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Understanding Philosophy: Distinguishing Personal Views From Philosophical Inquiry


The concept of philosophy, however, very often has different connotations in everyday language than it does when discussed from a more formal philosophical standpoint. Although it can be used in common parlance as a personal set of beliefs or opinions, the intelligent conversation within academia is about finding truth and meaning. This paper seeks to differentiate the common usage of “My philosophy about that is…” from the philosophy discipline and dig some knowledge based on some initial contents in a beginner’s course for two weeks.

Summary of Pertinent Major Philosophical Views and Concepts

As people seek to gain knowledge, they often trust justified beliefs that are true and correspond with reality. Knowing relies on an interplay of belief, justification and truth. This idea is captured in the principle of “justified true belief,” as illustrated by the example concerning cardinals’ colour identification. On the other hand, historical examples like black swans prove that knowledge has boundaries, and what was once considered known is disputed.

The weakness in knowledge becomes even further stressed by Descartes’ scepticism as portrayed in his Meditations (Paul, 2020). He performed a mental experiment, questioning everything to identify absolutes. This philosophical endeavour forces us to question the accuracy of our senses for a true understanding of reality. It puts into doubt the common belief that our sensory perceptions correspond to an objective reality, implying we could be imprisoned in a prison of consciousness. As we contemplate this epistemic dilemma, the question emerges: Do our senses accurately represent what is outside, or do we perceive only the constructs generated by our subjective consciousness? This reflective investigation reflects the intrinsic instability in our perception-reality nexus, forcing a deep revision of the bases of comprehension and the essence of reality.

Distinguishing Personal Philosophy from Philosophical Views

When used in a personal rant, “My theory on that is…” usually indicates an interpretation of individual opinions such as experience or emotion-based and founded upon beliefs. In contrast, academic philosophy systematically studies basic questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and language (Khatri, 2020). Sometimes, the difference between personal beliefs and philosophical inquiry requires understanding that underneath is an immense depth and systematic methodology. Though most personal beliefs come from the life and faith of an individual, the intelligent system is a more critical approach that intends to continue routine examination, which sometimes can be controversial but essentially comes with exploration for questions related to the existence of knowledge values. It demands intellectual honesty, interacting with different perspectives and objectifying thoughts through methodical criticism. Realizing the depth of philosophical study highlights its difference from a superficial point of view, pointing out that engagement should be informed and consider sociocultural dynamics through which concepts develop.

One’s Position and Logical Process

Self-positioning depends on introspection and critical analysis. In philosophy, this translates to a process derived from the logical description that may develop into an effective thesis statement (Van der Tuin & Verhoeff, 022). Although personal considerations are not based on such a systematic foundation as philosophical arguments, they can give interesting information about individual views. In the field of philosophy, logic and reasoning are used as essential instruments to formulate a comprehensive debate. Anyone who struggles with basic questions about existence and knowledge should use sound reasoning principles because this guarantees the validity of one’s opinion and consistency in their ideas. The rigorous use of reason enables people to navigate the treacherous waters of philosophical thought, question assumptions, and draw rational conclusions. Recognizing the centrality of logic in intelligent conversation creates transparency, strictness and a stronger ground to build personal positions in this sophisticated, intelligent study network.


Defining personal philosophy from academic philosophy is based on the fact that philosophical inquiry should be deep, rigorous and organized. Changing from personal sentiments to philosophical examination is about realizing the inadequacy of perception and the importance of rational contemplation. This integration considers the summarized views and concepts of philosophy and observations by prominent philosophical figures like Descartes and Kant, enriching our understanding of distinctions between colloquial use versus academic use in “philosophy.” Creating a coherent paper layout with sensible order gives ample room for discussion through appropriate quotes from sources.


Paul, E. S. (2020). Cartesian Clarity.

Khatri, K. K. (2020). Research paradigm: A philosophy of educational research. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS)5(5).

Van der Tuin, I., & Verhoeff, N. (2022). Critical concepts for the creative humanities. Rowman & Littlefield.,+this+translates+to+a+process+derived+from+the+logical+description+that+may+develop+into+an+effective+thesis+statement&ots=AfHtovabkV&sig=lYsWRhLEJby9fPoZn29mkNkvPjA


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