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Structural Dynamics & Functionality

Organizations are intricate systems composed of interconnected parts working in harmony to achieve collective goals. They thrive on structured designs or departments that promote efficient communication, effective decision-making, and optimal functioning. However, interactions between departments are not always straightforward. Minor adjustments in one component can lead to significant effects in another, whereas major alterations in one aspect might only yield minor outcomes elsewhere (Keep, 2021). Organizations function as systems that engage with their surroundings (Schneider et al., 2016). The state of balance is continually shifting as the organization adjusts to its evolving environment. This analysis will employ the Structural Theories lens to examine the organizational structure of New Horizons Academy, focusing on the issue of timely distribution of technology and Chromebook devices.

Chain of Command

Crumpton (2013) defines the chain of command as “an organization’s hierarchy of reporting relationships” (p. 89). This hierarchy is crucial because it assures that all members of the organization have a clear line of supervision, offering not only guidance and orientation but also solutions and support for goal attainment. A well-structured chain of command ensures each department has a designated individual responsible for its performance. This establishes accountability, defines authority, and helps in addressing issues and advocating for necessary resources to achieve goals (Crumpton, 2013). New Horizons Academy is a private school and it adheres to a traditional hierarchy in ensuring a clear chain of command. The principal holds the highest formal authority, overseeing various departments and functions. This authority is supported by administrative personnel, including heads of departments. In terms of economic, legal, contractual, and collegial authority, the Principal and the school board of directors wield significant power, shaping both academic and administrative dimensions. For instance, the board of directors and the principal are responsible for financial oversight, making important financial decisions, approving budgets, and ensuring the school’s financial sustainability. They are also responsible for establishing and overseeing the school’s legal framework, policies, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Therefore, although other members such as the heads of departments may provide input on matters concerning economic, legal, contractual, and collegial issues, they do not have the authority to make decisions within these realms.

Span of Control

The term “span of control” indicates the number of employees who are directly under the supervision of a single manager (Remenova et al., 2018). The span of control at New Horizons Academy varies across management levels, with around five directors reporting to the principal. The principal oversees the day-to-day activities in all the departments, while the department heads manage teams of teachers and support staff. This ensures effective supervision and coordination. The hierarchy spans four levels as shown in the chart below, accommodating various responsibilities and ensuring accountability throughout the organization. In particular, 38 teachers and around 800 students report to the curriculum director on matters concerning teaching and learning, and to the student support director on issues regarding students’ well-being such as health and food services.

In addition, eight coaches and two student-athletes report to the athletic director, which helps student-athletes air their problems with ease. Lastly, the operations department has a span of control of four people: HR, Finance, ICT, and marketing and communications director. The four sub-units are crucial to almost everyone in the institution, and hence almost everyone reports to them. For instance, the ICT unit is in charge of the distribution and operation of Chromebook devices. Thus, all students can report to the ICT director whenever they have problems with their devices or any other form of technology.

Chain of Command

Departmentalization Structures

Departmentalization refers to dividing the organization into departments. It leads to specialization, which makes optimum use of human resources (Ahmed, 2017). In schools, teachers are placed in departments that specialize in subjects that they predominantly teach. For instance, the Department of Sciences at New Horizons Academy comprises teachers who teach Biology, Physics, and Chemistry subjects. The departments help them collaborate and implement ideas that can help students excel in these subjects. Apart from the units divided based on academics and students’ needs, other departments offer corporate and sports services. Specifically, the HR department focuses on the recruitment and training of teachers and staff, the finance department is in charge of all the finances received or used within the school, the IT department pays attention to technology, and the marketing and communication department ensures the school remains outstanding and builds relationships with existing and potential customers. New Horizons Academy is a private school that does not depend on government funding, and thus this department is essential in attracting grants and sponsorships. Moreover, departmentalization reduces the workload of top managers, in this case, the principal and board of directors, and abolishes the duplication of effort, thus increasing efficiency (Ahmed, 2017). Therefore, departmentalization fosters specialization and expertise within each department, enhancing overall efficiency.

Decision Making

At New Horizons Academy, critical decisions within the school are primarily made by the administrative team, led by the principal. Significant decisions such as curriculum changes or resource allocation are discussed collectively within the administrative team meetings, and then the board of directors gives the final verdicts. While teachers exercise autonomy in instructional methods, significant internal matters require the principal’s attention. The teachers forward any issue to the curriculum director, who takes the complaint to the principal if necessary. Smaller operational decisions, like classroom arrangements, are made by front-line supervisors such as heads of departments, in consultation with their teams.

Degree of Centralization

In centralized organizations, important decisions are made by the topmost leaders and then communicated to those at lower levels. On the other hand, decentralization refers to the approach where discussions and decisions are made at the lowest possible level (Ahmed, 2017). New Horizons Academy does not fully employ decentralization but leans towards a decentralized approach. The principal and the board of directors make major strategic decisions. Still, the views of the administrative teams and the heads of departments are collected prior and used as references, but they are not involved in the decision-making process. However, these leaders possess decision-making authority for daily operational matters and collaborate with their teams in making these decisions. For instance, teachers are allowed to use creative teaching methods that foster understanding instead of following the lesson plan throughout their teaching. Including teachers and staff members increases employee engagement and job satisfaction, thus enhancing productivity.

Staff/Line Distinctions

Teachers hold line roles, directly impacting the core educational mission. In contrast, administrative and support staff play vital staff roles, ensuring smooth operations and providing specialized services to students and staff members. For instance, the IT department ensures proper distribution of the technology necessary for effective teaching and learning. The availability of these resources enables the teachers to teach smoothly and effectively. Therefore, maintaining the staff/line distinctions is essential in reinforcing the academy’s commitment to its educational mission.


Understanding the above structural aspects provides a foundational understanding of the New Horizons Academy’s organizational dynamics. This analysis demonstrates the significance of a well-defined structure in educational institutions, ensuring smooth operations, effective teaching, and student success. Additionally, it sets the stage for targeted solutions that align with the academy’s existing structure.


Ahmed, M.A. (2017). The importance of the organizational structuring and departmentalization in workplace. The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences, 3(3), 30-38.

Crumpton, M.A. (2013). Is the chain of command working for you? The Bottom Line, 26(3), 88-91.

Keep, K. (2021). Theories about organizational structure. Chron.

Remenova, K., Skorkova, Z., & Jankelova, N. (2018). Span of control in teamwork and organization structure. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 14(2), 155-165. DOI: 10.14254/1800-5845/2018.14-2.10

Schneider, A., Wickert, C., & Marti, E. (2016). Reducing complexity by creating complexity: A systems theory perspective on how organizations respond to their environments. Journal of Management Studies, 54(2), 182-208.


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