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Sexual Assault Essays

A Critical Analysis of Research Design Used in a Primary Research Study To Support Knowledge for Clinical Practice

Sexual assault, an ever-pervasive issue with its ramifications sinking deeper into the personhood and social existence of individuals, stands on a line of academic inquiry in society. This essay attempts to explore this intricate world of psychological theories, developmental factors, and social influences in an attempt to unveil the mystery surrounding the human motivation behind ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4119

Addressing Sexual Assault and Harassment in the Military

Introduction The military’s image is damaged, and morale and unit cohesiveness are negatively impacted when sexual assault and harassment occur. The paper investigates the many factors contributing to sexual assault, assesses the efficacy of present training methods, and offers concrete suggestions for eliminating sexual violence in the armed forces. This study intends to provide a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 757
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Essay on Sexual Violence

When we talk about sexual violence, we’re referring to any unwelcome sexual contact in any form. This encompasses both assault and harassment of a sexual nature. The term “sexual assault” refers to any unwelcome sexual action, including but not limited to touching, kissing, or raping another person. Sexual harassment can take the form of inappropriate ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1655

Title IX Civil Rights Statute

Claims of sexual assault and discrimination at colleges and universities and their treatment of these charges have become a significant part of the national landscape. However, do any rules or policies that restrict this behaviour in higher education institutions exist? Do students who are sexual assault victims receive assistance? Title IX is a federal civil ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1575

Sexual Assaults Throughout the Army

There has been a steady increase in the number of recorded cases of sexual assault in the military, which has been an ongoing problem for decades. Although the Department of Defense has instituted new rules and practices to address sexual assault, it is unknown whether these efforts have been successful. The literature will explore why ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 810

Domestic Violence Against Hispanic Women

Population, Need, and Rationale The population that this work will explain is the Hispanic females that have been subjected to domestic violence. One area of community change is where there is a need to improve vulnerable populations’ lives. According to studies, Hispanic females undergo several problems which affect their lives. For instance, as this work ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2060

Women and Sexual Assault

Overview of Sexual Assault Sexual assault is any sexualised behaviour that induces an individual to feel intimidated, threatened, uncomfortable or terrified. Sexual assault can refer to criminal offences like indecent assault or rape, but it can also include any sexual or sexualised behaviour. It refers to sexual activity in which one person coerces another person ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2466

Essay on Sexual Assault

Sexual assault continues to undermine the safety of individuals in American society. Stakeholders such as the Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) recognize the need to address the motivations for sex offending. Over the years, sexual gratification has been perceived to be the major cause of sexual offenses. The main factors that motivate sex offenders ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 656

Sexual Harassment in Society

Sexual harassment is discrimination based on sex. As an ideology, it can also be described as a statement asserting that one gender is naturally better to the other. All types of gender-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, are outlawed under the Human Rights Code. Services, goods, and facilities; tenancy of accommodation; contracts; employment; as well as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 952

Clip of Trump Mocking Christine Ford in Mississippi

Violence against women is defined in the United Nations as “Any act of gender-based harassment that causes or is likely to cause psychological, sexual, or bodily pain to women, such as intimidation, threats of such acts or arbitrary denial of liberty, whether in public or private life (Cruz et al, 2016).” Violence against women includes; sexual ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1575
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