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Analyzing When, How, and Why the Characters Change in “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

The story ″Everyday Use″ by Alice Walker is about a mother, Mrs Johnson, and her two daughters, Maggie and Dee. Dee is the older daughter and has a very different view of the world from Maggie. Mrs Johnson is a single mother who works hard to provide for her daughters and keep them safe. Dee is rebellious and dissatisfied, while Maggie is obedient and relies on her mother to guide her through life. The story follows the changes in Mrs Johnson’s daughters as they grow older.

First, as Walker shows, how a person views the world can change dramatically as they grow older. In particular, on page 147, Dee says, “You’re not my mother anymore.” This statement shows that Dee has completely lost faith in her mother, and she can no longer rely on her for guidance. Mrs Johnson is also forced to change as she grows older. At the story’s beginning, Mrs Johnson is a caring and protective mother who ensures her daughters are safe and happy. As Dee becomes more rebellious, Mrs Johnson has to adapt her behavior to keep her daughters safe.

When Dee is younger, she is very rebellious and unfulfilled. She hates her job as a maid in a rich man’s house and does not care about anything else. Dee spends her time drinking, partying, and using drugs. She is a troublemaker, and her mother has to discipline her constantly. As Dee grows older, she starts to change. She begins to appreciate the things in life that Maggie takes for granted. She starts to care about her job and family and becomes a responsible young woman. Some examples of the things Dee starts to care about are: she takes pride in her work, becomes a better mother to Maggie, and learns to love herself. As Walker narrates on page 227, “Dee was a woman now, with a life of her own. She understood she couldn’t always rely on Mrs Johnson to care for her.”

Maggie is an obedient daughter who relies on her mother to guide her through life. Maggie is timid and dislikes speaking up in class or talking to boys. She is content living in the shadow of her more outspoken sister. However, as Maggie grows older, she starts to change. She begins to speak up and ask questions and becomes an independent young woman. Maggie is not perfect, but she can care for herself and her family. On page 73, Maggie’s character changes when she starts to cook dinner for her family.

In this instance, Maggie can take command of the situation and provide them with a meal they are all happy with. This change in Maggie’s character demonstrates her growing independence and confidence. For instance, Walker describes Maggie as follows: “Maggie had taken over the cooking, and what had once been a chore now seemed something she could do well. She mixed the dough, shaped it into loaves, and then set them in a hot oven. She took them out and put them on a baking sheet when they were done. She was so busy that she didn’t hear her mother come into the kitchen” (page 73).

Generally, both Dee and Maggie go through different changes as they grow older. They learn to appreciate the things their mother takes for granted in life. They become responsible young women who can take care of themselves and their families. As a result, they become closer to their mother and sisters. They learn that many things in life are worth living for. The difference between Dee and Maggie is that Dee matures quickly, while Maggie takes a little longer to change. However, in the end, both sisters can become strong women who can care for themselves and their families.

Works Cited

Walker, Alice. Everyday use. Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, 2004.


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