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Strategic and Operational Importance of Change in Combatting Shoplifting in UK Retail Stores

The context investigates the developing issue of shoplifting and shoplifting-related brutality in the UK retail industry, specifically for John Lewis. Change is strategically and operationally critical for a few reasons. The primary form of change the organization needs to embrace is a change in its technique (Potdar et al., 2020). The organization needs to implement changes that shield it from financial losses. Unmitigated shoplifting straightforwardly disintegrates profits and affects John Lewis’ financial well-being. Statistics from the British Retail Consortium (2023) uncover a 26% ascent in retail robberies in England and Wales during 2022, reflecting a £1.76 billion loss for the sector. These figures underline the seriousness of the issue for John Lewis’ primary businesses.

There is additional reputational harm to the organization. Occurrences of brutality and continued shoplifting can negatively influence John Lewis’ brand picture and client trust. Negative media coverage of these issues can prompt a decrease in business volumes and customer loyalty. There is likewise a reason to worry about employee security and morale (Espiner, 2024). Shoplifting-related abuse can create a hostile work environment for John Lewis employees, prompting fear, stress, and potential staff turnover. A YouGov (2022) investigation discovered that 64% of retail workers experienced verbal abuse or threats in 2022, highlighting the need for protective measures for employee well-being.

To battle shoplifting successfully, organizations ought to likewise initiate different operational changes. The foremost type of operational change involves security upgrades. Advanced security systems like CCTV, data investigation, and electronic article surveillance (EAS) labels can discourage and identify shoplifting more. These investments create a more secure shopping environment for clients and employees. The business ought to likewise train its staff training on how to deal with shoplifting incidences. Teaching staff proper de-escalation strategies, compromise situations, and consciousness of shoplifting techniques can enable them to deal with shoplifting circumstances, including shoplifters, more securely and effectively. This training helps lessen the possibility of brutality while improving overall client support.

Aside from this, the business should likewise participate in collaborative efforts with different retailers, police officers, and community organizations. This move helps with information sharing, intelligence gathering, and coordinated activities against shoplifting. Such collaboration can prompt the identification of habitual perpetrators and discourage future attempts at shoplifting. Likewise, the business ought to reexamine its store optimization plans. Changing store design, lighting, and item arrangement can limit opportunities for hiding while also making work easier for staff and security. Research by the Centre for Retail Research shows a positive correlation between well-planned stores and reduced shoplifting occurrences. The organization ought to likewise carry out a Data-Driven Approach. Breaking down shoplifting data can uncover designs, recognize high-risk regions, and inform strategic direction. This data-driven approach assists John Lewis with distributing its products effectively and focusing preventative measures where they are generally required.

As far as statistical evaluations on the issue are concerned, A report by BRC demonstrated a 26% increase in retail store robberies in England and Wales in 2022. According to a YouGov study, 64% of retail workers experienced verbal abuse or threats in 2022. According to the Centre for Retail Research, shoplifting cost UK retailers £4.827 billion in 2019 alone (Centre for Retail Research, 2023). In John Lewis stores, shoplifting occurrences multiplied from the previous year. These statistics accentuate the far-reaching nature of the issue and evaluate the financial and human costs related to endless shoplifting-related brutality. The data underscores the critical requirement for John Lewis to take on strategic and operational changes to handle this issue successfully.

External Industry

Shoplifting and related violence have become significant worries for UK retailers, affecting different parts of their tasks (Geldenhuys, 2020). Here is a breakdown of the issue from the perspective of PESTLE. As permitted by law, changes in the minimum wage might impact shoplifting rates as the issue is directly connected to financial difficulty. Rising inflation and financial strain can encourage some people to shoplift. Narrow margins additionally make retailers prone to losses. This situation puts a strain on their abilities to invest in countermeasures. The ever-changing cultural norms influenced by social media stories could normalize shoplifting, prompting increased occurrences. Participation in organized groups can make shoplifting more refined and challenging, requiring coordinated reactions. Progressions in artificial intelligence, automated detection systems, and CCTV serve as deterrence mechanisms and discourage shoplifters. Collaboration efforts among retailers and policing provide avenues for information sharing and identification of habitual perpetrators. The severity of punishments serves as an obstacle, yet inconsistencies in enforcement or changes in regulation can influence its viability. At long last, the design, lighting, and item arrangement can impact opportunities for shoplifting. Sufficiently bright, open spaces dissuade potential offenders, while cluttered areas create blind spots.


The context presented clearly demonstrates the shoplifting menace in the country. Disregarding the shoplifting issue presents substantial strategic and operational threats to John Lewis’ financial sustainability, brand reputation, and employee security. Executing and sustaining strategic changes that focus on improved security, staff training, collaboration, store plans, and data-driven approaches is critical for John Lewis to flourish in the current retail environment. Ignoring the requirement for change can lead to devastating results, while embracing preventative strategies offers an opportunity to shield the business and add to a more secure and positive retail experience for all.


British Retail Consortium. (2023). BRC Crime Survey 2023.,of%20theft%20over%20the%20year.

Centre for Retail Research. (2023). Retail crime costs in the UK. What Is The Cost Of Retail Crime in the UK? The Centre For Retail Research.

Espiner, T. (2024, February 8). Violence against co-op shop workers rises sharply. BBC News.

Geldenhuys, K. (2020). Shoplifting-a form of organized retail crime. Servamus Community-based Safety and Security Magazine113(12), 10-14.

Potdar, B., Garry, T., Guthrie, J., & Gnoth, J. (2020). Yours truly: the role of organizational commitment in shoplifting prevention. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management48(1), 70–91.

YouGov. (2022). Theft Polls & Surveys.


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