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Understanding Elasticities in the Context of Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics


This review reveals the complex relationship between economic elasticity concepts, described in Chapter 3 of the course material Quantitative Demand Analysis, and their application to scientific work “Understanding Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics” by Martín Harding, Jesper Lindé, and Mathias Trabandt. In economics, three main quantitative tools are elasticities – own price elasticity of demand, cross-price elasticity, and income elasticity. Many tools assist economists in predicting consumer demand changes shifts, changes in revenues, and price variations (Baye, 2010). All these elasticities play an essential role in determining how consumer behavior will become and make a crucial first stage to understanding market complexities and controlling multidimensional market environments of modern markets (Harding et al., 2023). In this regard, elasticity enables a relationship between economic theories and the ongoing implications of COVID-19.

Article Summary

A detailed analysis of the inflation dynamics after COVID-19, including several economic situations, is presented in “Understanding Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics”. The authors discuss the complexities of the pandemic’s effect on various economic aspects, ranging from changes in consumer behavior to income distribution trends and price structures (Harding et al., 2023). The article offers an in-depth analysis of post-COVID-19 economic forces using sophisticated economic models. The work is focused on determining detailed trends in inflationary models that emerged after the pandemic; such data serve both economists and policymakers working toward post-COVID-19 economic recovery (Harding et al., 2023). This relationship enables the authors to present how they can contribute to a deeper understanding of the developmental trends of COVID-19.

Application of Elasticities Concept

Employing the perspective of elasticities in the article, it is possible to identify its importance in terms of post-pandemic environments with inflationary indicators. When suggesting how price changes may influence customers’ behavior, one’s price elasticity of demand becomes relevant. For example, knowing what types of goods are elastic and inelastic is helpful to know how adjustments in the prices of these goods can affect total expenditure, ultimately leading to inflation (Baye, 2010). Cross-price elasticity becomes essential for assessing the influence of price changes in substitutes or complementary goods, especially when forecasting indicators of overall inflation levels. For instance, the increase in the price of international travel resulting from COVID-19 restrictions may cause cross-elasticity to influence domestic tourism positively and, consequently, general inflation (Baye, 2010). Moreover, the income elasticity gives insights into how consumer income changes might impact demand for different goods and services, helping to see inflationary forces more clearly after COVID-19 (Doh & Yang, 2023), in the post-COVID-19 situation where there may occur changes in employment structure and income distribution, understanding how such changes impact demand for goods and services is essential as it will allow predicting the future trends of inflation.


The elasticities framework presented serves as an insightful lens to interpret and analyze post-COVID-19 inflation trends described in the article. In line with some fundamental economic principles, the article ‘Understanding Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics’ provides practical facts about the dynamics of inflationary trends. The use of elasticities helps economists and policymakers explore the complex recovery trajectory in post-COVID-19 economics. This review exemplifies the smooth transition between theoretical economic ideas and practice. It also shows how economic principles are the basis of contemporary understanding and what should be done to address problems that correspond with them.


Baye, M. R. (2010). Managerial economics and business strategy.

Doh, T., & Yang, C. (2023). Shocks, Frictions, and Policy Regimes: Understanding Inflation after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at SSRN 4682305.

Harding, M., Lindé, J., & Trabandt, M. (2023). Understanding post-covid inflation dynamics. Journal of Monetary Economics.


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