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Various Types of Management Styles

Thesis statement: Managers and supervisors require management styles to motivate their staff. Managers should understand their management styles to improve performance, lead by example, identify employee strengths, and stay competitive.

Annotated Bibliography

Namiq, F. A. (2018). Most effective management style for the modern workplace. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences3(3), 402-411.

Namiq et al. (2021) aimed to elaborate on the most effective management style for the modern workplace. The author explains the different styles of management in order of effectiveness. The management styles included in the article are innovative or imaginative, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, autocratic, and Laissez-faire styles. Namiq et al. also explains the role of managers and the importance of management in the workplace. Namiq also conducted research whose findings indicated that managers who are friendly and communicators promote respect and work organization. A good manager engages employees in daily operations and supports continuous improvement and productivity. The article is credible as the author works in the Department of Management and Enterprises and is published less than five years ago. It contains up-to-date information, and the citations for sources used are available. The author examines more than one perspective of the issue. The article is relevant to my research topic as it explains the various management skills and their effectiveness.

Ghaziasgar, S. M. (2021). What is the Management Style? How Management Style Can Lead to Efficiency in Workplace.

Ghaziagar et al. (2021) proposed to answer the question of different management styles and their effect on an organization. The author elaborates on the different management styles and factors influencing their application and evaluation. The author also explained the existing relationship among the different management styles and their effect on organization efficiency. The article states that the most effective leadership skill should be flexible, adaptable, and appropriate for a particular situation. Factors influencing the type of management style in an organization include business type, amount of work, manager personality and intrinsic personal characteristics, and employee personality and approach. This article is credible because the author is a doctor in business administration, and the article is unbiased. The article is relevant to my research as it contains up-to-date information on the various management styles and their effect on an organization’s function. The article elaborates on what it takes for good performance in an organization and also provides the pros and cons of some of the management styles. A good manager should refrain from exerting pressure and forcing demands on the employees.

De La Cruz, L. (2018). Leadership Styles and Communication: A Look at Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Communication and Performance (Doctoral dissertation, California State University, Northridge).

Cruz et al. (2018) examined the leadership styles at the local city level and their influence on communication and performance. The paper examined the various leadership styles and their effectiveness in business. Research findings showed that a leader’s leadership style affects communication at various levels in a city. One of the cities under study was large, with more sources and a large executive team, while the city was small and contained all the desired leadership skills. The article is credible as it includes diverse information on different topics and has been approved by reliable personnel. Cruz is a Master of Public Administration, Public Sector Management and Leadership, and the article contains a well-detailed and elaborative literature review from reliable sources. The article is relevant to my research topic as it explains the impact of leadership style on organizational performance. In the research, communication is an essential leadership skill, and managers who practice effective communication promote individual success and the entire organization’s success.

Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2018). Leadership, leadership styles, and servant leadership. Journal of Management Research18(4), 261-269.

Gandolfi et al. (2018) aim to clarify leadership and leadership style, identify the critical attributes of effective leadership, and illustrate how servant leadership meets the criteria of effective leadership. The authors acknowledge the different types of leadership, including democratic, transactional, and transformational leadership, and introduce another management style referred to as servant leadership. The authors explain the significance of leadership and what it takes to be an effective leader. From the research, servant leadership is a crucial management style as it encourages diversity, builds a culture of trust, and fosters leadership in others. The article is credible since the information is unbiased and up to date, and the authors are respected persons (vice chancellor and adjunct professor, respectively) in well-known universities. This article is relevant to my research as it provides another leadership style for managers and leaders. Servant leadership promotes personal and professional growth, success, and workplace satisfaction.

Thompson, J., Camp, J. R., Trimble, J. E., & Langford, S. (2020). Leadership styles. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences: Clinical, Applied, and Cross‐Cultural Research, 499-504.

Thompson et al. (2020) elaborate on the various leadership styles. The authors incorporate the aspect of psychology in leadership and describe the different leadership theories and their relevance in leaders and managers. Theories held develop human traits, and understanding this theory helps understand leadership from a behavioral perspective. The article elaborates on management styles, including autocratic, democratic, Laisse-Faire, transactional, transformational, benevolent, and situational leadership. The article is credible as it contains up-to-date information from relevant sources, and the authors have published other articles related to business and administration. This article is relevant to my research topic as it explains leadership development. Leadership skills can be taught or learned; therefore possible for every individual to be an efficient leader.

Malkoc, N., & Dal, S. (2021). The Relationship between Management Styles and Trainers’ Job Motivation in the Public Institutions. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education10(1), 108-114.

Malkoc et al. (2021) aimed to determine the relationship between the perception of management style and the trainer’s motivation. The authors also examined the effects of management styles on job motivation. Research findings indicated that democratic and paternalist management styles positively affects the trainer’s motivation, while liberal and authoritarian style negatively influence the trainer’s job motivation. Managers have authority over all other employees in an organization, and how they utilize their power affects the achievement of the organization’s goal, employee interaction, decision-making, and production process. The article is credible as it has been revised, accepted and published by the international journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE). The authors work in a university in Turkey, and they provide more than one opinion making it unbiased. This article is relevant to my research as it allows for a detailed literature review of the different management styles. It also compares the different management styles to determine the most efficient and effective in enhancing employee motivation. Managers influence the performance and productivity of their employees; therefore, they should integrate a management style that promotes teamwork and improves motivation.

Dike, E. E., & Madubueze, M. H. C. (2019). Democratic leadership style and organizational performance: An appraisal. International Journal of Development Strategies in Humanities, Management, and Social Sciences9(3), 129-138.

Dike et al. (2019) elaborate on democratic leadership style and organization performance. Democratic leadership style is essential in identifying employee performance in an organization. The authors provide a detailed literature review on democratic leadership and theoretical frameworks supporting its implementation. They also explain the benefits of adopting a democratic leadership style and engaging employees in decision-making and constant consultation. The article is credible as the cited sources are reliable, and the information is unbiased. The authors work in the Department of public administration at the University of Ojukwu, Nigeria. The article is published in the International Journal of development strategies in Humanities, management and social sciences. The article is also peer-reviewed and published less than five years ago, making the information relevant and up to date. This article is pertinent to my research topic as it elaborates on one management style. Leaders should integrate democratic leadership as it helps them make the right decision, involve employees in decision-making, and build trust between employees and managers.

Al Khajeh, E. H. (2018). Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research2018, 1-10.

Al Khajeh et al. (2018) examined the effect of leadership styles on organizational performance. The author evaluated six major leadership styles, including transformational, transactional, autocratic, charismatic, bureaucratic, and democratic. Findings indicated that the management styles of transformational, autocratic, and democratic positively influence organizational performance, while charismatic, transactional, and bureaucratic leadership negatively impact performance. The article is credible, peer-reviewed, up-to-date and edited by an academic editor. The author works at Lincoln University College and utilizes credible sources in his search. This article is relevant to my research topic as it provides deeper insights into the different types of leadership styles. Good leadership should enhance the capability and ability of others.


Al Khajeh, E. H. (2018). Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research2018, 1-10.

De La Cruz, L. (2018). Leadership Styles and Communication: A Look at Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Communication and Performance (Doctoral dissertation, California State University, Northridge).

Dike, E. E., & Madubueze, M. H. C. (2019). Democratic leadership style and organizational performance: An appraisal. International Journal of Development Strategies in Humanities, Management, and Social Sciences9(3), 129-138.

Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2018). Leadership, leadership styles, and servant leadership. Journal of Management Research18(4), 261-269.

Ghaziasgar, S. M. (2021). What is the Management Style? How Management Style Can Lead to Efficiency in Workplace.

Malkoc, N., & Dal, S. (2021). The Relationship between Management Styles and Trainers’ Job Motivation in the Public Institutions. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education10(1), 108-114.

Namiq, F. A. (2018). Most effective management style for the modern workplace. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences3(3), 402-411.

Thompson, J., Camp, J. R., Trimble, J. E., & Langford, S. (2020). Leadership styles. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences: Clinical, Applied, and Cross‐Cultural Research, 499-504.


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