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Single-Parent Families Essays

Profiles of Families Unique to Those With Children With Special Needs

The delineation of family has continued to evolve beyond the traditional nuclear family, giving rise to diverse family forms that reflect the fluctuating nature of human relationships. Chapter three of the textbook describes single-parent, foster, and gay families as some of the non-traditional families (Sileo & Mary Anne Prater, 2012). These family structures offer perspectives ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 577

Primary Characteristics of Single-Parent Families

If a parent raises their child or children alone, without the help of a spouse or live-in partner, they are considered a single parent. Historically, many children have grown up without both parents, often as a result of tragic events like parental death from causes like illness, violence, murder, workplace accidents, and maternal mortality. A ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1504
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Emotional and Social Development in Single-Parent Families: Strategies for Support

Introduction With 25 percent of American children growing up in single-parent households, the number of single-parent households has dramatically expanded in the changing landscape of family patterns. This change calls for a careful examination of the mental health of kids raised by single parents. It is critical to challenge oversimplified preconceptions and recognize the dynamics ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2567
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