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Roads Go Ever On

“Roads Go Ever On” by Clamavi De Profundis touches something deep within the inner traveler of every reader. With its abundant imagery and the multi-leveled meaning imbued in it, the reader is taken on a journey far beyond the physical dimension of reality. Regardless of what you may perceive at first glance, “Roads Go Ever On” is fundamentally a literary interpretation of people’s lives, the journey as well as the spirit of the journey. Through its captivating verses, the poem not only draws us into the reflection of unknown paths but also provokes a deep self-contemplation on the path we have traveled.

The poem starts with the image of the road out in front, a symbol of life’s myriad prospects and the intangible adventures that call. These first lines prepare us for a trip that is both physical and symbolic, calling us to reflect on the routes we take in this journey and on the sceneries that we pass through from time to time in our sketches of this life. The literal interpretation is clear: the road is actually a path that points out the finally accumulated objective things that either block us or give us beauty (Clamavi De Profundis). Nevertheless, on a more intrinsic plane, these lines mirror our human quest – to discover, to overcome barriers, and to find one’s self in the infinite web of life.

The poem extends its scope into philosophical questioning, using the topic of journeys being cyclical and the distance always being the horizon. “If I were to take roads that I haven’t walked before, I will walk roads that I would never walk again,” the author concludes thoughtfully, thinking about the fragile nature of our experiences and those who share them with us. This metaphorical congruence of exploration and finality compels the reader to think of the passing moments of life and of the person we were on the path we walked. In this poem, why Clamavi De Profundis renders life’s journey so beautifully is portrayed marked by both wonder and melancholy as we never fail to get enamored with the unknown future so long as we lose the roads that we can never go back to.

In the conclusion of the poem, the author deftly switches the topic; he is meditating on the return to well-trodden paths with a new insight. This is not a defeat but a wonderful acceptance in the light of the experience and the growth that has been gained. It is the reminder that whatever the destination, if it represents a fight against self, it will draw us inwards to the self. The poem ends with a circular sum up of what life is about that we are in searching of the truth and that the destination is not the end point of a journey in a map but it is a deeper understanding of ourselves. “Roads Go Ever On” by Clamavi De Profundis is not just about the physical voyage of journeying; it is a complex metaphor and meaning exploration of what makes human spirit and the quest for self-discovery and knowledge. Like us all, its verses capture our desire to travel and call to memory that the journey itself is as important as its pit stops. As we keep heading in our life’s journey, let’s do it with the same spirit of appreciation and analysis which the poem perfectly captures. Lastly, our choice of paths to take is creating the journey for us, yet determines who we are. This work, being a skillful combination of visual and intellectual representation, etches deep into our minds image of a magnificent yet intricate circle of life, that makes us feel as if we should remember its diversity and beauty, to follow our way with commitment, curiosity, and open-mindedness.

Work Cited

Clamavi De Profundis. “Roads Go Ever On – Clamavi De Profundis.” YouTube, 2018,


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