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Use of CSS in the Chosen Website


CSS is a stylesheet language that describes a file written in HTML. It is not a programming language, but it is used to present the optical appearance of elements on a web page. Through its defined language, CSS has its particular syntax, guidelines, and properties that outline how HTML elements would be exhibited on a web page. This discussion will analyze how CSS aspects such as layout, responsiveness, typography, and color scheme have contributed to the ideal user experience and web design principles in the chosen web page.

One of the most significant aspects of CSS is providing a preferred layout for a website. Using CSS, you can visually lay out all your elements on your webpage. You must use the CSS position property to control how an element looks in the design (Chan, 2019). The positioning of elements on the chosen website is fantastic. The grid or flexbox has modeled the website to have well-distributed elements across the webpage. Each element is placed in its reflective location through relative positioning value to give its profound signature on the website.’s website is perfectly responsive when visited. A web page design that acclimatizes to diverse screen sizes is termed as ‘responsive’ (Selvan, 2020). The designer ensured that all layouts were designed and programmed to acclimatize to diverse screen dimensions, creating and making the website striking and suitable for any user on diverse devices. Several values have been well streamlined to create responsiveness in the website in any gadget. The layout is flexible on both large and small screens, images can be re-sized, and the fluid typography value ensures that text scales smoothly on all devices, upholding readability and graphical charm.

Typography is a vital aspect is CSS. It permits the users to outline color, the form of text, size, and spacing, which are CSS properties that make texts effortlessly clear and readable. The font is simple, large enough, and readable on any device. The changing text color when hovering gives the designer an extra credit with the eye-catching background well fitted. Text decoration and alignment are well perfected through font and theme while the responsiveness is guaranteed. The design is excellent, and every property of typography is well nourished to create perfection on the website. The live background creates a better sensation for the website by delivering an eye-catching taste of what the user will experience.

The attractiveness of a web page is created through several properties, one being the color scheme. Using the color property defines the text color and the background-color element to delineate the website’s background color. One significant fact about the Avoria website is that the designer used considerable color values, which are more attractive and make it easy to show the underlying texts. Selectors, classes, and IDs have necessitated using various colors in different places, as the designer prefers, to create a well-coordinated and attention-grabbing flow. The background, animations, and transitions are well outlined in color scheme to bring out aptness.

The above elements make the user experience easier. It is easy to navigate across the website, find preferred directives, and enjoy browsing the page. This has been enabled through the perfection of the CSS language. Each of the discussed aspects has adhered to the ideal web design principles. If any mistakes had been made, the website would have been gloomy, and some aspects would not have appeared.


The website clearly defines perfection in every CSS aspect. From the perfect and well-portioned layout to the well-scripted and ambiguous fonts, the designer ensured that the web page was modernized. The use of modern CSS language aspects makes the website livelier and eye-catching to any visitor.


Chan, J. (2019). How to use CSS position to layout a website (with example code). APRIL 7, 2019 / #CSS,use%20the%20CSS%20position%20property.

Selvan, G. (2020). How to make your HTML responsive with CSS. Agira Technologies.


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