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The Evolution of Women’s Roles: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective

Along with the development of culture, society, and the economy, the roles that women play in society have also undergone considerable changes over time. As a result of the abuses and injustices that occurred in the past, women continue to face challenges in the present! Both of these periods are investigated in this study article. This study makes an effort to determine how women’s roles have changed throughout time.

Throughout history, organized crime against women has occurred on several occasions. These are the things that society expects of them; they have struggled to use their right to vote, enroll in college, and take care of the house. In the past, many cultures throughout the world believed that women belonged to men, which led to traditions like planned marriages and little freedom of choice (Couto-Ferreira & Verderame, 2018). In this class, we have read stories that highlight the difficulties women have faced historically, as well as the social norms that have made their lives more challenging.

There are still many problems in the world today, even with the notable advancements in women’s rights. Persistent difficulties include the lack of women in positions of responsibility, discrimination in the workplace, and salary gaps between men and women (Alam et al., 2023). Women must deal not just with societal expectations about how they should look but also with irrational expectations about how they should manage their obligations at home and work. Even if things are now better, domestic violence against women and sexual harassment against them are still problems in many areas of the world.

Women of today play many different roles in society and have accomplished great things in the domains of business, politics, the arts, and science. Higher education is more accessible to women, which increases their chances of taking on leadership roles and pursuing jobs (Schnackenberg & Simard, 2023). There is still a glass ceiling, which makes achieving complete gender equality challenging. The tales we have read demonstrate how resilient and powerful women can be while fighting for equal rights, challenging conventional thinking, and tearing down barriers.

It is essential to recognize that the circumstances that women encounter differ based on their ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic class, and geographic location. Intersectionality demonstrates the interconnectedness of multiple social identities and the challenges that women from many origins may encounter (Romero, 2018). Intersectional feminism encourages a technique that considers the range of experiences that all women have in order to gain a more thorough knowledge of how gender operates.

To sum up, women’s jobs have changed a lot over the years, which has led to both wins and problems. Crimes in the past have led to big improvements in women’s rights, but men and women still do not have equal rights in today’s society. Looking at stories from the past and the present can help us understand why the fight for gender equality is still going on. We must keep questioning society’s norms, working to include everyone, and making the world a better place for women in every area of life. Together, we can make a world where women have equal job chances and are given power instead of limits.

Work Cited

Alam, Q., Khair, R., & Shahan, A. M. (2023). State, Market, and Society in an Emerging Economy. Taylor & Francis.

Couto-Ferreira, M. E., & Verderame, L. (2018). Cultural constructions of the uterus in pre-modern societies, past and present. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Romero, M. (2018). Introducing intersectionality. Polity.

Schnackenberg, H. L., & Simard, D. A. (2023). Stabilizing and Empowering Women in Higher Education: Realigning, Recentering, and Rebuilding. IGI Global.


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