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Victim Blaming Essays

Dismantling Rape Myths: Transforming Justice for Sexual Offence Survivors

Introduction Sexual offences remain widespread in society and cause significant distress to victims and communities. The successful investigation and prosecution of these crimes is crucial to ensuring that survivors receive justice and those responsible are held accountable. Despite this, widespread false beliefs, which are sometimes referred to as “rape myths,” may seriously hinder these endeavours ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2318

A Critical Analysis Exploring Theoretical Perspectives in “Seeing Rape” Performance

The John Jay College students’ 2022 performance “Seeing Rape” uses short plays drawn from fictional yet personal, actual experiences to display unique and informative insights into the topic rape and sexual violence. Sexual violence entails unconsented sexual activity/act on one or more persons following intimidation, manipulation, pressure, or bullying (Bagwell-Gray et al., 2015). The seeing rape ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 969
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Women and Sexual Assault

Overview of Sexual Assault Sexual assault is any sexualised behaviour that induces an individual to feel intimidated, threatened, uncomfortable or terrified. Sexual assault can refer to criminal offences like indecent assault or rape, but it can also include any sexual or sexualised behaviour. It refers to sexual activity in which one person coerces another person ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2466

Violence Against Women in the UK

Introduction Violence against women and girls is a public health issue that requires attention. Every year the number of women that face abuse keeps skyrocketing, necessitating immediate intervention. Violence is a problem affecting women in the UK and their children (Garcia-Moreno & Watts, 2011). Sadly, the problem has existed since the dawn of time. Since ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3107

Revenge Porn and Victim Blaming

Revenge porn is a crucial challenge both men and women face today; therefore, understanding its causes is necessary to help identify the best ways to eradicate it. Revenge porn has been a challenge that victims have had to deal with for the longest time. One of the most famous cases that marked the beginning of ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2447
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