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Workplace Environment Assessment

Assessing the workplace environment plays a critical role in gaining an understanding of the behaviors of different individuals within the surroundings. Additionally, assessing the workplace environment still assists in evaluating the factors influencing an organization’s performance. Therefore, this paper evaluates workplace environment assessment, the concept or theory associated with the assessment, and evidence-based strategies that can help facilitate the best practices.

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment

Results of the Work Environment Assessment

Based on the work environment assessment, it is worth noting that most employees understand the effects of incivility within an organization. The employees still understand the consequences of unsociable behaviors, which results in ensuring the workplace remains healthy. The assessment shows that the organization is rated at 90%. That allows one to understand unhealthy behaviors easily, which, left undetected, can affect the organization’s productivity.

Two surprising things and one idea believed in prior to the assessment

One of the surprising things about the results is how the new nurses found a conducive workplace environment. It is only a small portion of the new nurses who end up being abused and bullied, unlike most other organizations. The second surprising thing about the results is the teamwork and effective communication witnessed within the organization. That consequently contributes towards quality care.

One thing that was expected before the assessment is the fact that the few nurses within the organization who might experience any form of incivility might be afraid to come forward. Some factors resulting in such fear are the uncertainty of losing their jobs or being perceived as a complainer by the rest of the employees within the organization. Nurses who believe they will be transferred from their field might avoid conflicts by not reporting incivility.

Health and civility of the workplace

The assessment results suggest that there are few workplace incivility cases. It is worth noting that the few cases still affect the patients but not to the same extent if all nurses were engaging in similar behaviors. The few individuals who experience different forms of incivility at the workplace talk about the issue privately. Therefore, the organization’s management does not understand the issues better, failing to take the appropriate measures.

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature

Ota, M., et al. (2022). Nurse leadership in promoting and supporting civility in health care settings: A scoping review. Journal of Nursing Management30(8), 4221-4233.

The article evaluates the existing evidence on how nurse leaders promote and maintain civility. Generally, the article emphasizes that the different cases of incivility within a healthcare setting can adversely affect the workplace environment. That includes a reduced quality of patient care and an unsafe working environment. That is why it is important to foster civility in the workplace.

Seibel, L. M., et al. (2022). Impact of cognitive rehearsal training over time for new registered nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing53(5), 203-211.

The article evaluates cognitive rehearsal’s impact on preventing workplace incivility. Cognitive rehearsal plays a critical role in addressing unsociable behaviors within the workplace, including bullying. Although this strategy can be challenging to implement in the workplace, it helps reduce incivility.

Relationship between the concepts in the articles and work environment assessment

The concept presented within the articles is promoting civility in the workplace. The results of the work environment assessment show that the organization has been working towards promoting civility, which shows that incivility can negatively influence the organization’s performance. For example, when nurses are bullied within the workplace, there is a higher likelihood that they will leave their profession out of frustration. Therefore, promoting civility in the workplace helps promote healthy behaviors among nurses.

Theory application

Incivility in the healthcare setting has negative consequences, including providing patients with low-quality care and reduced performance among the nurses. Therefore, some of the most significant approaches the organization can use to promote workplace civility include training and educating the personnel. Training and education help the nurses in understanding the tolerated behaviors. The theory can improve the quality of care within the organization and ensure that nurses behave ethically.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies

Two strategies to address any shortcomings

One of the strategies that can be used in addressing the shortcomings revealed within the work environment assessment is maintaining effective communication. The strategy is critical in ensuring everyone within the organization understands their responsibilities. Additionally, effective communication can also help the organization during the decision-making process, which provides the nurses with an opportunity to express their opinions. Proper conversations can also assist in building a positive relationship between the nurses.

Another strategy that can be used in addressing the shortcomings is appreciating diversity within the workplace. The various aspects of diversity include ethnicity and gender differences. Therefore, promoting diversity in the workplace can play a critical role in maintaining effective coordination of tasks. Diversity can also allow nurses to understand their patients from different perspectives. That can enable the nurses to build trust with each other.

Two strategies to bolster successful practices

One of the strategies that can help bolster successful practices revealed in work environment assessment is enhancing competence during the decision-making process. Training the nurses about the various aspects of the decision-making process can help promote a good working environment. The strategy can also allow the nurses to gain the required skills to improve their performance. The skills can also be used in making effective decisions to support the nurses in the workplace. The strategy still teaches the nursing leaders the facilitation skills, which enables them to determine the strengths of the groups within the organization.

Another strategy that can be used in bolstering successful practices is enhancing autonomy by clarifying expectations. Primarily, nurses are responsible for communicating and organizing their work effectively to allow them to make effective decisions. Promoting orientation programs is one of the approaches that can be used to outline behavioral expectations within the organization. That allows the leaders to teach the nurses the strategies they can use in undertaking tasks effectively.


Promoting civility within the workplace is a critical approach that can help maintain a healthy work environment. The nurses should respect one another regardless of the existing differences. Effective communication is one of the strategies that can help promote civility in the workplace. Educating the nurses can help eliminate incivility in the workplace.


Seibel, L. M., et al. (2022). Impact of cognitive rehearsal training over time for new registered nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing53(5), 203-211.

Ota, M., et al. (2022). Nurse leadership in promoting and supporting civility in health care settings: A scoping review. Journal of Nursing Management30(8), 4221-4233.


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