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Nursing Journey Reflection


I am Tenzin. I am originally from Tibet and was brought up in an Indian refugee camp. From the early stages, my life was influenced by the unfortunate death of my grandfather at home because they could not afford to take him to a hospital. This ignited within me a sense of profound desire to join the healthcare industry. However, I did not achieve my Indian dream of becoming a nursing professional because there was no money, but the opportunities that came with landing in America changed everything. I started a journey with the GED program that helped me obtain employment as a Nursing Assistant, and I have devoted myself to this profession for ten years since then. My voyage shows the hardiness, adaptability and continuous drive to contribute substantially to health care. In every step I take, my passion for nursing and its transformative ability to change individuals’ lives and communities remains fervent, driving me closer towards making a long-term impact on those in need.

Professional Organization and its Influence

ICN is one of the most powerful organisations that are working to develop nursing on an international level. The International Council of Nurses aims to provide worldwide nursing representation and leadership to ensure quality care and implement policies on nursing practice that will improve healthcare outcomes through innovations pertinent to promoting matters (Steward et al., 2020). Their mission is to enhance access to quality health services and attain recognition of nurses’ contributions. The goals of the ICN include issues relating to staff safety and ethically sound nursing practices for professional growth and influence health policies. They define and fashion the nursing profession by setting up practice standards, providing educational materials, advocating for nurses’ rights, and better working terms. Integrating nurses into the organisation emphasises holistic care and working in interdisciplinary teams.

The ICN provides guidance, assistance and motivation to individual nurses. Nurses’ perception of ethical responsibilities is specified due to their standards and expectations for professional practice. The advocacy campaigns of the ICN inspire nurses to become change agents who solve structural issues in healthcare (Rosa et al., 20 3). The organisation’s educational offerings and its focus on research promote ongoing learning and evidence-based practice among nurses, improving patient outcomes and the wider nursing community. Though they have a positive impact, the ICN also points to challenges and inequities in health care that nurses must address through advocating for fair provision of resources and just workplaces. However, the ICN contributes to the development of the nursing profession, guiding nurses towards improvement in healthcare.

QCC Nursing Program

My nursing journey has never been the same after attending the QCC Nursing Program, as this program helped shape my knowledge base and provided me with valuable assets I needed to acquire in practice. Comprehensive education and the hermetic curriculum of the program with professional faculty have been indispensable for my development as a nurse. A strong point of the program is Evidence-Based Practice. On a more specific level, during course assignments and project work, I understood that up-to-date research findings should be integrated into nursing interventions. This attitude toward evidence-based practice has developed within me an appreciation for staying informed and actively pursuing the continuous improvement of my clinical skills.

The program has promoted the code of professionalism and ethics as well. I have learned the importance of adhering to ethical guidelines, maintaining patient confidentiality and championing patients’ rights. These values are a core aspect of my nursing practice and have also influenced how I interact with patients’ confessional colleagues and an advantage border health care team. The idea of collaboration and teamwork is emphasised in the entire program. Group projects and clinical rotations have, in turn, helped me understand the value of efficient communication and teamwork with multi-disciplinary professionals. This has prepared me so that I can now contribute efficiently to the healthcare team and provide whole-sided care to patients.

In all, the QCC Nursing Program has played a beneficial role in preparing me for becoming a nurse. The program’s emphasis on evidence-based practice, professionalism, and teamwork has significantly influenced my journey to becoming a nurse. The educational background and the help I received from my academic mentors have prepared me to bring positive change in health care, making a difference by providing top-quality patient treatment.

Influential of Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale, the historical icon of nursing, has inspired many aspiring Nurse Practitioners. The nursing profession was revolutionised by Nightingale’s contributions during the Crimean War, and a model for modern-day practice was formed. She managed to achieve profound declines in death rates among wounded soldiers due to her dedication to improving sanitation and hygiene in health spaces (Grant, 2021). Nightingale’s focus on evidence-based practice and healing environment creation has also been passed down to modern nursing. Her commitment and vision embody the essence of nurses, making us remember an individual nurse can make a big difference not only in patient outcomes but also for the whole profession. By emulating the success of Nightingale, nurses can see their way to carrying on compassionate care and touching the lives of humanity in a special, unique manner.

Area of Contribution

In the study and practice of nursing, one aspect that makes me enthusiastic and feel strongly about is palliative care. Palliative care is grounded in the idea of enhancing the quality of life for people with terminal illnesses by meeting their physical, psychological and spiritual needs. Through specialisation in palliative care, I can provide valuable support to patients and their families when things are challenging. Given my personal beliefs, patient-centred care, compassion, and holistic support are the core principles of palliative nursing. To explore this area further, I read an article titled ” Palliative Care Communication: Outcomes from COMFORT™ 8480;, a train-the-trainer course for providers by Wittenberg et al. (2019) in Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Communication was very important in the article, providing meaningful and appropriate care to patients and their families. Reading this article strengthened my belief in the significance of palliative care. It increased my interest in understanding different communication strategies that can improve patients’ lives within such a specialised area.


When I look back at my journey towards nursing, the impact of organisations such as the ICN, with programs like those offered by QCC, and the inspiration of heroic nurses like Florence Nightingale influenced me to pursue a career in nursing. My nursing views reflect these underpinnings and have contributed to my motivation to deliver compassionate, evidence-based care for future patients. With a strong interest in palliative care, I look forward to participating actively in this specialised sector and helping individuals and families struggling with significant diseases. Through the accumulation of communication and holistic care expertise, I wish to improve patients’ experiences in palliative settings and create favourable conditions for those suffering. I want to be a compassionate advocate of people’s well-being, a ceasing learner, and a change driver in the lives of individuals entrusted to my care.


Grant, S. (2022). Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism (p. 336). Cornell University Press.

Rosa, W. E., Burnett, C., Butler, C., Rolle, P., Salvage, J., Wignall, A., & Mason, D. J. (2021). The ICN Global Nursing Leadership Institute: integrating the SDGs into leadership and policy development. The American journal of nursing121(12), 54.

Stewart, D., Kennedy, A., Schober, M., & Duignan, M. (2020). International council of nurses. Advanced practice nursing leadership: A Global perspective, 15-23.

Wittenberg, E., Goldsmith, J., Ferrell, B., Buller, H., Mendoza, Y., & Ragan, S. L. (2020). Palliative Care Communication: Outcomes from COMFORT™ 8480;, a train-the-trainer course for providers. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing24(1).


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