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Strategies That Include Elements

Community-based policing is a comprehensive strategy that prioritizes establishing collaborative and cooperative relationships between law enforcement organizations and the communities they are responsible for serving. Procedural justice, an essential element of this framework, pertains to the equity and openness of the procedures used by law enforcement in their engagements with the general populace (Nagip & Telep, 2017). In this response, I will analyze the importance of procedural justice within community-based policing. I will examine how techniques that include procedural justice principles contribute to community members’ satisfaction and cooperation.

The concept of procedural justice is based on the notion that people are more inclined to endorse and adhere to choices when they regard the methods used to arrive at those conclusions as equitable, considerate, and impartial. In the realm of community-based policing, where the objective is to cultivate trust and enhance connections between law enforcement agencies and the community, integrating procedural justice components is paramount.

Treating persons with dignity and respect is a fundamental aspect of procedural justice. The perception of fair and polite treatment by law enforcement personnel among community people has been shown to cultivate a favorable connection and significantly contribute to the overall happiness of constituents (Nagip & Telep, 2017). Respectful treatment encompasses several actions that may have a significant impact, including but not limited to active listening, sustaining eye contact, and using others’ chosen titles or names while addressing them. These activities transcend the mere enforcement of laws and instead develop a fundamental basis of mutual respect, which is essential for successfully implementing community-oriented police strategies.

Transparency is essential to procedural justice, facilitating a stronger bond between law enforcement organizations and the communities they serve. The act of agencies publicly disclosing their decision-making processes, policies, and activities fosters an elevated level of comprehension and confidence in the community (Lin & Hsieh, 2010). Transparency is seen in effective communication, which clarifies the reasoning behind law enforcement measures, the legal foundations that justify these efforts, and the resulting outcomes. The adoption of transparent procedures leads to the dispelling of misunderstandings, the reduction of distrust, and the cultivation of a spirit of collaboration within the community. The dedication to transparency enhances the relationship between law enforcement and individuals and fosters a fair and cohesive society characterized by cooperation and mutual regard.

Procedural justice in community-based policing strongly emphasizes fairness, going beyond the traditional role of law enforcement to address underlying problems in a comprehensive manner via collaborative involvement with the community. In the present context, the concept of fairness extends beyond the impartial implementation of legal principles. It encompasses the identification and resolution of underlying factors, as well as the promotion of enduring remedies (Nagip & Telep, 2017). Fairness in police is characterized by the equal allocation of resources and the unbiased treatment of all community members, regardless of their socio-economic level, race, or other demographic factors. This strategy guarantees fairness and fosters a collective feeling of assurance throughout society. The perception of justice in police procedures by constituents engenders confidence in the system, cultivating a collaborative ethos among members of the community. Fairness is pivotal in law enforcement and community participation, serving as a fundamental element that binds these entities together to establish a cohesive and equitable society structure.

Furthermore, procedural justice can be a proactive strategy to mitigate possible disputes. When people see that they are being handled with fairness and respect, they are less inclined to foster feelings of resentment or cultivate unfavorable views toward law enforcement (Nagip & Telep, 2017). This phenomenon not only enhances community contentment but also diminishes the probability of conflicts arising between law enforcement personnel and people of the community. Procedural justice fundamentally functions as a proactive approach aimed at mitigating the development of tensions and conflicts, cultivating a suitable climate for implementing community-based policing.

On the other hand, the lack of procedural fairness presents a notable threat to the cohesiveness of a community, as it cultivates discontent and a lack of willingness to cooperate. Instances characterized by perceived inequitable treatment, lack of regard, or absence of openness can erode the essential trust required to successfully implement community-oriented policing (Nagip & Telep, 2017). When procedural justice is lacking, individuals within the community may choose to disengage, displaying reluctance to participate or cooperate, thus reducing their inclination to report criminal activities or assist law enforcement. The loss of trust has significant implications, leading to decreased public safety, increased crime rates, and strained ties between law enforcement and the community. The absence of procedural justice poses a significant threat to the core principles of community-oriented policing and disrupts the delicate equilibrium necessary for a mutually beneficial and collaborative relationship between law enforcement agencies and the general population.

In essence, integrating procedural justice components is important for the efficacy of a community-oriented police model. Establishing and maintaining trust between law enforcement and the community is contingent upon justice, respect, and openness. The effectiveness of community-based policing is enhanced when constituents express satisfaction and demonstrate cooperation, leading to the creation of safer areas and the cultivation of stronger social relationships. Incorporating procedural justice into police techniques is not only a theoretical notion; rather, it is an imperative need for cultivating favorable connections and guaranteeing the effectiveness of community-oriented law enforcement endeavors.


Nagin, D. S., & Telep, C. W. (2017). Procedural justice and legal compliance. Annual review of law and social science, 13, 5-28.

Lin, S. L., & Hsieh, A. T. (2010). International strategy implementation: Subsidiaries’ roles, operational capabilities, and procedural justice. Journal of Business Research, 63(1), 52-59.


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