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Restorative Justice Essays

The Controversy Surrounding Corporal Punishment in US Schools

Introduction Teachers in the US have long questioned classroom violence. Some call it authoritarian and a violation of student rights, while others like it. This article discusses American school corporal punishment, including its history, permissibility, potential student harm, and alternatives. American schools have historically used corporal punishment, which produces bodily pain. Colonial schools used corporal ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1617

Towards Equitable Justice

Introduction The human rights argument, which serves as the foundation for many UN rules and norms, is central to the arguments for jail reform. However, in nations with limited financial and human resources, this justification is frequently inadequate to support jail reform initiatives. The necessity for prison changes must be weighed against the negative effects ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1771
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School to Prison Pipeline Final

Introduction School suspensions and other forms of discipline, however, also fuel this more intricate problem by unwittingly increasing the likelihood that their children, especially minority kids, will get entangled in the criminal justice system, making it even worse. Due to this worrying trend, people are concerned about the relationship between education, race, and justice. Some ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1425

Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice System

Abstract The criminal justice system has the role of ensuring society’s safety by controlling and managing crimes. In order to ensure this safety, it employs a number of varying strategies, with one of them being restorative justice. This approach specifically entails a focus on repairing the harm resulting from crime rather than punishing offenders through ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2325

Juvenile Restitution in California

Introduction Juvenile restitution has increased prominence and innovation in California’s juvenile justice system. It takes a more holistic and restorative approach to juvenile delinquency. Restitution forces juvenile offenders to apologize and compensate victims (Abrams et al., 2019). Restorative justice emphasizes society’s interconnectivity and recompense repairs harm to individuals and communities. This article examines juvenile restitution ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6578

The Impact of Restorative Justice on Corrections

This paper will discuss the impact of Restorative Justice on Corrections. Restorative Justice is an approach that focuses on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior while also holding offenders accountable for their actions. It emphasizes improving the damage done to victims and the community rather than punishing the offender. This piece of writing will ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 936

Crime and Restorative Justice

This essay explores the common human brain that is dynamic, such as through learning, it can assimilate or learn behavior. This is a common aspect that is depicted in restorative justice as well as philosophies. According to Lloyd et al. (np), restorative justice refers to a form of justice that seeks to form a discussion ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1437
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