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Parental Involvement in Robot-Assisted Therapy for Autism


The path of an autism child is a joint undertaking, which involves the coordination between technology advancements, skilled professionals and dedicated parents (Van Den Berk-Smeekens np). Research reveals the crucial role and all advantages that results from parents’ participation in robot-assisted therapy for autism. However, above and beyond technology development and therapeutic approaches, is the unique partnership between parents and children with augmentative assistive technologies of intervention that usher in a new age for autism support. One of the potential methods for enhancing social skills and communication in ASD children is robot-assisted therapy van den (Berk-Smeekens, Iris, et al. np). Instead, parental involvement is noteworthy as an essential element of treatment success through robotic intervention (Kim, SunKyoung et al., p. 39). Thus, this paper seeks to integrate knowledge on the influence of parental involvement in robotic therapy for autism and highlight its strengths from limitations

The Landscape of Robot-Assisted Therapy for Autism

The therapeutic landscape for individuals with autism spectrum disorder has been dramatically changed in the recent years. The dramatic transformation is due to the introduction of robots within treatment modalities (Van Den Berk-Smeekens np). Robot-assisted therapy has a bright future in dealing with difficulties that are specific to people with autism. This technology provides innovative and flexible techniques of developing social and cognitive skills. Research dives into the complex terrain of robot therapy to investigate its fundamental components. Research also aims to explore advantages and disadvantages and how this technology therapeutically interacts with autism intervention. The technological basis of robot therapy for autism is high and modern technology. Over the last two decades, advanced robotics and artificial intelligence have combined with human-robot interaction closing into interactive & socially responsive robots (Van Den Berk-Smeekens np). During this time, these robots were created to interact with people suffering from autism and their inflexible space is an ideal environment for therapy sessions. Robot-assisted therapy uses robots to engage with autism patients and improve various skills (Berk-Smeekens, Iris, et al.. np). This study will describe the current models of robot-assisted therapy involving types of technologies and therapeutic mechanisms incorporated into these interventions.

The Importance and benefits of Parental Involvement in Robot-Assisted Therapy for Autism

Parental involvement is finally receiving focus due to its critical role in the success or failure of autism therapy methods. Therefore, it is important to note that parents are key partners in the journey of development for their child. Active parental involvement during robot-assisted therapy produces a wide range of advantages (Amirova, Aida, et al. np). This section will discuss the rationale for parental involvement in RAT administration to improve outcomes. To begin with, the involvement in the evaluation address the scope of co-therapy through home transferring skills. Generally, it is possible to reveal positive sides regarding parental involvement, which can be envisioned through a critical analysis of van den literature (Berk-Smeekens, Iris et al. np). Such might be greater overall acquired skills and better compliance to therapy. Involvement is also important away from a clinical setting and increased social-emotional support for the child. Practical situations and case studies may indicate positive parental engagement (Amirova, Aida, et al. np).

Parents also get an exceptional chance to perform collective activities by taking part in robot-assisted therapy. This unity offers a deeper parent-child relationship that leads to the nutritional satisfaction of both parent and child (Amirova, Aida, et al. np). The cooperative nature of therapy sessions improves positive behavioral interactions between members of the family. Lastly, collaboration between parents and therapists is possible due to the active involvement of the parents. This cooperation creates a united and harmonious intervention style towards the child (Van Den Berk-Smeekens np). Therapists can offer suggestions, discuss the child’s development progressively and modify strategies so they meet family objectives as well individual dynamics. Therefore, the concept of parental involvement in robot-assisted therapy for autism goes far beyond these sessions. The notion acts as a driving force of healthy and long-term development. Ultimately, it encourages the spread of abilities, strengthening family cohesion, and parental power to improve child’s welfare (Amirova, Aida, et al. np). With the advent of robot-assisted therapy as a promising emerging field, it is important to understand and promote parental contribution in ensuring that long-term benefits are derived from intervention.

Challenges and Barriers

Even though the potential benefits are worthwhile, many challenges and barriers to effective parental involvement in robot-assisted therapy continue. Technological literacy and the emotional impact on parents are two major challenges (Berk-Smeekens, Iris, et al. np). Luckily, some strategies and interventions have been recommended to promote parental involvement in robot-assisted therapy. These include training courses, upkeep mechanisms and technology-oriented assets for suggestions to exploit the parental commitment (Kamran, Ali, et al. np). These strategies are anticipated to increase parental participation in robotic treatment for autism and its broader effect on children’s and families’ health with ASD.


Finally, this informative research paper is a fusion of the existing awareness concerning parental commitment to robot-assisted treatment for autism. Literature evaluation, barrier identification, and strategy implementation all seek to improve parent engagement in robot therapy to boost autism deployment effectiveness.

Works Cited

Amirova, Aida, et al. “Effects of Parental Involvement in Robot-Assisted Autism Therapy.” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Jan. 2022,

Kamran, Ali, et al. “In-The-Wild Affect Analysis of Children with ASD Using Heart Rate.” Sensors, vol. 23, no. 14, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, July 2023, pp. 6572–72, Accessed 24 Aug. 2023.

Kim, SunKyoung, et al. “Parental Influence in Disengagement during Robot-Assisted Activities: A Case Study of a Parent and Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 6, no. 5, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, May 2022, pp. 39–39, Accessed 19 Jan. 2024.

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van den Berk-Smeekens, Iris, et al. “Adherence and Acceptability of a Robot-Assisted Pivotal Response Treatment Protocol for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, May 2020, p. 8110, Accessed 26 Mar. 2022.

van den Berk-Smeekens, Iris, et al. “Pivotal Response Treatment with and without Robot-Assistance for Children with Autism: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, June 2021, Accessed 22 July 2021.


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