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The Rural Culture of Shen Congwen and His Views on It in “Xiaoxiao”


In “Xiaoxiao,” Shen Congwen delicately portrays and praises rural life, showing deep knowledge and admiration. He depicts Western Hunan rural life with insight and compassion. Shen loves rural culture because it is simple and honest. In the novel “coeds,” he purposely contrasts country life’s simplicity and materialism with metropolitan civilization’s complexity. This research, supported by extensive textual evidence, examines Shen Congwen’s realistic depiction of rural life, his emotional connection to it, and his possible preference for it over urban culture. As a master of Western Hunan’s rural culture, Shen Congwen captures its essence. The artist captures the beauty and complexity of a rural area. The people’s agricultural, daily life and communal spirit are well shown. Shen’s narration captures the charm and beauty of country life. He obviously knows rural culture by capturing the essence of rural life, from vital communal relationships to peaceful natural moments. Shen Congwen’s reverence for the past captures rural society perfectly. Rural life is more genuine than superficial, materialistic city life, he says.

Shen illustrates rural traits with “Xiaoxiao,” a character that values integrity, honesty, and a profound connection to nature. Shen longs for the simplicity and peace of country living, believing that rapid industrialization and urbanization are losing their essence. He loves rural culture and wants to preserve and advance it. In her writing, Shen Congwen values metropolitan life and country culture. He separates himself from “coeds”. Shen’s rural lifestyle is true and simple, unlike city inhabitants’ materialistic and disconnected existence. Due to this difference, Shen can appreciate rural culture and urban civilization. He is showing a strong personal dedication to rural customs in the face of urbanization.


He beautifully depicts Western Hunan rural life in “Xiaoxiao.” Shen Congwen writes well. He sees and understands rural values, customs, and traditions well. Shen realistically depicts rural life’s intricacies, bringing readers in. Shen excels at painting tranquil pastoral sceneries. He sees quiet rice fields, a dazzling blue sky, soft leaves rustling, and crickets singing. Shen’s artwork depicts the sun’s warmth and the earth’s anchoring power. The author’s rich descriptions show meticulousness and a real appreciation for country life. Shen knows rural customs (Lau & Goldblatt, 2007). He values daily tasks like rice field maintenance and traditional cooking. These images show his grasp of rural customs and their importance in communal identification.

Shen’s piece captures the rites’ crucial role in rural society. In “Xiaoxiao,” Shen presents Xiaoxiao as a rural youngster representative of purity and innocence. Xiaoxiao was rusticized by Shen. Shen likes rural living for its connection to nature, humility, and delight in the small things. Shen’s Xiaoxiao captures rural society’s sincerity. Shen Congwen’s writing shows his love of rural culture. He appeared to long for a time when metropolitan complications and materialism did not affect farm life. His desire to preserve rural culture’s authenticity and simplicity shows his strong appreciation and commitment to it. He contrasts the “coeds”‘ urban culture with his rural civilization to show the virtues of country living (Lau & Goldblatt, 2007). Finally, Shen Congwen’s depiction of rural culture in “Xiaoxiao” shows his thorough research, comprehension, and respect for Western Hunan customs, traditions, and values. Vivid pictures, Xiaoxiao’s characterization, and his sense of longing in his writing help the author grasp rural life and express his sentiments about it.


Shen Congwen’s novella “Xiaoxiao” captures rural culture’s core, showing his deep respect for it. His story shows rural life as innocent and peaceful, in contrast to urbanization’s quick changes and moral dilemmas. His appreciation for country culture suggests he prefers city culture. In “Xiaoxiao,” “coeds” illustrate rural-urban disparities. Intelligent, materialistic, and disconnected from nature, city dwellers are typical (Lau & Goldblatt, 2007). They show a civilization obsessed with material goods and social conventions, shut off from rural life. Rural life’s simplicity and sincerity contrast with Shen’s students. Shen favors rural culture when he discusses its benefits. Living in the country helps Shen relax and connect with his beliefs. Fostering a sense of belonging, strengthening ties, and connecting with the planet are its main ideals. Village traditions and rituals reveal cultural gems unaffected by metropolitan morality and complexity. This is sincere, and Shen feels rural culture is an eternal source of goodness. In his works, Shen critiques metropolitan superficiality and longs for rustic simplicity. His passion is genuine as well as imagined. He wishes his stories showed urbanization’s negative consequences on rural life less. He mourns the loss of his pure and simple customs as modernity advances. Shen Congwen’s paintings express China’s cultural objectives by emphasizing rural values in opposition to urbanization. He wants to return to pure values and tight-knit rural communities like many others (Lau & Goldblatt, 2007). As China urbanizes, his study emphasizes the need to preserve these cultures and beliefs. Through “Xiaoxiao,” Shen Congwen expresses her admiration for rural culture. Modern society is overly materialistic and alienated from nature. However, he enjoys country life’s simplicity and purity. He dislikes city life and wants a simpler existence in the country in his works. Shen’s comments show China’s aim to preserve rural values amid rising urbanization.


“Xiaoxiao” by Shen Congwen is a powerful representation of rural culture that goes beyond words to convey the deep ties Chinese civilization has to its rural heritage. Even with China’s increasing urbanization, a lot of individuals still prefer the genuineness and ease of country living. Shen’s love of the countryside is in line with Chinese cultural values, which value and honor the countryside. Shen’s writings are important to modern Chinese culture and society because they stress the need to hold onto rural customs and values despite urbanization (Lau & Goldblatt, 2007). China’s industrialization and urbanization processes have advanced remarkably. The nation has witnessed an incredible surge in economic growth and rapid urbanization during the past few decades. Many have chosen to leave their ancestral places behind in order to pursue opportunities in expanding urban areas. Even with the rapid pace of modernization, a large number of Chinese people still feel deeply rooted in their rural heritage. “Xiaoxiao” by Shen Congwen beautifully captures the enduring allure of rural life. Many contemporary Chinese people long for the genuineness and simplicity of rural life, viewing it as a major source of cultural and moral values that might counterbalance the materialism and consumerism prevalent in cities. Shen’s artwork evokes a timeless subject while masterfully capturing the essence of country life. He prefers country culture over urban culture because many Chinese people have a strong desire to maintain their rural values and re-establish a connection to their rural heritage (Lau & Goldblatt, 2007). People who sincerely desire to understand and respect rural Chinese culture hold Shen’s work in high regard. It highlights the value of rural traditions and the necessity of maintaining a connection to the land and culture. Shen’s paintings offer a distinct perspective on China’s urbanization while promoting a greater understanding of values and lifestyles outside of the city. Shen’s writings also inspire contemporary Chinese writers and artists to honor and explore the depths of rural culture. They encourage artists to produce pieces that tastefully capture the essence of country life in a world that is always changing. Modern Chinese artists carry on Shen’s legacy in a variety of mediums, such as literature, cinema, and other artistic endeavors. This ensures that rural customs and values will always influence modern civilization (Lau & Goldblatt, 2007). Last but not least, Shen Congwen’s portrayal of rural culture in “Xiaoxiao” perfectly captures Chinese society’s deep commitment to its rural heritage. Rural culture is greatly admired as a result of China’s ongoing promotion of rural values and customs. Shen’s work is important to contemporary Chinese culture and society because it highlights the need to preserve rural customs and values in the face of increasing urbanization. His writings have left a lasting impression on the ongoing cultural discussion over rural life in contemporary China.


Shen Congwen, “Xiaoxiao,” translated by Eugene Chen Eoyang, pp. 82-94, in Lau, Joseph S. M., and Goldblatt, Howard, The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature, 2nd ed. (New York: Columbia UP, 2007).


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