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Careers in IT Audit

Tax analysts and auditors are among the main points in the investigation of wealth and corruption in people or financial transactions. The main aim is to raise awareness among professionals about the signs of abuse and their legal rights to report these complaints to legal authorities (OECD, 2013). This document contains essential decisions, strategies, and actions that tax auditors and auditors must take when performing their duties to combat bribery and corruption.

The article starts by introducing the tax auditors and auditors’ importance. Their job is to examine the information of millions of taxpayers around the world. The report states that these professionals may need to recognize signs of bribery or corruption and should be careful when they see these signs. More importantly, wealth and corruption do not qualify for tax relief, but income from corruption is taxable.

This article distinguishes between the signs and symptoms that lead to two broad categories of allergies or disorders. Actions that may be taken for deception or concealment, also known as overt signals, are different from actions taken deliberately for the same reason and are called behavioral patterns (OECD, 2013). The guidance advises tax inspectors and auditors to use their tests and assessments, in addition to judgment, to find these signs.

To help the tax examiners and auditors find corruption, the article proposes a risk-based model that involves intelligence, awareness, and training. The handbook is a tool for raising awareness by selecting high-risk areas and describing general and specific signs of bribery or corruption. It also highlights the role of identifying and preventing bribes for tax reasons, as well as refers to referral to law enforcement authorities in case of suspicions of corruption.

The tax examiners and auditors are hence advised to be keen during the examination plan and compliance checks in cases that may lead to bribes. Such valuable sources of information are internal audit reports, media reports, the internet, and tip-offs mentioned in the article. Further, it recommends reviewing compliance checks regarding secret funds procedures, reviewing reports to regulating bodies’ scrutiny, and inspecting foreign entities and open sources.

The article discusses the flow of information between tax administrations at national levels and across borders. It emphasizes the need for proper inter-agency coordination and information sharing. The handbook details legal instruments that promote international collaboration, including Double Tax Conventions and Tax Information Exchange Agreements.

When signs of potential bribery or corruption are identified, tax examiners and auditors have step-by-step instructions (OECD, 2013). This entails undertaking additional investigations on the basis of national laws, disallowing deductions from bribes, and taxing corruption gains. The paper stresses the difference between determining civil liability for tax and criminality, thus asking the tax auditor to refer cases if suspicions arise.

To conclude, the paper highlights the importance of tax examiners and auditors in the global fight against corruption. It offers actionable advice for these practitioners on how to identify, respond to, and report fraud suspicions, thereby bolstering the integrity of the global financial system.

Job Posting Summary: Summer 2025 – IT Audit Associate I (Denver)


Armanino LLP is looking for a result-oriented IT Audit Associate I to work in Denver, explicitly conducting audit engagements related to ISO, Cybersecurity, SOC I, SOC II, and others (“Summer 2025 – IT Audit Associate I (Denver),” 2024). This position requires the analysis of submitted evidence regarding audit data and information systems, as well as drawing valid conclusions based on such evidence. The candidate is engaging in live interviews with C Suite clients to acquire knowledge of the current state processes and ascertain controls and weaknesses in client information management systems.


  • Legal authorization to work in the U.S. without employer sponsorship.
  • Current enrollment in a bachelor’s or master’s program in management information systems, information systems, computer science, or a related field.

Preferred Qualifications

  • A final graduation date between December 2024 and August 2025 is strongly preferred.

Self-Assessment: IT Audit Skills

  1. Technical Proficiency – Current Rating: 4.5/5

4.5 indicates a substantial basis in management information systems relative to ISO, Cybersecurity, SOC I, SOC II, and related technologies (1). However, I admit that my expertise in some technologies and sophisticated audit techniques requires further development, which necessitates targeted training to improve my technical skills more excellent (Ham et al., 2020).

  1. Analytical Skills – Current Rating: 4.0/5

I have shown an ability to analyze intricate data and information systems, which are essential in IT auditing. Although my competence is good, I understand that additional improvement in my skills in data analytics and statistical analysis is necessary to derive even sharper insights from the audit evidence (Ham et al., 2020). This gap will be addressed through enrolling in advanced analytics courses that will help me improve my analytical skills.

  1. Communication Skills – Current Rating: 3/5

Although I have been able to demonstrate technical concepts effectively, my score of 3 means that my ability to adapt communication for non-technical stakeholders needs improvement. In order to advocate for better communication, I will actively participate in workshops and exercises that are dedicated exclusively to making technical audit findings accessible and understandable for various readers.

  1. Research and Adaptability – Current Rating: 3.5/5

My rating of 3.5 simulates a commitment to keeping current with developments in my industry by recognizing the ongoing need for adaptation. However, I understand that there is still enough space to enhance the efficiency of my research process (Barac et al., 2020). In the future, I intend to improve ways to retrieve helpful information quickly through advanced search methods and specialized IT audit techniques.

  1. Legal and regulatory knowledge – Current rating: 2.5/5

Although I have a basic understanding of the legal and regulatory aspects of IT auditing, my score of 2.5 indicates a need for in-depth acumen. To bridge this gap and better understand this vital area, I plan to take specialized courses focusing on legal and compliance processes in IT auditing (Barac et al., 2020).

In conclusion, this self-assessment demonstrates my commitment to improvement projects in areas where further improvement is needed. By completing these skills, I want to increase my overall skills and competitiveness in IT auditing.


Barac, K., Plant, K., Kunz, R., & Kirstein, M. (2020). Generic skill profiles of future accountants and auditors – moving beyond attributes. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learningahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

Ham, C., Hann, R. N., Rabier, M., & Wang, W. (2020). Auditor Skill Demands and Audit Quality: Evidence from Job Postings. SSRN Electronic Journal.

OECD. (2013). The role of tax examiners and tax auditors. OECD EBooks, pp. 15–18.

Summer 2025 – IT Audit Associate I (Denver). (2024, January 18). Indeed.


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