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The Achenbach System of Empirically-Based Assessment (ASEBA)


The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) is an evidence-based assessment tool designed to measure the behavior and emotional functioning of children and adolescents. This assessment tool was developed by Thomas Achenbach and was first published in 1991. The ASEBA is a reliable and valid assessment designed to provide detailed information about the individual’s functioning in various domains. It is a multi-informant assessment that relies on self, parent, teacher, and clinician ratings to provide the most comprehensive understanding of an individual’s functioning. It is a comprehensive assessment system that consists of a variety of scales and forms that can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual being assessed.

The ASEBA has several advantages over the other two tests I reviewed. First, the ASEBA is an empirically based assessment tool that has been extensively tested and validated and has a good track record in terms of reliability and validity. This makes it an ideal choice for professional use. Reliability; The ASEBA is a reliable assessment tool with a good track record in terms of reliability. The test has been extensively tested and validated and has consistently produced good results in terms of inter-rater reliability and internal consistency. The ASEBA has also been found to have good test-retest reliability, and the results obtained can be replicated over time. Validity; The ASEBA is a valid assessment tool that has been extensively tested and validated. The results obtained from the ASEBA can be used to accurately diagnose and predict the behavior and emotional functioning of children and adolescents. The ASEBA has been found to be a valid measure of behavior and emotional functioning in a variety of contexts. Utility; The ASEBA is a comprehensive assessment system that consists of a variety of scales and forms that can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual being assessed. This makes the ASEBA an ideal choice for professionals in my field or a related field. Additionally, the ASEBA has a multi-informant approach that relies on self, parent, teacher, and clinician ratings to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the individual’s functioning.

The ASEBA has a comprehensive range of scales and forms that can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual being assessed. This allows for a more detailed understanding of the individual’s functioning in various domains. Also, the test has a multi-informant approach that relies on self, parent, teacher, and clinician ratings to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the individual’s functioning. The ASEBA also has a few disadvantages. Firstly, the ASEBA is a time-consuming assessment and can be quite demanding for the individual being assessed. Secondly, the ASEBA is a paper-and-pencil assessment and does not provide the same level of flexibility and convenience as computerized assessments. Finally, the ASEBA does not provide a comprehensive measure of mental health and well-being.

Recommendations; The ASEBA is an excellent assessment tool for professionals in my field or a related field. However, there are a few areas where improvements can be made. Firstly, the ASEBA is a time-consuming assessment and can be quite demanding for the individual being assessed. This can be addressed by developing computerized versions of the ASEBA that are more time-efficient and user-friendly. Secondly, the ASEBA does not provide a comprehensive measure of mental health and well-being. This can be addressed by expanding the ASEBA to include scales and forms that measure mental health and well-being.

Relevancy to Specialization or a Related Profession

Different studies conducted on the topic provide evidence of the reliability and validity of the ASEBA assessment tool in different contexts. For example, a study conducted by Achenbach (2019) examined the international use of the ASEBA for clinical services, research, and training. The findings revealed that the ASEBA is widely used in many countries and that the scales are reliable and valid for assessing emotional, behavioral, and social functioning. Another research conducted by de Vries et al (2020), compared the ASEBA Adult Self Report (ASR) and the Brief Problem Monitor (BPM/18-59). The results revealed that the ASR had better psychometric properties than the BPM/18-59, with the ASR showing higher internal consistency and test-retest reliability. I conducted further research and found another study conducted by Portillo-Reyes et al. (2022), which examined the psychometric properties of the ASEBA Older Adult Self Report in a Mexican sample. The results showed that the ASEBA had good psychometric properties, and it is a reliable tool for assessing cognitive and social functioning among the elderly. The fourth study, conducted by Zieff et al (2022), examined the psychometric properties of the ASEBA Child Behaviour Checklist and Youth Self-Report in sub-Saharan Africa. The results showed that the ASEBA had good psychometric properties and was a valid and reliable tool for assessing cognitive and social functioning among children and adolescents in this region. Finally, the fifth study, conducted by Fernández-Daza and Zabarain-Cogollo (2021), examined the usefulness of the ASEBA to assess cognitive and social problems in children and adolescents in children’s homes. The findings revealed that the ASEBA was a valid and reliable tool for assessing cognitive and social functioning among this population.

Test Purpose and Content, Skills, and/or Constructs Assessed

The ASEBA is an evidence-based assessment tool designed to measure the behavior and emotional functioning of children and adolescents. The ASEBA is a multi-informant assessment that relies on self, parent, teacher, and clinician ratings to provide the most comprehensive understanding of an individual’s functioning (Deckers, Muris, & Roelofs, 2019). It is a comprehensive assessment system that consists of a variety of scales and forms that can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual being assessed. The ASEBA assesses a wide range of behaviors, such as aggression, attention, anxiety, depression, and social problems. The ASEBA also assesses social skills, language, academic functioning, and adaptive behavior. Additionally, the ASEBA can be used to assess individuals who present with a variety of mental health issues, such as autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities. When compared to other assessment tools, the ASEBA stands out due to its comprehensive assessment of a wide range of behaviors and skills. Additionally, the ASEBA has demonstrated good psychometric properties in different contexts, including international use, adult populations, and children and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, the ASEBA can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual being assessed. For these reasons, the ASEBA is an ideal assessment tool for professionals in any field related to mental health and emotional well-being.

Normative Sample, Sampling Procedures, and Intended Population

The ASEBA is a comprehensive assessment system that consists of a variety of scales and forms that can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual being assessed. The ASEBA was developed using a large normative sample consisting of 6,000 children, adolescents, and adults across the United States (Achenbach, 2019). The sample was stratified to represent the population of the U.S. with respect to ethnicity, gender, and age. The ASEBA is intended to be used with individuals between the ages of 2 and 90 years old, although it has been used with individuals outside of this age range. The ASEBA has demonstrated good psychometric properties in different contexts and with different populations. For example, a study conducted by de Vries et al (2020) compared the ASEBA Adult Self Report (ASR) and the Brief Problem Monitor (BPM/18-59). The results revealed that the ASR had better psychometric properties than the BPM/18-59, with the ASR showing higher internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Additionally, the ASEBA has been used in international contexts and with different samples, including the elderly and children, and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa. The ASEBA has demonstrated good psychometric properties in different contexts and with different populations (Leong, 2016). For these reasons, the ASEBA is an ideal assessment tool for professionals in any field related to mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Required Training, Knowledge, and Skills of Test Users

In order to use the ASEBA effectively, the test user must have a thorough understanding of the assessment and its various components. The test user must also have the necessary skills to properly administer, score and interpret the results of the assessment. The user of the ASEBA should also have knowledge of psychometric properties and be able to evaluate and interpret the results of the assessment. Furthermore, the user should be familiar with the various scales and forms of the ASEBA in order to select the most appropriate ones for the individual being assessed. Finally, the user should have knowledge of the ethical and legal considerations involved in the assessment process.

Finally, the test user must have a certain level of training in the use of the assessment. Research has shown that the ASEBA assessment tool can be effectively used with minimal training. In a study conducted by de Vries et al (2020), it was found that the ASEBA Adult Self Report (ASR) had better psychometric properties than the Brief Problem Monitor (BPM/18-59). The results revealed that the ASR had higher internal consistency and test-retest reliability. This indicates that the ASEBA can be administered with minimal training and still produce reliable results. In addition to minimal training requirements, research has also shown that the ASEBA is an effective assessment tool for a variety of populations. For example, a study conducted by (Acer, 2023) examined the psychometric properties of the ASEBA Child Behaviour Checklist and Youth Self-Report in sub-Saharan Africa. The results showed that the ASEBA had good psychometric properties and was a valid and reliable tool for assessing cognitive and social functioning among the children and adolescents in this region. This indicates that the ASEBA can be used with a wide range of populations and can provide reliable results.

Test Technical Quality

When selecting an assessment tool, it is important to consider the test’s technical quality. The ASEBA has been found to have high test-retest reliability, which suggests that it is consistent in producing similar results when administered on different occasions. Additionally, the ASEBA has been found to have high internal consistency, which suggests that the items on the assessment are measuring the same underlying trait. Furthermore, the ASEBA has been found to have good inter-rater reliability, which suggests that different raters who administer the assessment will produce similar results. Furthermore, the ASEBA has been found to have good convergent validity, which suggests that it is measuring the same construct as other assessment tools. Additionally, the ASEBA has been found to have good discriminant validity, which suggests that it is able to differentiate between individuals with different levels of functioning. Finally, the ASEBA has been found to have good predictive validity, which suggests that it is able to accurately predict future outcomes.

Test Materials, Cost, and Administration Times

When considering the cost, materials, and administration time, the ASEBA is an advantageous assessment tool for professionals in my specialization or related professions. The ASEBA provides comprehensive and accurate information about a person’s behavior and emotional functioning in a timely and cost-effective manner. Additionally, the availability of the assessment in multiple languages allows for its use in a variety of settings and cultures, which is beneficial for professionals in my specialization or related professions who may work with clients from different backgrounds.

Advances in Technology

Technology advances in the ASEBA have been key in the development and wider use of the assessment tool. The ASEBA allows for a variety of administration formats such as paper-and-pencil, computer-based and web-based platforms. This allows for a wider range of individuals to access and use the assessment tool. In addition, the ASEBA has a user-friendly scoring and interpretation system which makes it easier to understand and interpret the results. The scoring and interpretation system includes a variety of options such as age-based, gender-based and cultural-based norms which allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the individual being assessed. Finally, the ASEBA provides a comprehensive database of research which allows for further exploration and understanding of the assessment tool.

APA Ethical Guidelines

The American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Principles provide guidance for the use of psychological assessments by mental health professionals. The APA ethical principles related to the use of psychological assessments in professional practice include: 9.01 Informed Consent, 9.02 Assessment, 9.03 Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity, 9.04 Maintenance, Disclosure, and Destruction of Confidentiality, 9.05 Informed Consent for Recording Voices and Images in Research, and 9.11 Use of Assessments (American Psychological Association, 2019). When using the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) in a professional setting, it is important to ensure that all of these ethical principles are followed. Informed Consent: When using the ASEBA, it is important to ensure that the individual or their legal guardian gives informed consent prior to administering the assessment. This means that they should be informed of what the assessment is, how it will be used, the potential risks and benefits, and their right to refuse or withdraw consent at any time. It is also important to ensure that the individual or guardian understands the results of the assessment and any implications for the individual. Assessment: The ASEBA should be used in accordance with the instructions provided, and all results should be interpreted based on the guidelines provided by the assessment. It is important to ensure that all assessment materials are used appropriately and that results are interpreted accurately and without bias. Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity: It is important to ensure that the individual being assessed is treated with respect and dignity. This means that all assessment materials should be administered in a way that does not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, or any other protected characteristics. Maintenance, Disclosure, and Destruction of Confidentiality: The confidentiality of the individual being assessed should be maintained at all times. This means that all assessment materials should be stored securely and all results should only be disclosed to those individuals who have a need to know. Informed Consent for Recording Voices and Images in Research: If voice or image recordings are made during the assessment, it is important to ensure that the individual or legal guardian gives informed consent for the recordings to be made and that the recordings are stored securely and only used for research purposes. Use of Assessments: The ASEBA should only be used for the purpose for which it was designed and should not be used to make diagnoses or treatment decisions. It is important to ensure that all results are interpreted accurately and without bias. In conclusion, when using the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) in a professional setting, it is important to ensure that all of the ethical principles outlined by the American Psychological Association (APA) are followed. This includes obtaining informed consent, using the assessment in accordance with the instructions provided, respecting the rights and dignity of the individual, maintaining confidentiality, obtaining informed consent for recordings, and interpreting the results accurately (American Psychological Association, 2019).

Evidence of Test Bias/Fairness and Multicultural Considerations

The ASEBA assessment is designed to be culturally sensitive and to minimize bias. It is designed with a broad base of individuals from different cultural backgrounds in mind, and it has been validated with samples of people from different ethnic backgrounds. Additionally, the ASEBA has been evaluated in different countries and has been found to have good psychometric properties across cultures. It is important to note, however, that the ASEBA may not be appropriate for all cultural contexts, and modifications may be necessary to ensure that the assessment is relevant and valid. In order to adhere to multicultural assessment practices, professionals should ensure that the ASEBA assessment is appropriate for the client and that any necessary modifications are made. Professionals should also be aware of any potential cultural differences in the context of the assessment and be prepared to address any potential bias. Additionally, professionals should keep in mind that the ASEBA is a tool to provide an overall picture of a person’s behavior or emotional functioning and should not be used to make definitive decisions about a person’s mental health.

Overall recommendations

After reviewing the evidence on the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA), I would recommend its use for a professional in my specialization or a related field. The ASEBA is a reliable and valid assessment tool with strong psychometric properties across cultures. It is a comprehensive assessment system that provides detailed information about an individual’s functioning in various domains. Additionally, the ASEBA is designed to be culturally sensitive and to minimize bias. The greatest strength of the ASEBA is its ability to provide an overall picture of an individual’s behavior and emotional functioning. Additionally, the ASEBA is a multi-informant assessment that relies on self, parent, teacher and clinician ratings, which provides a more comprehensive understanding of the individual being assessed. Although the ASEBA is a reliable and valid assessment tool, there are still some limitations and concerns with its use. For example, the ASEBA may not be appropriate for all cultural contexts and modifications may be necessary to ensure that the assessment is relevant and valid. Additionally, the ASEBA should not be used to make definitive decisions about a person’s mental health, and professionals should ensure that the ASEBA is being interpreted and used in accordance with its guidelines.


Acer. (2023). Empirically Based Assessment In Achenbach System | The Quirky Kid. Retrieved from website:

Achenbach, T. M. (2019). International findings with the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA): applications to clinical services, research, and training. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health13(1).

Deckers, A., Muris, P., & Roelofs, J. (2019). Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder with the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment Scales. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment42(1), 25–37.

de Vries, L. P., van de Weijer, M. P., Ligthart, L., Willemsen, G., Dolan, C. V., Boomsma, D. I., … Bartels, M. (2020). A Comparison of the ASEBA Adult Self Report (ASR) and the Brief Problem Monitor (BPM/18-59). Behavior Genetics50(5), 363–373.

Fernndez-Daza, M. P., & Zabarain-Cogollo, S. J. (2021). Usefulness of ASEBA to assess cognitive and social problems in children and adolescents in children’s homes. Revista Del Hospital Psiqui Trico de La Habana16(3), 39–56. Retrieved from

Portillo-Reyes, V., Capps, J. W., Loya-Mèndez, Y., & Portillo-Reyes, M. (2022).

Leong, F. T. L. (2016). Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests (CNPAAEMI) TESTING AND ASSESSMENT WITH PERSONS & COMMUNITIES OF COLOR. Retrieved from

Psychometric properties of the ASEBA older adult self report in a Mexican sample. Current Psychology.

Zieff, M. R., Fourie, C., Hoogenhout, M., & Donald, K. A. (2022). Psychometric properties of the ASEBA Child Behaviour Checklist and Youth Self-Report in sub-Saharan Africa – A systematic review. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 1–24.


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