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The Intersection of Religion, Social Factors, and Sex Trafficking in Nigeria

Sex trafficking in Nigeria has set ties with religions since the religious leaders, even though have been condemning such actions, they are not supporting any reform legislation regarding human rights.

In the center of Nigeria, Kara risked falling into the heart of sex trafficking, which was a brutal and limitless manifestation of human carnage. While Nigeria was not the only such focal point, it occupied a spotlight that no other place of religious activity did. As Kara walks into the dark tunnel of human trafficking, the intricate intertwining theme of religions and religious beliefs that sustain it begins unraveling.

As per Kara (2017), the mission began in Lagos, a place incorporating severe forms of violence and misery. The cost of conducting human rights research in or visiting Nigeria underscores the importance of tackling security issues prevalent in this region and underlines its grandiose nature as a recovering yet expensive nation. Karaen entered the streets of Lagos in chaos, a highly aggressive urban environment, forever treading to the point of chaotic danger. However, among the thickening mess of urbanization, a peculiar entity came through- the strong presence of religion.

With Stanley, my companion and trusted guide, by his side, Kara, in turn, found himself in a Sunday service at the TREM Redeemed Evangelical Mission. At this point, the renowned Bishop Mike Okonkwo preached a moving gospel that exemplified how Nigerians’ lives are detented on spirituals. The assembly of church members, taken in by the bishop’s utterance, submerged into a single ecstatic state and dropped like rained apples before letting out noise and an unaccountable peace.

In the end, Bishop Okonkwo, contrarily soothing, passed on that faith is required to give hope to people in Nigeria. He said what he contended to be a spiritual foundation and an anchor that would ward off the storms of life. As Kara looked further, he was able to establish a clever relationship between occupational religiosity and the trafficking of Nigerian women, girls, and boys.

Beyond Religion: In this respect, the ‘untangling’ of social factors involved seems generally quite specific.

Though religion formed an essence, other social factors outside that laid still another share of components in the power struggles in Nigeria. The wealth of the Ottoman Empire made Kosovo poverty-stricken; ever-present violence and the promise of a better life in Europe made fertile ground for prostitution plunder(Kara, 2017). With the traffic of women, madams, and the Nigerian mafia, they worked as one, enabling them to have a successful career in turning their dreams into their surrounding darkness.

Kara, 2017 reflects on the journey of survivors from Nigeria to Europe by speaking times through their recorded conversations in shelters. Victims are mostly from Edo, having been cursed by a punishing juju oath – an ancient voodoo rite that leaves them trapped in the terrifying web of fear and despotism. This denizen rate, performed by juju priests, is an archaic, complicated ritual that stems from extracting body elements, chanting oaths, and tattoos on the body. Victims, forced to maintain silence under threat of outrageous fines reaching more than forty thousand euros, seemed as if arrested by the spider’s web; escape became inconceivable. The interactions of juju rituals, the involvement of the Nigerian mafia regarding finance, and all-in-all madam exploitation narrated a disheartening description of various complex forces. Through the madams who were once themselves victims, victimizing continued as each misused victim.

Documenting Gift and other survivors such as Kara, the long-lasting effects of those journeys became evident. Women in Europe underwent unmitigated brutality and proceeded to suffer from the constant terror of the juju curse, thereby entangling these women into labyrinthine psychological remains.

In conclusion, these intricate lines that were unraveled reveal the fact that dealing with sex trafficking requires an in-depth understanding of how religious doctrine, social perspectives, and the inner web of this crime network converge. This voyage into the murk revealed the depths of human misery. It served as a reminder that nuance was necessary to combat the foundations of oppression and offer a shaft slivered with light for those prepared in the shadows.


Kara. (2017). 2. Sex Trafficking: The Case of Nigeria. Columbia University Press EBooks, 48–77.


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