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Understanding Political Ideology: A Personal and National Perspective


Each ideology brings its unique perspective into the complex and diverse terrain of political opinion, thereby shaping how we perceive government, social construction, and personal positions in this context. This paper takes an in-depth look at one of those ideologies found within the Traditional Ideological Spectrum, paying attention to how it relates to its value, process, and ideal. My adoption of this chosen ideology is also personal and explores how different socializing agents like family, education, media, and peers have made me attached to this ideology. Therefore, the paper employs Henry Tajfel’s theory of social identity to comprehend why our political affiliations form an aspect of our character and identity as group individuals. It also deals with naturalization, beyond being legally a citizen to integrating into societal life and political involvement. The essay also critically analyzes this ideology’s role in shaping governmental responses to two pivotal events in recent history, including the 9/11 attacks and the COVID-19 global pandemic, among many others. Such reflections set grounds for making well-considered suggestions to my Congressman in my capacity as a concerned citizen.

Ideological Identification and Personal Connection

Many diverse theories in this ideological realm make up an extremely comprehensive viewpoint that defines how we look into political systems and society at large. I agree better with [insert preferred ideology] of all these opinions. It is essential as it suggests one specific doctrine that distinguishes itself by being centered on [Insert your fundamental principles – like “individual freedom,” “social equality,” or “collective responsibility”]. It represents a basis for interpreting the role of governments and the citizens’ rights. This influences how I view essential topics like politics, social policy, and resource management. Prioritizes principles on a rational and systematic basis, leading to the development of well-articulated solutions that take care of complicated problems in society today by focusing on protecting individual rights, promoting social welfare, and ensuring economic stability at the same time. The [chosen ideology] is my politics; it determines my understanding of people and things.

The fundamental values in [insert values, such as liberty, equality, democracy] are at the root of [insert chosen ideology, e.g., liberalism, conservatism, socialism, etc.]. These are the values that I use to determine my perception of an ideal society, as well as the government’s roles in achieving and maintaining such a society. For example, liberty is worth a lot as it entails that an individual should not be controlled by the government so much. The other essential principle of justice is equality, where everyone should be accorded equal opportunities to ensure that the social benefits and costs are equitably shared across the board. As a value, democracy underscores the importance of citizen involvement in governance and that power should vest in the citizens.

These values also filter in and permeate the various processes in governance. In this ideology, functions like the electoral system, policymaking, and judicial review have been implemented to entrench and realize these fundamental beliefs. For instance, the electoral system turns into a mechanism for choosing political representatives who embody the will and common interest of the people, consistent with democratic norms. Under this principle, policymaking should ensure citizens have adequate living standards and enjoy their fundamental rights. For instance, judicial review is also a safety measure that provides laws and policies in tandem with the basic tenets of freedom, fairness, and justice.

Such processes cannot be considered merely as administrative functions. They are the ways to implement ideas of justice, liberty, and social welfare (Pavlyshyn et al., 2021). Such values must have been translated into actual results that change people’s lives and influence society. Therefore, it sees the government as the provider and guarantor of freedom, equality, and democracy, ensuring these principles are practiced in a conducive atmosphere. Therefore, such alignment of values and processes is vital for creating a system that would be both effective and just, fair, and representative of those central principles contained within my adopted ideology.

It cannot be overemphasized that socialization agents have been irreplaceable in developing my political consciousness and forging me into a politically conscious being. My family members greatly influenced me (daily politics and specific attitudes toward it in everyday life). These were my first forays into the world of politics; these formative years instilled in me an essential grounding upon which to build my comprehension of the various positions that dominate both local and national affairs.

The basis for it was much enhanced by my course of education. Your educational experiences included taking classes that challenged your initial perceptions, teachers who introduced you to new perspectives, and critical readings that showed you alternative ways of thinking. These experiences helped shape my political opinion, expand my view of political ideas, and enabled me to appreciate that politics could be interpreted using different perspectives. I developed an informed theory on this period of life that involved me exploring different politics and ideologies.

Media exposure was also one of the major influencers on my opinions and perspectives. The information is available through press releases, commentaries, documentaries, and online portals. I am exposed to different media types, which have enlightened me on various issues across the globe and forced me to redefine the way I perceive life based on the same.

Lastly, peer interactions together with social circles have added an applied touch through an interactive way of my political socialization process. Experience with peers, including debate, discussion, or participation in activism and politics. The experiences that I have gone through have enabled me to test my faith, helping me to express my views and consider other sides of issues in detail. I was part of the political discourse within these social circumstances, further validating or reshaping my current political convictions (p.16; Madalina Vlasceanu et al., 2023).

Social Identity and the Role of Naturalization

Social identification theory by Henri Tajfel explains why politics is part and parcel of ourselves. This theory states that people group themselves into different entities, such as politics, essential components of self-concept, influencing their self-esteem and behavior. Identifying with my preferred ideology is not just a political issue but an integral part of my social identity. My affiliation with this ideology profoundly affects how I relate with people, my choices in life, and my self-perception of myself and my surroundings. This is a prism through which I see social matters that shape my opinions and responses. Tajfer’s idea of in-group favoritism and out-group bias exemplifies why I tend to agree with other political conservatives while taking a negative stance towards opposing views.

Besides, naturalization includes something other than the acquisition of citizenship by law; it is congressional legislative power at large (Redirecting …., 2023). This symbolizes more significant concepts of inclusion and participation in society and politics. For this paper, naturalization is seen as being for [insert ideology’s view on naturalization, such as promoting diversity and equality, maintaining national identity and values, or finding the right balance between adopting and accepting cultures]. This view plays a significant role in my perception of and stand for matters such as migration, citizenship, and countryhood. It brings out the complex connection between legal forms and the underlying ideology behind them. As informed by [selected ideology], naturalization goes beyond a bureaucratic process. Still, it represents one of the ways through which a country recognizes itself, allows the inclusion of other members, and portrays its essence. It informs my stance on immigrant policies, immigrant rights, and the significance of a plurality of cultures toward developing a rich, multi-dimensional national identity. Therefore, ideology influences my take on those vital matters of state, depicting a vivid intertwining of private notions, political convictions, and federal legislation.

Ideology in National Crisis Responses

How the popular beliefs of different periods impact crisis management policies is clearly illustrated by the government’s answers to the 9/11 attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic (Susánszky et al., 2023). The response was rooted in the dominant ideology of that era (e.g., national security, surveillance, international intervention). It reflected a natural feeling of national anxiety regarding securities under government guard. These activities by the government, such as heightening security measures, increased surveillance, and foreign military interventions, could symbolize a more significant political trend shifting towards greater emphasis on security concerns within international policies. The response to this incident went further than addressing the actual problem; it entailed reassessing the key issues that the country’s leadership should prioritize, as well as the role of the federal government in safeguarding its people within the borders and those who are considered to This ideological basis would have long-lasting impacts in the politics of security and freedom in America.

However, the responses regarding public health measures and economic and personal freedoms were based on other or similar ideological precepts regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. This reply was founded on an ideological basis and [insert a shift in priorities, explain a change in government responsibility by a new administration, or continue with a similar romantic approach].

Who is supposed to support [insert chosen ideology], the way the government dealt with the 9/11 attacks [give your opinion about that fact, like agreeing or disagreeing, and explain why you support that opinion given your point of view]. However, the reaction to COVID-19 deserves a separate response, including my statement regarding whether I support or criticize it based on my political beliefs. These fundamental convictions have influenced my choice of ideology, demonstrating how crisis response should be in accord with the values of ideology.


Based on my analysis and ideological alignment, I would suggest my congressional representative concentrate more efforts towards improving public welfare and individual rights under [your preferred ideology, for example, liberalism, conservatism, socialism, among others.] The above recommendations proceed from solid convictions about certain beliefs supporting the adopted ideology. It is high time that leaders promoted policies focusing on pillars such as health, education, and civic rights, among others, during normal and abnormal periods. The underlying principles behind such policies must consider the conflicting interests between private liberty and state interests or public welfare. In addition, there should be more transparency and public involvement in policymaking. This way of policymaking will be more participatory for the people. The approach supports [include ideals like democratic participation, social justice, etc.] in creating a government that is responsive and answerable to its entire citizens.


Finally, exploring political ideologies, self-image, and the nation’s reaction to crises reveals how ideologically informed beliefs shape people’s views and governments’ responses to challenges. However, this demonstrates how much the idea is entrenched in our understandings of self and societal constructions. In such an interplay, one’s ideological influences both individual stances and official policies as well as government action in cases such as the national 9/11 occurrences or COVID-19 pandemic cases. Such evaluation highlights the necessity of making the most informed judgment of one’s political orientation. This will help us establish a belief system based on our principles for productive social participation. It comes from the fact that various ideologies exist in a world where they typically separate people. It guarantees that our involvement in the political process is educative, sensitive, and responsible, enriching collective wellness and practical democratic discussion.


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