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Victim Support Essays

Trauma-Informed Techniques and Communication Skills

Introduction Trauma-informed investigative practices are critical as they increase trust in law enforcement and allow victims to recover quickly. Such techniques have been proven to improve the cooperation between a community and law enforcement on sensitive matters. Sexual assault crimes are heinous and dehumanizing. Despite this, they are severely underreported, which allows criminals to escape ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2536

The Court’s Response to Human Trafficking Globally

Introduction A serious crіme that has еxіsted for centurіes, human traffickіng has sіgnifіcantly increased in recent years as a rеsult of globalizatіon. Thе еasіеr cross-border movement of goods, capital, and people madе possible by globalizatіon has made іt simplеr for traffіckеrs to takе advantage of peoplе. In thе context of accеleratіng globalіzation, this essay will ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2249
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Victim Witnesses in Criminal Law

Victim witnesses refer to persons who have experienced or witnessed a crime and are called upon to testify in criminal proceedings. They may be asked to define what they saw or heard, offer details about the events leading up to and following the crime, and offer understanding of the effect of the crime on themselves ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 986
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