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Analysis of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold in the 1999 Columbine High School Massacre

The Columbine High School Massacre of 1999 remains a chilling reminder not only of the perplexities that drive juvenile delinquency but also of how far it can go in disrupting society. Two distressed teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, committed one of the worst school shootings in American history on April 20th of that year (CHAIBDERRAINE Hadil, LEKCHITI H., 2023). Equipped with automatic weapons and homemade explosives, they stormed their high school in Littleton, Colorado, triggering a homicidal spree that killed twelve students and one teacher. The state of affairs that followed was highly shocking and tragic, not only for those left without a home but also for the whole nation, as their minds were full of questions regarding where such crimes could come from. This essay seeks to investigate the criminological, sociological, and developmental theories that might illuminate motives behind Harris’s and Klebold’s behaviors to conclude that strain theory can shed some light on their devolution into violence.


Strain theory is one of the theoretical frameworks that arise as an excellent tool for analysis of the Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold massacre. According to the sociological views, strain theory argues that when people are pressured or feel strained out of attaining goals by acceptable means, they will adopt deviant behavior. Daggett (2019) revealed that Harris and Klebold experienced significant social isolation, teasing, and perceived injustices within the school setting, leading to resentment. This strain, combined with their alleged failure to receive social approval and success via conventional routes, might have caused them to act against peers and the institution. Strain theory is also applicable in understanding the socioeconomic and cultural factors that aided the marginalization of Columbine High School shooters, inciting disenchantment since it helps us comprehend why they did what was done.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

The strain theory provides a powerful lens to explain the Columbine massacre because in addition to societal pressure and structure constraints that were placed on Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. It effectively elucidates how their feelings of social exclusion, victimization due to bullying, and perception of unfair treatment concerning the school setting might have shown up via violent outbursts. Strain theory, as shown by the study of Fontaine (2019), allows one to obtain knowledge about the broader social environment where crime occurs and reveals systemic inequality that underlines cultural norms affecting delinquent behavior.

However, some issues in terms of comprehending specific aspects concerning the Columbine massacre based on strain theory are limitations. Its weakness is that it fails to consider individual psychological factors and agency. While, of course, the societal tensions were one aspect that had an impact on how Harris and Klebold behaved in a way, it is far from being fully addressed if we are to speak about personal decisions and their psychological weaknesses, such as depression or psychopathy. In addition, the strain theory does not discuss socialization and how violent media affects such perpetrators. By using a psychological and sociological approach such as social learning theory or psychodynamic perspective, one can attain a better understanding of the Columbine massacre. Complementing theories provide information regarding the interplay of predispositions, social influences, and environmental factors, thus providing a more sophisticated explanation for juvenile delinquency as well as violent crime.


In conclusion, the analysis of the Columbine Massacre through the lens of strain theory, along with its strengths and weaknesses, shows that juvenile delinquency is multi-faceted. While the strain theory is a wonderful source of knowledge about societal pressures and structural limits as potential initiators of violence, it yet fails to provide a sufficient explanation of individual psychological factors and agency. The inclusion of complementary theories such as social learning and some psychological interpretations of the Columbine massacre to its motivation provides a deeper understanding of what is hidden in this tragedy. The future perspective of researchers and policymakers needs to concentrate on an integrated approach that considers interaction dynamics within different theoretical views that bring about youth crimes, which would be a preventive measure against the recurrence of violent crimes.


CHAIBDERRAINE Hadil, LEKCHITI Hadjer. (2023). The Endless School Shooting Scourge in the USA: Univ-Guelma. Dz.

Daggett, C. (2021). Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold: Antiheroes for Outcasts.

Fontaine, A. L. (2019). Integrating general strain theory and the gender role strain paradigm: Initial considerations. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology, 11(3), 159-186.


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