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School Shootings Essays

Guns Laws in the U.S.

Introduction America is reaching an important point in this gun control debate. With a historical background that is inextricably linked to the “Second Amendment” and divergent views, the nation operates within an environment characterized by widespread accessibility to guns and their influence on public security. Currently, gun control in the U.S. has a complex set ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1541
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Hate Crime – Bullying

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines a hate crime as a regular crime that contains an element of bias, such as vandalism, arson, and murder, arson. Hate crimes are any illegal behavior that is motivated by prejudice toward any of the social groupings that were named above or any of their offshoots. Nevertheless, hate ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 645

A Proposal on How Arming Teachers With Guns Influence School Shootings in the U.S.

Background Of the Study Over decades, the United States has encountered severe issues, particularly with school shootings. However, even if different measures have been incorporated to avert the issue of school shootings, the number of cases continues to improve. For example, the public, the American government, and police have tried to seek various solutions to ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3462

Annotated Bibliography on School Shootings in the United States

Comer, B. P., & Connolly, E. J. (2020). Correlates of school gun carrying among black, Hispanic, and white male adolescents: Evidence from a nationally representative sample of youth. Preventive medicine, 141, 106277. The analysis portrays the Evidence from a nationally representative sample of students on the concern carrying guns in schools among different ethnicities (white, Hispanic, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1063

School Safety Measures

Introduction School shootings have become a common occurrence in recent days and a major cause of concern among citizens worldwide, especially in the USA, where the problem is most rampant. The USA is among the countries in the world that grant its citizens the right to own arms, and while the measure could be effective ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 817
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