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Sex Offenders Essays

Supervision Recommendations for Sex Offenders

Jeanette, 16-year-old, female Probation/Supervision Stipulations Based on the type of crime Jeanette committed and the vulnerability of her victim, Jeanette’s probation should be high in supervision. Definite stipulations should include not having contact with minors unless supervised, including not babysitting or, for any reason, ever being responsible for the care of a child without parental ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 832

Essay on Sex Crime

Introduction A major shift occurred in US policy towards sexual offenses against children after a series of widely-publicized kidnappings and assaults fueled a swift and intense backlash from American citizens during the decade’s start. As part of an effort to respond to these anxieties, national lawmakers authored new legislation centered around imposing strict guidelines on ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1653
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Selective Incapacitation Report

Introduction Selective incapacitation is when certain crimes are targeted heavily than others, while lesser offenses get more lenient violations. An example would be to have murderers incarcerated for a longer time in maximum security while giving those guilty of drug possession of a minimum amount lesser sentences and even putting them in county jail. This ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3519
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