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The Atkinson-Shiffrin & Tulving Model: Understanding the Dynamics of Memory Processing


Memory involves four steps: storing, retrieving, encoding, and integrating information. Memory formation requires multiple mental stages. According to Atkinson and Shiffrin, memory is divided into sensory, short-term, and long-term categories. Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin proposed it in 1968. Endel Tulving’s encoding specificity concept helps explain long-term memory storage and retrieval. Our study aims to create a memory model incorporating Tulving, Atkinson, and Shiffrin’s findings.

Another major problem is that LTM has just one instance of each component. Never make an exception for these memories. Atkinson-Shiffrin and Tulving’s mathematical method reveals the complex relationships between sensory, working, and long-term memory. Based on Tulving’s encoding specificity hypothesis, this model emphasizes the many steps needed to process memories and the complex structure of long-term memory, which includes explicit and implicit memory systems. This model also shows long-term memory features, explaining its complicated makeup. This study advances our understanding of memory mechanics by deconstructing memory and providing relevant examples. This study illuminates the function of memory in cognition and sets the groundwork for future cognitive science and education research and applications.

The Atkinson-Shiffrin Model

Sensory Memory

During the first phases of sensory memory, sensory channels briefly retain information about the environment in which they are located. The quantity of sensory information it can retain in its buffer is particularly remarkable. As is the case while reading, it is feasible to temporarily store visual signals in sensory memory and display them as a continuous data stream (Neath & Surprenant, 2005). This is analogous to what occurs when reading.

Short-Term Memory

Active working memory allows temporary data storage. Short-term memory is working memory. “Working memory” is the brain’s temporary storage area. We are making great strides toward specialization. Given all that has happened, you should decide: Thus, if you want to call a number later, remember it (Neath & Surprenant, 2005) because the phone number must be remembered.

Long-Term Memory

The ability to access one’s long-term memory may be lost forever. Short-term memory can become long-term with the assistance of three brain mechanisms. Encoding, retrieval, and aggregation of information are all necessary steps in completing operations (Roediger & Yamashiro, 2018). They are now capable of being categorized as either declarative or implicit memories.

The Tulving Encoding Specificity Principle

Tulving emphasizes the relationship between memory and environmental information in his encoding specificity hypothesis. This proves that memory cannot correctly handle retrieval signals without encoding requirements (Neath & Surprenant, 2005). We must uphold the importance of this insight for understanding long-term memory.

Components of Long-Term Memory

Explicit Memory

Conscious memory has two kinds of explicit memory. Episodic and semantic memory. Implicit and explicit memory vary. Thus, “conscious memory” might signify “explicit memory.” Birthdays and other life events trigger episodic memories. Such memories come from specific experiences (Roediger & Yamashiro, 2018). This course covers birthdays and other festivities. A nation’s capital’s name is a good illustration of semantic memory.

Implicit Memory

Implicit memory includes priming and procedural memory. Priming memory is “primary” memory. The unconscious mind stores two types of memories. Procedural memory includes learning new skills and routines like cycling (Roediger & Yamashiro, 2018). Priming one’s memory modifies unconscious processing, making it easier to remember prior words.

Examples Illustrating the Components of Long-Term Memory

Episodic Memory

Example: Focus on the sights, sounds, and people you encountered on your most recent trip to relive the experience.

Semantic Memory

Example: Recalling that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius and that Paris is the French capital.

Procedural Memory

Example: Pedaling and maintaining balance when riding a bike without purposeful planning.

Priming Memory

Example: Repeated exposure to a piece of music increases the likelihood that you will be able to recognize it when it is played again, regardless of the artist or title.

Long-Term Memory Processes


Example: Exam preparation necessitates using mnemonic devices or visual representations of abstract concepts to encode the information from a textbook into memorization.


Example: The neural pathways in your brain associated with the motor skills required to play a new piano piece become more robust as you study it. “Consolidation” describes this procedure.


Example: To remember information from the past for an exam, you need to use the retrieval process, which involves accessing long-term memory.


The Atkinson-Shiffrin and Tulving Model provides a realistic framework for understanding human memory’s complicated processes. The model was created to explore human memory. The brain uses sensory memory to remember the initial sensory information it encounters briefly. The mind briefly stores processed information in working memory. It might also be called “short-term memory”. Another name for this is working memory. Long-term memory is a brain mechanism that can store and retrieve information. This memory allows retrieval of previously learned knowledge. We now understand the complex mechanics of long-term memory recovery thanks to Tulving’s encoding specificity principle. The idea highlights the importance of memory retrieval signals. Examining explicit and implicit memory might help you comprehend long-term memory recall. The first group has conscious recollections, whereas the second has unconscious memories that shape their behaviours and thoughts. Understanding these interwoven characteristics and processes may improve educational settings, cognitive research, and the intricate systems that support human cognition, among other outcomes.


Neath, I., & Surprenant, A. M. (2005). Mechanisms of memory. Handbook of cognition, 221-238.

Roediger, H. L. I. I. I., & Yamashiro, J. K. (2018). History of psychological approaches to studying memory. The Cambridge handbook of the intellectual history of psychology, 165-215.


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