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The Transformative Power of Friendship: A Journey to Empowerment in “A Thousand Splendid Suns”

Friendship can uniquely transform people because it gives them agency, meaning, and perseverance when faced with adversity. In “A Thousand Splendid Suns,” by Khaled Hosseini, the close connection between Mariam and Laila lets us consider how friendship can improve a person. This essay examines three aspects of what a company may do for individuals, using analysis and proof from the book to illustrate Mariam and Laila’s transformational journey. We can make broader conclusions about the novel’s portrayal of friendship as we examine it since friendship and empowerment are more important than ever in today’s world.

The main benefit of friendship is the incredible resilience it bestows upon people in the face of difficulty. After a lifetime of isolation and hardship, Mariam finds courage and hope in her relationship with Laila. Mariam receives support from Laila after being wrongfully accused and punished. “You’re essential to me,” she says to her. “You are my friend. I will assist. Investigate yourself, please” (Yeasmin, 213). This demonstrates how friendship is a source of strength, empowering people to endure and triumph over insurmountable circumstances. The solidarity manifests in group acts of defiance against oppressive societal norms and offering emotional support. When Mariam and Laila challenge established roles, they stand for a collective struggle against the structural oppression that women experience. However, looking back, Mariam noticed something different in Laila. “The transformative power of friendship” was felt by her (Yeasmin, 277). This is a powerful illustration of how friendship can promote revolt against oppressive conventions and act as a source of support. The connection between Mariam and Laila is a potent reminder of the strength that comes from the community during a time when so many people are fighting against injustice.

People have the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and work toward a better future when they have friendships. Mariam discovers a significant purpose in her friendship with Laila, with whom she has only experienced hardship and loneliness. As they overcome hardships together, Mariam finds inspiration in Laila. Mariam understood that Laila was not making fun of her or ignoring her. She was not a stupid person.

Moreover, Mariam discovered “she was appreciative,” which challenges the idea that society’s expectations determine one’s fate by illuminating how friendship provides life purpose (Yeasmin, 226). The story also demonstrates how friendship may catalyze courageous and noble actions. When Mariam learns she might lose Laila, her love and feeling of purpose push her to behave wildly. Through Mariam’s internal monologue, Hosseini illustrates this pivotal moment: “She would die, happily, if it meant saving them both.” If death meant an end to this suffering, she would embrace it (Yeasmin, 332). This altruistic deed highlights the transforming power of friendship by giving people a reason to live and a motive to strive for a better life. The friendship between Mariam and Laila is a classic illustration of the importance of genuine connections in today’s fast-paced world when individuals are looking for purpose.

With the support of their friends, people can get over restricting behaviors and beliefs and take charge of their lives. Mariam and Laila’s relationship serves as a vehicle for mutual emancipation as they band together against social expectations. As Mariam put it, “Like a compass needle that points north,” a man’s accusing finger appears to be pointing directly toward a woman all the time. Every time. The phrase “You remember it, Mariam” (Yeasmin, 357) captures the strength of their unity. Speak up against injustice and tyranny to reclaim your life and change the political power structure. This emancipation is part of the global fight for women’s rights and is not exclusive to the novel. Mariam and Laila’s friendship inspires women to fight structural oppression and gender inequity. The novel explores the universality of its topics and the transformative power of friendship in the modern world.

In conclusion, the central theme of “A Thousand Splendid Suns” is Mariam and Laila’s friendship, which gives both women self-assurance and initiative. As we navigate the difficulties of the modern world, their life-changing trip makes us reflect on the enduring significance of friendship. The novel’s themes of community, empowerment, and the quest for independence are universal even though it is set in historical Afghanistan. Because individuals are still having difficulty with societal concerns, the lessons that may be gained from the friendship between Mariam and Laila are still relevant in today’s world. We are forced to consider how meaningful connections offer people agency over their lives in light of the novel’s focus on friendship as a catalyst for transformation. The author Khaled Hosseini writes, “Like a wind-pulled kite, Mariam was yanked off her feet and thrown into Laila’s arms” (Hosseini, 245). This powerful image embodies the compassion and tenacity of friendship, which, combined, may enable us to endure extreme hardship.

Work Cited

Yeasmin, F. A. R. H. A. N. A. “Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns: A saga of Afghanistan.” Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) 8.3 (2020): 381–390.


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