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Strengthening Cybersecurity Measures


Cybersecurity threats have become widely utilized by people, especially state-sponsored hackers and cybercriminals who intend to target infrastructure and governmental agencies. This shows that there might be disruption in both the public and private sectors. These threats pressure the nationals’ security and can disrupt services due to the undermining of public trust when personal sensitive information surfaces online.

Thesis statement: The current policy problem for American national security entails addressing the cybersecurity threat brought along by both the state and the non-state actors. This shows that to curb such a problem arising in the United States, there is a need for a comprehensive strategy that includes enhanced collaboration among governmental agencies, the private sector, and international actors. This can also be reached through high investment in research and technology. A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy is preferred because it helps address the complex nature of cybersecurity as it features a collaboration between governmental agencies and the private sector (Humayun et al., 2020). This is reached through information sharing and coordination to foster rapid response. The investment in technology and science is vital in coming up with innovative ways in which there can be protection of emerging threats and strengthen the overall cybersecurity posture of the nation.

Competing solution

One competing solution to this issue is the diplomatic and decentralized approach. This approach emphasizes the state and local government’s need to enhance cybersecurity by taking the lead in protecting infrastructure and data safety (Safitra et al., 2023). The employment of cybersecurity measures can start by securing networks and responding to cyber incidents quickly. This can be reached when the federal overmeek can help provide resources, expertise and guidance to mitigate the state and local efforts.

Besides, when looking at responsibilities, it is noted that the federal government is responsible for providing resources and the necessary expertise to guide state and local cybersecurity efforts. On the other hand, the state and the local government will be vital in implementing cyber security measures by ensuring adequate training in responding to cyber threats.

The second competing approach is military and intelligence cooperation. This is an approach in which the federal government take the lead in setting the cybersecurity standards and policies at all levels of the government. This shows that, in this case, the federal government would be responsible for implementing security measures through the help of the military forces and the intelligence services to help fight cyber threats (Safitra et al., 2023). Such strategies help conduct risk assessment and coordinate responses; hence, the state government can reach out to this aspect by complying with federal standards and regulations.

In this case, the federal government is responsible for setting cybersecurity standards and policies. This is reached through the conducting of the risk assessment and coordinating response. The state and the local governments comply with the state and the federal governments in order to help mitigate the risks brought along by the cybersecurity measures.

Of the three branches of the federal government, the executive is responsible for implementing cybersecurity policies and coordinating responsive efforts. In contrast, the legislature is responsible for passing the legislation for cybersecurity and providing oversight services when these activities arise (Ghelani, 2022). The judicial is responsible for interpreting laws based on cybersecurity and resolving disputes related to cyber threats.

Argument for the Chosen Solution

A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy emphasizing collaboration between government agencies, the private sector, and international partners is preferable due to its recognition of the nature of cybersecurity requiring a coordinated response (Safitra et al., 2022). By working together, the stakeholders can share information and improve their expertise to ensure that reasonable, responsive efforts address cyber security.

Critics argue that having these measures take place will lead to the overreach of governmental authority and compromise individuals’ private rights. For instance, it can be stated that the government might interfere with personal data when searching for these offenders. Besides, some might argue that the increased collaboration could result in sharing sensitive information and technology with foreign partners (Humayun et al., 2020). In the long run, this might interfere with internal security measures, making the governmental systems vulnerable to attacks.

However, while these concerns are valid, they do not outweigh the benefits of having a comprehended cybersecurity strategy. The collaboration between governmental agencies, the private sector, and international partners is essential in curbing the high spread of cyber threats such as hacking (Safitra et al., 2023). Through the sharing of information and expertise, stakeholders are likely to mitigate threats and reprimand the perpetrators, thus leading to a more secure digital environment. Furthermore, the argument that collaboration might compromise individual rights is unfounded as the comprehensive cybersecurity strategy is inclined to ensure the security of private sensitive information is reached and the rights upheld. Additionally, the collaboration will improve the intelligence approach through the threat and offer response capabilities that far outweigh the risks.


In conclusion, comprehensive cybersecurity is reached through collaboration among nations. The stakeholders can address the complex and evolving nature of cyber security threats. Besides, team building enhances national security and protects infrastructure that safeguards sensitive information.


Ghelani, D. (2022). Cyber security, cyber threats, implications and future perspectives: A Review. Authorea Preprints.

Humayun, M., Niazi, M., Jhanjhi, N. Z., Alshayeb, M., & Mahmood, S. (2020). Cyber security threats and vulnerabilities: a systematic mapping study. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pp. 45, 3171–3189.

Safitra, M. F., Lubis, M., & Fakhrurroja, H. (2023). Counterattacking cyber threats: A framework for the future of cybersecurity. Sustainability, 15(18), 13369.


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