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The Recess Debate: A Disjuncture Between Educational Policy and Scientific Research


The debate about the function and meaning of educational breaks has been long-standing and intense. Anthony D. Pellegrini’s article, “The Recess Debate: The article “A Disjuncture between Educational Policy and Scientific Research,” revolves around this divisive issue and demonstrates the importance of the time allotted for play in the school curriculum. Pellegrini criticizes the dominant education policies that see recess as a dispensable activity and insists on a vast body of scientific evidence demonstrating its significant benefits for children’s social skills and academic performance (Bauml et al., 2020).

Article Summary

Pellegrini refutes a widespread misjudgment that recess is all about unorganized physical activity barren of any educational function. He asserts that such a position needs to properly recognize how much recess contributes to developing social abilities and achieving academic competency. Pellegrini argues this by systematically reviewing empirical studies and contrasting the U.S. and the U.K. with the aim of highlighting recess as a significant component in the educational system that leads to improved attention, better behavior, and better social interactions among students. The “distributed practice” idea is the key to Pellegrini’s statement, which refers to the learning mode divided into sequential intervals, including recess, that promotes the cognitive processing and consolidation of the learning outcomes, thus making education more successful. Pellegrini’s study disagrees with assertions that recess is not instructional time by providing proof that recess contributes to academic performance by allowing children time to recharge and absorb information. Additionally, Pellegrini reveals the apprehension that recess can be the source of bullying and aggressiveness, saying that those incidents can be found in any unattended place. He points out that supervision can turn recess into a unique set-up where children conduct experiments and learn the art of social negotiation in a natural setting ( Bainbridge et al., 2022).

Article Response

I agree with Pellegrini on recess’s critical value for kids’ growth. His examination of the statistical data is an excellent demonstration that the widely believed myths of recess being either inefficient or conducive to bullying are false. Recess provides unique benefits that the fitness classes and extended academic sessions cannot match. Recess is the mandatory pause moment that helps students psychologically rest for the remainder of the day’s learning while developing critical social skills through peer-to-peer communication. The comparison of the recess policies and their effects in the U.S. and the U.K. further emphasizes the importance of having a balanced education where both academic instructions and playing are included. Such a balance plays a crucial role in ensuring that children are raised in a safe and supportive environment that promotes their holistic development, aiming to educate them academically and equipping them socially to face the challenges ahead. (Sahlberg, , & Doyle, 2019). 


The first thing that attracted my attention upon reading Pellegrini’s article was the thoroughness of the analysis and the argumentative use of empirical evidence in support of the many advantages of recess. After Pelegrinni‘s convincing arguments and evidence-based research, my early opinion about the significance of recess was strengthened. The article reinforced the notion that a holistic approach to education that uprightly fuses academic learning and social construction is the need of the hour. The critical engagement with Pellegrini’s work revealed the necessity of evidence-based policy in education. This gave rise to the fact that personal biases or unsubstantiated societal notions should not be the basis for decision-making in education.’It reminded me that personal biases or unfounded societal beliefs should not dictate educational practices. Thus, evidence-based decisions should create nurturing places where students succeed and grow (Amadi, C. J. 2020).


In all, Anton D. Pellegrin’s article is a good reminder of the importance of recess in education. However, it puts policymakers and educators in a dilemma. They must compare the importance of unstructured playtime for integrating well-mannered, socially accepted, and academically prepared children. Pellegrini very well reasons that recess should not be a privilege but a right of the child to thrive, and hence, should be protected and regulated globally.


Amadi, C. J. (2020). Effects of a Student and Peer-Focused Intervention on Social Skills, Interactions and Play for Students with Autism and Significant Cognitive Impairment at Recess (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).

Sahlberg, P., & Doyle, W. (2019). Let the children play: More play will save our schools and help children thrive. Oxford University Press, USA.

Bainbridge, A., Troppe, T., & Bartley, J. (2022). Responding to research evidence in Parliament: A case study on selective education policy. Review of Education10(1), e3335.

Bauml, M., Patton, M. M., & Rhea, D. (2020). A qualitative study of teachers’ perceptions of increased recess time on teaching, learning, and behavior. Journal of Research in Childhood Education34(4), 506-520.


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