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Organization Culture: Improving Collaborative Processes at Walmart

Walmart is a global retail company. Due to its size, it has a complex organizational structure and diverse retail formats (Grill-Goodman, 2022). Its success stems from an extensive product range and strategic presence in different parts of the world. Coping with challenges of its size causes collaboration of its operation systems. These happen in effective coordination, cross-functional collaboration, and cultural sensitivity. Ensuring consistent information flow and standardizing processes are pivotal for operational efficiency. As such, Walmart adopted Wrike, a technology to enhance teamwork and collaboration.

The Issue

Walmart encountered a need for standardized processes within the broader Walmart International context, which affected its teamwork collaboration. Despite the successful implementation of Wrike in specific teams within Walmart, the company still needed help coordinating. This lack of coherence presented a barrier to seamless collaboration and efficient workflow (Mutis & Ramachandran, 2021). This affected the structuring of organizational efficiency as postulated by the Bureaucratic Model, which postulates that organizations must have a clear focus on interpersonal relationships. However, the organization’s size affects the interpersonal coordination of various functions (Grill-Goodman, 2022). The challenge extended beyond Wrike’s successful application in specific teams. Overcoming this diversity became a substantial obstacle. It prompted the organization to invest considerable time addressing intricacies and navigating bureaucratic challenges (Martono et al., 2020).

Wrike Implementation to Solve the Issue

Walmart expanded the Wrike work management platform internationally. This expansion enhanced the incorporation of over 1,000 new users across diverse teams. The platform facilitated a unified digital workspace for cross-departmental collaboration. The technology promotes collaboration by providing unparalleled visibility and control over projects and resources (Martono et al., 2020). The platform’s adaptability was evident in its capacity to offer customized features. These were tailored to the specific needs of individual teams, ensuring flexibility to meet the distinct requirements of diverse departments.


Wrike’s implementation was instrumental in steering the seamless collaboration across the companies (Grill-Goodman, 2022). The operational complexities impeded personal collaborations and produced standardized operational approaches (Martono et al., 2020). The platform’s success is evident in its adaptability to individual teams. The streamlined communication and effective organization of cross-functional projects also characterize it.


Walmart must implement specific recommendations to improve collaboration within the complex team structure. The first recommendation is the implementation of continuous training programs for using the Wrike platform. This implementation would ensure that employees are conversant with the technology to improve their operational relationship (Martono et al., 2020). Secondly, the company must establish a robust feedback mechanism, gathering user insights across different teams (Grill-Goodman, 2022). This action would target specific areas for improvement, facilitating the continuous enhancement of the Wrike platform. Lastly, the organization should explore opportunities for scalability by expanding Wrike’s implementation to additional teams and departments (Mutis & Ramachandran, 2021). Exploring opportunities would promote a standardized and consistent work management method.


Walmart’s collaborative culture in its complex collaborative structure has been using technology, Wrike, thus enhancing the coordination of activities, which supports interwork relationships. The company has experienced streamlined communication and effective organization of cross-functional projects. As a result, Walmart evolved continuously and achieved sustained success in the dynamic retail industry.


Grill-Goodman, J. (16 May 2022). Walmart underpins a new era of work management. Retail Infor Systems.

Martono, S., KHOIRUDDIN, M., WIJAYANTO, A., RIDLOAH, S., WULANSARI, N. A., & Udin, U. D. I. N. (2020). Increasing teamwork, organizational commitment, and effectiveness through implementing collaborative resolution. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB)7(6), 427-437.

Mutis, I., & Ramachandran, A. (2021). The Bimbot: Mediating technology for enacting coordination in teamwork collaboration. Journal of Information Technology in Construction26.


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