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Symbolism in Literature Essays

The Complex Boundaries of “Mending Wall”

Introduction This poem by Robert Frost, “Mending Wall,” is simple but sincerely told the story of two neighbours who, once a year, repair the stone wall that separates their two properties. A ritual anchored in maintaining physical boundaries becomes a background for analyzing human relationships and borders defining these. Frost aptly probes the paradoxical character ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1347

Discussion of Symbols and Metaphors Used in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”

In literature, authors often use symbolism to establish a deeper meaning in the essential ideas presented in their works. Precisely, symbolism is a figure of speech where the author uses either a character, object, phrase, or situation to represent another meaning or thing with a deeper meaning. Metaphors are also commonly used in literary works ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1030
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Interpreting the “Thing” in “The Thing in the Forest.”

One could interpret the “thing” in “Thing in the Forest” as a real monster being a real monster and, at other times, being an unreal monster for various reasons. Real monsters in the stories incline to combine good and evil, and; this intends to evoke the sensation of terror and horror in its readers through ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1248

Analysis of “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience (Tm)” by Rebecca Roanhorse

The thought-provoking short tale Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience (TM), written by Rebecca Roanhorse, tackles the subject matter of the search for one’s identity and the process of coming of age. Jesse Turnblatt, an individual not of Native American descent, is the protagonist of this narrative. He works at a virtual reality (VR) Native American ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 850

Analyzing Literary Techniques

Misreadings by Beber and Trifles by Susan Glaspell examine education, gender inequity, and oppression using various literary strategies. Beber wrote Misreadings while Glaspell wrote Trifles. Trifles address women’s limited and undervalued lives via location, dialogue, characterization, and symbolism, whereas Misreadings emphasize education and personal independence. Margaret Atwood wrote both books. Both plays reveal society’s norms ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 804
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