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Effectively Managing the Achievement Gap of Socioeconomic Issues


Learners’ performance can be altered by multiple factors within the school at home and even by more significant social and economic issues. An educator like me must be keen and apply my knowledge of various achievement gaps to help all learners reach their best level. Some research-based practices, such as family and community engagement and individualization of education, can be helpful. However, to tactfully navigate the problem, there is a need for multicultural sensitivity, effective communication, and continuous learning as personal and professional dispositions of an educator. Integration of social-emotional learning is also essential in addressing achievement gaps. On that note, this reflection sheds light on effectively managing the achievement gap of socioeconomic issues.

Research-Based Practices

Engagement of Family and Community

From my research, I recommend using this strategy to address the issues that hinder learners’ performance. This strategy involves ensuring that the family and community a learner comes from is a specific part to play in their learning activities (Bryan et al., 2020). By so doing then, learners have the support it takes from essential figures in their lives to progress academically. Ideally, support results in good wellbeing and stability for learners. In the long run, performance issues arising from lack of support or stability are no more. For example, research shows that parents with more education and income are more active in the learning of their young ones, who perform better than learners from poorer backgrounds (Henry, 2020). Using this strategy in a class means ensuring that the parent of each learner equally takes part in the learning of the young one to ensure that children whose parents have less concern for education also partake. In the long run, gaps that influence the levels of support that learners get from their parents are resolved.

On the other hand, community engagement comes in handy to ensure reasonable access to resources and learning materials(Bryan et al., 2020). Communication engagement can eliminate cultural limitations such as stereotypes and backward practices associated with socioeconomic gaps. This strategy also addresses social-economic issues.

Individualization Of Education

Notably, this is one of the most important things to do when addressing social and economic gaps. An educator needs to understand each learner as per the needs, gaps, and strategies that are unique to all. By so doing, a comprehensive learning plan is born to ensure each learner thrives to the fullest (Shemshack & Spector, 2020). Individualization can work with smaller learners to ensure each gets adequate attention from the educator to ensure they grasp content along the way. It also means less distraction and more focus on learning. Notably, it is the study of a learner to understand their unique needs and develop teaching strategies as per those needs. This strategy addresses the achievement gaps that arise from learners having different social and economic gaps. Understanding where a learner comes from can shed light on the level of attention and strategies to use with them.

Personal And Professional Dispositions

One needs multicultural sensitivity, effective communication, and continuous learning to successfully use research-based strategies or address achievement gaps. Multicultural sensitivity involves understanding that people come from different backgrounds, affecting their way of life and thinking(Fuller et al., 2021). As such, when working with people, one understands, acknowledges, and respects differences. As an educator, multicultural sensitivity should lead to creating an inclusive and respectful learning environment for learners of different backgrounds; as such, it addresses every learner respectfully and fairly while urging all learners to do the same. Notably, it means not prompting stereotypical and discriminative perspectives in learning content. At the end of the day, every learner will feel safe and welcome to participate and gain the best from the class. The sensitivity also extends to working with parents from different backgrounds or a diversified community.

Effective communication is also equally important. When speaking to students, the communication should be clear, respectful, and sensitive (Jobirovna et al.,2023). As an educator, communication should arise from a study of the context and developing a message that aligns with and is sensitive. Even with language barriers, communication should be clear to ensure the recipient understands the message. Respect is also crucial, which involves the absence of insults or vulgar language.

Most importantly, as an educator, I must give whoever I am speaking to, a learner or a parent, an opportunity to voice their views. Doing so creates a good working relationship, with everyone equally participating in the learning and development. Children are more able to open up, and parents get a platform to share views, which could take the education of their young ones to the next level.

As an educator seeking to address achievement gaps, I must also pursue continuous learning. I will keep learning about the problems and ways to address the issues. So, one gets to apply relevant and practical education approaches and strategies. Significantly, one can keep up with topics and trends as they arise, ensuring that learners are included. Continuous learning can allow learners to express themselves and share their views so I can better understand them. Hence, learning is adjusted to their needs and preferences. This disposition involves giving parents a voice and learning from them when working with parents. At the same time, I can educate parents on various strategies so we are better able to enhance performance.

Integrating Social -Emotional Aspects

In addition, the role of social-emotional skills must be addressed when addressing learning gaps. Throughout work, I have learned that learners’ social interactions and emotions are significant to their learning. Students with better mental health are more likely to do better than those with poor mental health(Bryan et al., 2020). Creating an environment where learners feel supported and can express themselves is very important. The rules and guidelines within the class should lean towards healthy and respectful interactions for learners.

Moreover, a supportive environment needs a sensitive educator who can identify learners’ emotions and help them overcome challenges (Fuller et al., 2021). For example, if a child is sad, I should be able to take notes and provide some counseling. Another way to integrate social-emotional learning is to help learners improve their social and emotional wellbeing. Learners must be taught how to address social interactions and navigate emotions to thrive in and out of the learning environment. Putting social-emotional skills to work can help identify and resolve social and economic gaps, such as when talking to students or parents.


Research-based practices, personal or professional dispositions, and social-emotional learning can effectively address achievement gaps. As an educator, I find research-based practices precious to my teaching and interaction strategies when addressing social and economic problems. Personal or professional depositions such as sensitivity, communication, and continuous learning are complementary. Equally important is the application of social-emotional learning. The above reflection shows the key to addressing socioeconomic gaps as an educator.


Bryan, J., Williams, J. M., & Griffin, D. (2020). Fostering educational resilience and opportunities in urban schools through equity-focused school–family–community partnerships. Professional School Counseling23(1_part_2), 2156759X19899179.

Fuller, M., Kamans, E., van Vuuren, M., Wolfensberger, M., & de Jong, M. D. (2021). Conceptualizing empathy competence: A professional communication perspective. Journal of Business and Technical Communication35(3), 333-368.

Henry, D. A., Betancur Cortés, L., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2020). Black–White achievement gaps differ by family socioeconomic status from early childhood through early adolescence. Journal of Educational Psychology112(8), 1471.

Jobirovna, A. J. (2023). Qualities of an Ideal Teacher. American Journal of Language, Literacy, and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769)1(10), 437-443.

Shemshack, A., & Spector, J. M. (2020). A systematic literature review of personalized learning terms. Smart Learning Environments, 7(1), 1-20.


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