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Assessing and Developing My Leadership Traits: A Reflective Analysis

Based on the scores from the Leadership Traits Questionnaire, my strongest leadership traits are articulation, perseverance, determination, trustworthiness, dependability, conscientiousness, and diligence. I scored a 5 on each of these traits, indicating I strongly agree that I possess these qualities. My weakest traits are outgoingness and friendliness, as I scored a 3 on both, meaning I am neutral regarding whether I exhibit these traits. As Northouse notes, strong leaders tend to rate highly in traits like “achievement, motivation, honesty, and cognitive ability,” which aligns with my self-assessment (52-53)

Authentic vs Developed Traits.

Some of my traits, like trustworthiness, determination, and diligence, are more authentic to my core personality. In contrast, others, like articulation and conscientiousness, have strengthened over time through experience and concerted effort. Five years ago, I would have rated myself less highly in many leadership capacities. However, as I have taken on more leadership roles, I have worked to develop skills like public speaking, organization, and empathy. While changing fundamental personality traits presents a challenge, focusing my energy on leadership development has yielded growth. As Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy explain, leadership traits are “relatively stable over time” but can evolve through “conscious experience and effort to learn leadership skills” (52).

Ineffective Leadership Traits

If I could change one of my leadership traits, I would work on being more outgoing and friendly. Although I am introverted by nature, developing stronger extroverted qualities could help me connect better with people and build effective teams. To become more outgoing, I plan to practice public speaking regularly, initiate more conversations, and arrange occasional group social activities. I will also strive to exhibit more warmth and kindness in my daily interactions. While changing innate dispositions requires time and discipline, incremental steps can foster gradual improvement.

When reflecting on ineffective leaders, I have known that common problematic traits include low self-confidence, lack of trustworthiness, and poor communication skills. For example, one previous supervisor doubted her capabilities, which led to indecision and stagnation. She was overly concerned about risk and made changes very slowly, causing frustration (Northouse 54). Another leader I knew was evasive and regularly broke promises, eroding team morale and productivity. He shared information on a need-to-know basis only. He provided inadequate context for decisions (Hughes et al. 56). Several poor leaders needed to gain basic communication skills like active listening, speaking articulately, and providing clear direction. Teams felt they needed clarification about priorities and often failed to meet expectations as a result.

Optimizing Leadership Capabilities

While personality certainly shapes leadership abilities, situational factors, and acquired skills also play key roles. The culture and goals of an organization must align with a leader’s traits to ensure success. Intentionally developing critical skills can help compensate for natural weaknesses. For instance, leaders who are low in sociability can improve relationship-building through training (Northouse 63). Overall, optimal leadership stems from self-awareness, playing to innate strengths, and cultivating learned abilities.


My leadership traits questionnaire and reflection reveal a mixture of inherent qualities and evolving competencies. By acknowledging weaker areas, I can purposefully augment them with knowledge and practice. Leadership is a continual journey of self-discovery, flexibility, and growth. Regular assessment and mindful improvement will help sustain my development as challenges arise. Above all, striving for authenticity allows me to leverage natural advantages while still expanding my capacities. An effective leader leverages personality and cultivates skills in an optimal balance.

Works Cited

Hughes, Richard L., Robert C. Ginnett, and Gordon J. Curphy. Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. McGraw-Hill Education, 2012, p. 56.

Northouse, Peter G. Leadership: Theory and Practice. SAGE Publications, 2019, pp. 52-53, 63.


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