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Understanding Social Location and Its Influence on Individual Perspectives in Society

Social location is an individual’s social standing and status in society; class is mainly based on one’s background, such as race, gender, and wealth. For instance, individuals with a higher net worth may perceive meaning in life differently from those lacking such wealth. On the same note, gender and race may shape someone’s life in their manner. Similarly, it might have to do with where you live. On the part of the place, different individuals from various parts might have viewpoints otherwise. Likewise, even education influences our specific objective. By being aware of our socialized beliefs, we can understand ourselves better and be able to embrace the views of people around us.

Sociology offers students who take the course a different perspective on approaching and interacting with others. Sociology tells about different societies and cultures, thus making you become more understanding and kind (Go, 2020). Furthermore, you discover why people do or do not act accordingly, making you a better person and enabling you to develop more patience. Additionally, it can boost interactive skills since you can see from other people’s viewpoint. In addition, it may interest you in anyone else’s heritage and anecdote.

A career in human resources is what I intend to pursue. The field of behavioral psychology can be significantly facilitated by studying sociology. Human resources educate us on different cultures and social relationships that must be understood to be on the right track with this multicultural workforce. Besides, sociology explains the concept of teamwork and group behavior in workplaces, making handling teams easy (Johnson et al., 2021). The juxtaposition can also help to resolve conflicts by making people appreciate diverse views. Furthermore, sociology has much to say regarding organizational structures and patterns.

Individualism and freedom remain the leading characteristics of a dominant culture in the U.S. People believe in the right to do as one wishes atheyjwishfor ojudgeelf. Further, emphasis on achievement and work ethic often correlates to the American Dream. Moreover, equality and justice are values people always follow, yet these values are ignored. Also, innovation and change are welcome, which demonstrates a society ready to change.

The media is a powerful medium of the culture. It controls what people think and do by guiding them through selected ideas and lifestyles. Moreover, the media often determines what is expected or in vogue, making people behave accordingly. In the same way, social media can be used to create awareness regarding important issues and contribute to social change (Saud et al., 2020). In addition, using advertising, the media influences what people buy and cherish. However, the impact can be positive, as well as negative, depending on the kind of content.

Studying other cultures is also relevant, for these contribute to the development of respect and understanding. It opens our minds to various perceptions from others, making us more open-minded. Also, cross-cultural education diminishes prejudices and stereotypes because we can see others more closely. In the same way, it may help communicate and build good relations with people from varied cultures. In addition, it informs and sometimes adds a new facet of thinking and living to our knowledge.


Go, J. (2020). Race, empire, and epistemic exclusion: Or the structures of sociological thought. Sociological Theory, 38(2), 79-100.

Johnson, S. S., Grossman, R., Miller, J. P., Christfort, K., Traylor, A. M., Schweissing, E., … & Hickman, A. (2021). Knowing well, being well: Well-being born of understanding: The science of teamwork. American Journal of Health Promotion, 35(5), 730-749.

Saud, M., Mashud, M. I., & Ida, R. (2020). Usage of social media during the pandemic: Seeking support and awareness about COVID‐19 through social media platforms. Journal of Public Affairs, 20(4), e2417.


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