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Separation Of Powers Essays

Analysis of the Academic Writers and the Judiciary’s Perspectives on the Separation of Powers in the UK Constitution

For a long time, academics and judiciary have debated if the United Constitution grants separation of powers among the three arms of government. Neil Parpworth’s (2018) arguments in his book, ‘Constitutional and Administrative Law,’ showshow that two different camps are arguing about this topic. On one side are legal academic writers who mostly argue that ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3211

What Constitutes an Appropriate Role for the Judiciary?

Discussing the legal system’s proper function is complex and contentious. Due to different views on how the legal system should work in a democracy, no answer can please everyone. Some individuals say the judiciary has become so powerful that judges are legislating from their seats. They point to cases where the courts have reversed laws ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1389
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The Basics of the Tubdub Constitution

The TUBDUB constitution has divided authority into three branches of governance- legislative, executive, and judicial. A separation of powers model, commonly observed in democratic constitutions internationally, is being used in this context. The unicameral parliament in TUBDUB consists of 150 members whom the citizens elect and make up the legislative branch. The President is at ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1766

American Federalism and Separation of Powers

The foundation of American federalism is a division of authority between the federal and state governments. While the states have police authority, the federal government has enumerated, implied, and reserved powers. African Americans faced discrimination and segregation, which was the goal of the Civil Rights Movement. A case that supported the idea of “separate but ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2549
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