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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SNAP, which was earlier known as food stamps, is a federally operated food assistance program for low-income Americans and their families. As part of President Johnson’s War on Poverty, SNAP was designed to help people who are unable to afford their food budget purchase healthy and nutritious meals to battle hunger and malnutrition (Nestle, 2019). SNAP is a program of the US Department of Agriculture that provides electronic benefit transfers that can be used to purchase grocery goods in authorized retail outlets. Currently, more than 40 million Americans are benefiting from the SNAP program. The program has a wide-ranging impact, addressing the basic nutritional needs and boosting the local economies. The purpose of the paper is to cover the history, eligibility requirements, benefits, and results of the SNAP program. Some key aspects that will be discussed are SNAP’s participation in welfare reform, its reaction to recessions, and controversies regarding its costliness, suitability, and possible amendments. The analysis will provide a critical overview of this nutritional safety net.

The origin of the SNAP program is rooted in the Food Stamp Program created in the 1930s to address hunger during the great depression. The current program was developed through President Johnson’s Great Society initiative to eliminate poverty. The primary goal of SNAP was to enhance the nutrition level among poor families, aid American agriculture by increasing the food demand, and boost the economy. Over time, the program has been changed through the subsequent Farm Bills and reforms. As a social determinant of health, food insecurity disproportionately affects those in poverty, and SNAP focuses on addressing the issue. Helping underserved populations obtain groceries through SNAP helps ensure that they eat healthily and remain healthy, decreasing the chances of malnutrition (Aussenberg & Falk, 2019). Household income and resources up to the specified limits determine the eligibility for SNAP. The applicants should have a gross monthly income that is below or at 130% of the federal poverty line, with the net monthly income after deductions coming in at or under 100% of the poverty level. Household asset limit is $ 2,750 and $ 4,250 for those with elderly or disabled members (Department of Human Services, 2023). Some students, immigrants, and strikers also qualify for SNAP benefits.

Gaps in the SNAP program include insufficient benefit levels, restrictive eligibility criteria, and numerous obstacles to getting benefits. Most of the time, monthly allocations fail to meet the nutritional requirements due to rising food prices (Gundersen et al., 2019). Restrictions in terms of eligibility penalize and discourage college individuals, immigrants, and childless adults. Enrollment procedures may be so complicated that they discourage eligible people from enrolling. These gaps indicate that many continue to suffer from food insecurity or nutritional deficits even with the SNAP. As nurses, we can encourage awareness of SNAP by informing patients and conducting community education. If patients have trouble accessing the food, we can screen for SNAP eligibility, as well as help with the applications and any issues in recertifying or using benefits (Jennifer & Nicole, 2018). If patients do not qualify, we can refer them to food banks, soup kitchens, and other emergency food providers. We can advocate for extending the SNAP access and raising benefit levels to cover a wide range of the population. In our institutions, we can help with enrollment assistance through the use of social workers. Nurses are privileged to serve as trusted entities in the linkage of underserved patients to nutritional safety net programs.

Generally, the SNAP program has a vital role in preventing hunger and malnutrition for millions of Americans. SNAP is a very significant food purchase assistance program for low-income households, ensuring a healthy population. Nursing professionals are in a prime position to educate the patients about the SNAP benefits, help with access, and link eligible people with community food resources. Food insecurity should be addressed as a means of population health support by educating the community on the importance of enrolling in programs like SNAP. Through targeted reforms and advocacy measures, it is possible to strengthen the role of SNAP in fighting malnutrition.


Aussenberg, R. A., & Falk, G. (2019). The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Categorical Eligibility. Report R42054, Congressional Research Service.

Department of Human Services. (2023). Eligibility information for SNAP. Tennessee State Government –

Gundersen, C., Waxman, E., & Crumbaugh, A. S. (2019). An examination of the adequacy of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit levels: impacts on food insecurity. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review48(3), 433-447.

Jennifer Grenier, D. N. P., & Nicole Wynn, M. S. N. (2018). A nurse-led intervention to address food insecurity in Chicago. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing23(3), 1-8.

Nestle, M. (2019). The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): history, politics, and public health implications. American journal of public health109(12), 1631-1635.


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