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Rhetorical Analysis of “7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One of the Fastest-Growing Job Skills” by Harvey Deutschendorf


In the article titled “7 Reasons Why Having Emotional Intelligence Is One Of The Most Rapidly Expanding Job Skills,” by Harvey Deutschendorf, the author uses several rhetorical approaches to convince the audience of the relevance of emotional intelligence in the contemporary labor market of today. A significant number of individuals read the article. To conduct an accurate evaluation of the article’s value and authority, as well as the reasoning underpinning it, it is necessary to analyze the target audience, the author’s ultimate intent, and the rhetorical strategies used to achieve that goal. This is necessary to achieve the goal of conducting an accurate evaluation.

Target Audience and Author’s Goal

As far as the population that Deutschedorf is trying to recruit is concerned, it would appear that individuals who are interested in advancing their careers, as well as businesses and professionals who are actively involved in workforce development, are a part of the population that Deutschedorf is trying to attract from the population that it is trying to recruit. The author’s principal objective is to persuade this audience that psychological awareness is a skill that is essential for achieving success in the modern workplace. This is the fundamental aim of the author’s speech. To accomplish this is the primary goal that the author has set for themselves. In the context of professional endeavors, emotional intelligence is a talent of the utmost importance, and the objective of Deutscherdorf’s presentation is to illustrate the relevance of this capability. To do this, he will provide seven reasons that explain his perspective on accomplishing this.

Rhetorical Strategies

Emotional Appeal

To establish an emotional appeal, Deutschorf emphasizes the benefits of having emotional intelligence, both for the individual and the interpersonal relationships one has. This is done to generate an emotional appeal. This is done to elicit a positive emotional response from the audience. In his view, people who possess a high degree of emotional intelligence are better able to cope with challenges that may arise on the job, develop constructive connections, and collaborate with others. He also believes that these persons are better able to work together with other people. The author observes, “Emotionally intelligent people frequently make better leaders, colleagues, and collaborators, which contributes to a more favorable work environment.” This makes it evident that the author emotionally appeals to the reader. This comment makes it apparent that the focus is being put on appealing to human emotions.

Use of Facts and Statistics

The fact that the argument that the essay is a respectable piece of writing is supported by particular facts and data lends credibility to the argument, which is a positive. Not only does the inclusion of data by Deutschendorf provide light on the rising understanding of emotional intelligence’s effect on professional performance, but it also sheds light on the growing requirement for psychological intelligence in job descriptions. A greater emphasis is being placed on both of these categories of knowledge. The significance that is being put on each of these facets of intelligence is growing at an alarming rate. This approach, driven by statistical data, provides the argument with an appearance of objectivity, making it more acceptable to an audience that is more analytically oriented.


Deutschorf accomplishes his objective of convincing those watching about the significance of interpersonal skills in professional circumstances. The incorporation of facts, data, and references to trustworthy sources contributes to the article’s authority, but its psychological appeal makes the subject matter more approachable to the reader. Because of the content’s logical design, it is guaranteed that every point will contribute consistently to the primary issue. In conclusion, Deutschendorf’s rhetorical tactics in his post titled “7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One Of The Fastest-Growing Job Skills” are helpful in reaching the target audience and contribute to the overall efficiency of the job. The author uses Several persuasive tactics, such as emotional appeal, factual evidence, believability, and logical structure, to create a compelling case for the significance of emotional intelligence in the contemporary job market. The purpose of presenting this argument is to provide the audience that is being targeted with an explanation of the relevance of emotional intelligence.

Work Cited

“Fastest-growing occupations, 2019 and projected 2029.” OECD Skills Outlook 2021, 2021.


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