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Revitalizing Hometown Brinkley

Brinkley is one of the towns in Monroe County in Arkansas, United States. In the 21st century, growth in this jurisdiction stagnated, making it necessary to develop a revitalization plan to catalyze social and economic momentum. Below are some of the well-established strategies suited to renewing Brinkley.

Strategic Partnerships and County-Wide Approach

In any setting, there are always people or institutions that are attempting to make the community better. Often the initiatives need to be more cohesive and done in collaboration. However, forming partnerships between like-minded entities can foster a unified approach to revitalization efforts. In Brinkley, for instance, the GIA Foundation is a community development organization committed to making this town vibrant and attractive to potential investors. The faith-based group seeks to revive the community’s economy by supporting local businesses. The collaboration between organizations with similar objects can ensure Brinkley is a safe and welcoming town.

The leaders of this redevelopment plan can accelerate by generating buy-in from the business community and the general public. In the TV show Hometown, the revitalization of the small town of Laurel, Mississippi, is accomplished by building consensus in neighborhoods (Shinners, 2019). Soliciting for views from the people ensures that the exercise prioritizes what the community wants to see in their town. The collaboration will also be essential in ensuring the project is culturally appropriate and economically viable (GIA Foundation, 2021). The initiative’s goals can be integrated into the by-laws of the Monroe County government for effective local oversight to be achieved.

In Brinkley, abandoned real estate properties and other dilapidated commercial buildings may be spread widely across the town. Hence, the cost of restoring each of them individually is a costly endeavor. The revitalization project can experience more success by handling multiple properties as one huge asset. Such an area-wide approach can ensure that this initiative is economically sustainable. This strategy could significantly reduce the costs associated with EPA assessment and overall restoration. The approach will inspire other property owners to participate in the town renewal.

Refining Local Business Practices

One of the GIA Foundation’s missions is to drive economic prosperity in Brinkley so that all the residents can thrive in all spheres of their lives and optimize their potential (GIA Foundation, 2021). To achieve this goal, the revitalization plan should empower local businesses that are a source of employment for thousands of citizens. When businesses flourish, people can lead quality lives without struggling. The town’s downtown merchants will experience profitability when they embrace good business practices. As markets evolve, local business communities face stiff competition from established retailers (Horbliuk & Dehtiarova, 2021). Local enterprises are typically restricted to small spaces. Moreover, their ability to secure significant credit facilities to expand their business could be improved. For this reason, the town’s business district is experiencing slow growth compared to neighboring metropolises. The team leading the revitalization effort should work closely with local entrepreneurs. Regular training workshops could be organized to educate them on how to provide superior customer service, manage their inventory better, and enhance their marketing strategies.

Establish a Heritage Day

The revitalization project will likely be successful by setting aside a special day to celebrate the community’s character. The event could be valuable in promoting downtown Brinkley by displaying an attractive image to customers, investors, and tourists. The image should be founded on the quality of local goods, the unique sceneries, and the town’s historical culture. This festival’s overall goal is to reshape Brinkley’s image as a diverse center of activity. Through the heritage festival, insiders and outsiders will be able to know the individual who made a huge contribution to the community’s growth. Its content and structure must be flexible to ensure that this event achieves its ultimate objective. A variety of groups representing diverse interests of the population should be involved. The steering committee of this festival should also collect views from the public concerning which activities they want to be incorporated into this special event.


GIA Foundation (2021). Revitalizing Brinkley One Project at a Time. Quarterly Newsletter.

Horbliuk, S., & Dehtiarova, I. (2021). Approaches to urban revitalization policy in light of the latest sustainable urban development concepts. Baltic Journal of economic studies7(3), 46-55.

Shinners, R. (2019). “10 Reasons You Should Be Watching HGTV’s Newest Show HomeTown“. Country Living. Retrieved March 5, 2022.


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