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Sustainable Resource Management Essays

Current Issues Affecting Entrepreneurship and Relevant to Jarrad Morris, Founder at Fleet-E and Plug

Introduction  This assignment critically appraises two contemporary global issues that entrepreneurs face and the impact on their entrepreneurial activities at the international levels, using the case of Jarrad Morris, the founder of Fleet-e and PLUG Charging. This means that the paper highlights how climate change and environmental sustainability are relevant to Jarrad Morris and how ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3580

Critiquing Capitalism in Different Sources: The Theme of Capitalism in Demuth’s Book

Integrating different literature sources is one of the critical approaches to enhancing understanding of important phenomena that might have affected society in a specific period or exist within a society. Analysis of Bathsheba Demuth’s “Floating Coast” alongside two other secondary sources offers a comprehensive understanding of several themes, such as energy, capitalism, and environmental change. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1107
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