): 85-97.

Land usage change is remarkably the significant pervasive socioeconomic aspect that results in changes and decreases in the ecosystem. Urban development, urbanization, human activities, and agriculture have decreased Washington’s landscape. Through these disturbances, there has been a massive loss of natural habitat, services, and processes that have extensive, lengthy consequences. Over 34% of Washington’s land is utilized as farmland which amounts to 14.7 million acres. Farmland gives valuable habitat for a lot of wildlife. However, intensive agriculture has severe consequences on the ecosystem of Washington. For instance, it has come to light that land use for agriculture and various practices causes water pollution, and government rules facilitate these impacts.

Source Seven

Stewart, Brian. “Waking the “Sleeping Giant”: An introduction to road ecology and habitat fragmentation in Washington State.” Urban Ecology, 1 Mar. 2018, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.

According to Brian Stewart, the ecology of the road had once been called the “sleeping giant in conservation ecology” by Alexander and Foreman. The author says that the giant is for sure waking up now. It is essential to understand that road ecology is defined as the interaction of the environment and organisms connected to vehicles. Much research has been related to the fragmentation of habitat and permeability of structure, which elaborates on the negative impacts that roads have on wildlife and ecosystems. The authors say not all species are affected by the rapid growth of roads, and some species thrive as incredibly invasive species. However, for many species, roadways and habitat loss are linked to an increase in environmental degradation.

Source Eight

Ricketts, Ryan B. Walter E. Fauntroy and the Self-Determination of Washington, DC, 1965–1979. Diss. Morgan State University, 2021.

According to this author, Washington Dc is famous for the Metro, museums, and memorials. It is a home to political leaders with notable structures like the White House and Capital Building. Since Washington Dc was founded in 1970, it has been essential to American destinations. Therefore, there is a need to implement strategies that will ensure the environment’s protection and preservation. Washington Dc is home to a large diversity of animals and plants. It has 240 bird species, 21 reptiles, 78 fish species, 19amphibians, and 29 mammals. The author says that Endangered Specie Act gives a listing and identification of endangered and threatened species with their habitats. The law is designed to secure the extinction of vulnerable plants and animals. Efforts to maintain biological diversity through utilizing Endangered Species should focus on habitats at a greater risk of eradication efficiently in Washington, Dc.


Gustafsson, Lena, et al. “Retention as an integrated biodiversity conservation approach for continuous-cover forestry in Europe.” Ambio 49.1 (2020): 85-97.

Gass, Susan, et al. “Exploring the value of a BioBlitz as a biodiversity education tool in a post-secondary environment.” Environmental Education Research 27.10 (2021): 1538-1556.

Gustafsson, Lena, et al. “Retention as an integrated biodiversity conservation approach for continuous-cover forestry in Europe.” Ambio 49.1 (2020): 85-97.

Landscope Washington. “Washington’s Biodiversity.” Landscope America, 8 Mar. 2019, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.

Sonter, Laura J., et al. “Offsetting impacts of development on biodiversity and ecosystem services.” Ambio 49.4 (2020): 892-902.

Stewart, Brian. “Waking the “Sleeping Giant”: An introduction to road ecology and habitat fragmentation in Washington State.” Urban Ecology, 1 Mar. 2018, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.

Thompson, Luke. “Habitat loss means Washington sage grouse in trouble.” The Yakima Herald-Republic,18 Aug. 2018, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.

Vapes, Lynda. “Endangered wildlife, habitat burned in Washington’s wildfires.” The Seattle Times, PhysOrg, 16 Sept. 2020, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.


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