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Social Construct Essays

Does Race Exist?

People categorize other people based on their outward features, including their eye color, skin tone, and hair type. Traditionally, there have been five major categories of these groups: the Caucasoid (white), Negroid (black), Capoid (Bushmen/Hottentots), Mongoloid (oriental/Amerindian), and Australoid (Papuan and Australian aborigines) races. These organizations’ reliance on outward appearance raises questions about the legitimacy ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1219

Race Is a Social Concept, and It Is Impossible To Prove It Scientifically

Introduction  Race is a concept used to refer to people who share the same inherited characteristics. These characteristics range from physical appearance to skin color, facial features, and stature. The concept of race has been a center of discussion among many scholars across the globe. The debate concerns whether race can be categorized as biological ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1245
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Theoretical Perspectives of Race: Analysis of Race as a Social Kind and Race As Phenomenological

The concept of race has undergone a significant transformation in recent times, challenging its traditional understanding as a biological category. Instead, race is now widely recognized as a social construct influenced by historical, cultural, and societal factors. This essay critically evaluates two key perspectives: race as a social kind and race as phenomenological. The former ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2292
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