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Data Collection and Plan for Analysis

The project implementation involved providing an educational program for participants to enhance their knowledge of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). The outcome measures include the patients rightfully treated under the Baker Act and Patients wrongfully held under the Baker Act. The data collection and analysis plan relies on the outcome measures to ensure accurate and reliable results (Muthiah et al., 2020). The project aims to improve APRN knowledge of the Florida Baker Act and enhance patients’ and nurses’ safety at the outpatient clinic. Therefore, data collection focuses on the number of patients who meet the Baker Act criteria for examination and treatment. The data source for this project includes staff training records, which provide data on the number of APRNs trained and educated on the Act and the patient records that determine the patients rightfully treated under the Baker Act and those wrongfully examined under the Baker Act. Data from patient records and staff training records are checked weekly, and data is collected to determine the effect of the educational program. This data is collected on a USB and has been provided electronically in an Excel file which will be analyzed to gain insight on the impact of the education.

As the project champion and with the help of my preceptor, I have obtained the number of patients rightfully treated under the Baker Act and Patients wrongfully held from medical records for three months before and three months after the staff education and training. This data is uploaded to a password-protected personal computer in a private office awaiting analysis. So far, there has been improved APRN knowledge of the Florida Baker Act reflected in the number of patients wrongfully treated and rightfully treated under the Baker Act (Khalil et al., 2019). My preceptor will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of staff education after the clinical practicum. The technique utilized to gather the data aligns with the project’s goal and the practice-focused question, giving the necessary information to address it adequately. The data-gathering process is carried out precisely and consistently to preserve data integrity and reduce bias.

After the data is gathered, I use the proper data management tools to arrange it in an organized manner and ensure that it is clean enough for analysis by looking for errors and missing values. Data analysis is the following action that comes after data collection. The plan for data analysis is to compare the prospective data to retrospective data to determine if the project objectives have been achieved and evaluate the outcome measures using comparative statistics. My analysis strategy entails examining the gathered data. Statistical software will analyze and apply the selected statistical test to the data. I will use the appropriate statistical tests to extract meaningful insights and draw conclusions based on the project’s objective.

Assessing the Scorecard

Since my scorecard records the data entered every week, I think it is both functional and effective in measuring these characteristics. The scorecard’s components and structure are in line with the intended measurements and capture the critical factors that are crucial for evaluating the intended result. Also, the scorecard is functional as the data collection techniques are dependable, consistent, and yield accurate data about the variables being measured. The scoring system makes is logical, reliable, and captures the goal of the measurement (Gazi et al., 2022). The intended results are accurately captured in the scoring system. In addition, I have solicited input from stakeholders and my preceptor, who are conversant with the scorecard’s objective, and examined their views and assessments of the scorecard’s effectiveness. They concurred that by gathering all the reliable and legitimate facts, the scorecard successfully measures the objectives for which it was designed. I have always taken into account their input to guarantee precise and high-quality data. To make sure the trends match the anticipated results and measures, I will keep track of and monitor the data gathered via the scorecard.

Managing the Dashboard

Moreover, I make sure that the dashboard is updated every week with the latest information that has been gathered. This makes the data more accurate and high-quality, with no room for error or missing values. I have determined the key performance indicators (KPI) to monitor, such as patients examined and treated rightfully or wrongfully under the Baker Act (Kerzner, 2022). Since the constant data is given at a glance on the dashboard, managing the data is made more efficient. The dashboard makes it easy for all project participants to see the status and forecasts of the project. Also, I have customized the dashboard structure to display the particular needs and outcome metrics. These may be readily examined to obtain additional information. My project manager helped me set up the dashboard so that I could track task status and the team’s progress in addition to viewing project statistics in real-time. The dashboard shows the overall performance and development of the project, which has helped me see any risks and take preventative action.


When it comes to organized data collection and analysis, I employ a systematic approach to ensure efficiency and accuracy. For this project, the data collection entails obtaining information from dependable sources, primarily staff training records and patient records, to guarantee the precision and dependability of the data. The collected data has been meticulously organized and arranged in an Excel file, securely stored, and ready for analysis. The objectives and aims of the data analysis perfectly align with the project’s intended goals and correspond with the scorecard’s intended measurements. I intend to apply proper statistical procedures and techniques to examine the data and draw meaningful conclusions and trends.


Gazi, F., Atan, T., & Kılıç, M. (2022). The assessment of internal indicators on the balanced scorecard measures of sustainability. Sustainability14(14), 8595

Khalil, A. I., Felemban, R., & Tunker, R. (2019). Impact of an educational intervention in enhancing nurses’ knowledge of psychiatric patients’ ethical and legal rights. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice9(10), 1.

Kerzner, H. (2022). Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley & Sons.

Muthiah, P., Naidu, R. S., Badzis, M., Nayan, N. F. M., Rahim, R. A., & Aziz, N. H. A. (2020). Qualitative Research: Data Collection and Data Analysis Techniques-(UUM Press). UUM Press.


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