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A Comparative Analysis of News Coverage

For this analysis, I chose to review two different news sources: Yahoo News and the National Hockey League (NHL) official website. Based on the newsworthiness criteria presented. Thus. I can develop three newsworthy stories taken from each source shown above.

Yahoo News

1.SpaceX-NASA ISS Cargo Resupply Mission:

The first paragraph of this article discusses the successful launching of a Space X Falcon 9 rocket with Cygnus carrying resupply for ISS. The press coverage of advances in space exploration today is cited for generating a vast interest among media consumers, mainly owing to the technological feats and prospects of such achievements for future space endeavours.

Microsoft’s Gaming Revenue

The story’s subject is the report on Microsoft declaring its financial data for fiscal year 2024 – second quarter performance. Although it is mainly newsworthy due to its consequences, a few other aspects make this piece enjoyable. While writing any dispute between two companies brings some excitement into the story, in this case, the impact of Tech’s failure goes far beyond simply the company and those directly involved with it; investors and even employees could suffer some financial losses because of this Major corporations like Microsoft often take the limelight regarding their statements since they affect trade and eventually tears in the economy.

USCIS H-1B Program Changes:

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services added some new steps to improve the integrity of the H-1b visa program (ALM Media, 2018). This story is important because of the possible influence on immigration, tech companies, and its two foreign workers in the wake of a global setting where immigration policies and labour market systems keep changing; the topic has come at a convenient time and given its relative relevance.

Barzal Selected to 2024 NHL All-Star Weekend

An NHL Skills Competition participant, Mathew Barzal, whose name stands high in the hockey arena, is also ready to participate in 2024. This is news per the sports aspect of Barzal’s organizational position, his importance in this area, and general people’s interest in seeing a significant game (New et al., 2024). Sports followers have been emotionally bound to it, so on and over, except the All-Star Weekend of the National Hockey League has an exclusive hype.

Revamped NHL All-Star Skills Competition Format

There is a new arrangement for the All-Star Skills Competition, which takes place in the NHL, and players would be twelve to compete against each other, representing eight events (NHL, 2024). This is event-worthy because of its risky impact on sports followers and the unconventionality of the format change, which might affect competition relations and perception.

NHL All-Star Skills Competition Prize

The league described a precision of points and a $ 1 million purse for the winner of the All-Star Skills Competition (NHL, 2023). This story is significant due to the size of the award and anticipation for the increased competition stage, which many commentators have observed needs to align with their expectations.

Most likely to be selected for this group are the stories that cover a sense of topicality, the mass influence of many people, and the involvement of names or organizations that would recognize interest. The planned SpaceX-NASA mission and the report from Microsoft stand out because they have a perception in their respective industries, which involve their future developments. Though USCIS’s story is significant, it has social and economic backgrounds. In comparison, the stories from the NHL may not be less influential worldwide, but they are exceptionally relevant and have a vast emotional appeal to sports fanatics. They have been an enjoyable read.

Regarding the potential pitching by a PR agent for such stories, the financial report from Microsoft seems to be the most fitting in this case. It could have been issued under the auspices of Microsoft’s PR team to safeguard the image and ensure a positive mean vote on their level of performance. Such strategic communication is prevalent in large corporations to keep itself in place through public image and investor confidence.


ALM Media. (2018, December 26). Immigration Update: USCIS Announces Proposed Changes to H-1B Program. Yahoo Finance; Yahoo Finance.

New York Islanders. (2024, January 4). Barzal Selewas selected2024the NHL All-Star Weekend | New York Islanders.

NHL. (2023, December 13). Revamped NHL All-Star Skills to feature $1 million prize |

NHL. (2024). 2024 NHL All-Star Skills |’s%20revamped%20format%20features,a%20prize%20of%20%241%20million!


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