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Respiratory Diseases: Dyspnoea

Dyspnoea refers to the sensation of difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, or breathlessness that is mostly observed among patients with cardiac and respiratory diseases (Coccia et al., 2016). Dyspnoea is reported in approximately 4 million all-cause emergency room visits yearly in the United States alone (Anzueto & Miravitles, 2017). Dyspnea is usually a symptom of various physical underlying conditions normally involving the heart and the lungs. For instance, it is a symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease where it limits physical activity, reduces survival, decreases the quality of life-related to health, and increases depression and anxiety. Currently, there lacks a physiological correlate that will correctly predict dyspnea, especially since the mechanisms contributing to respiratory discomfort differ between diseases and people experiencing it diagnosed with similar respiratory diseases (Anzueto & Miravitles, 2017). For this reason, questionnaires and psychophysical and subjective clinical scales are used to predict or measure dyspnea. This essay will discuss the underlying mechanism and pathophysiological processes behind dyspnea, the relationship between persistent dyspnea post Covid-19 recovery, considering the quality of life and the role of a respiratory healthcare practitioner within this patient pathway. In addition, it will discuss the impact of recent studies and how they have contributed to the knowledge base in this area and evaluate the management of a patient with persistent dyspnoea.

The Underlying Mechanism and Pathophysiological Processes Behind Dyspnea

As mentioned above, dyspnea is a disease symptom rather than the disease itself. For this reason, its etiology can be associated as arising from four main categories: systemic illness, psychogenic, neuromuscular, cardiac, respiratory, or a combination of these (Hashmi et al., 2023). Respiratory causes of dyspnea can include pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, lung malignancy, pneumonia, asthma, or chronic congestive obstructive pulmonary disorder. On the other hand, cardiovascular causes may include cardiac arrhythmia, valvular heart defect, pericardial tamponade, pulmonary edema, intracardiac shunting, pulmonary hypertension, acute coronary syndrome, and congestive heart failure. Neuromuscular etiology includes neuropathy, kyphoscoliosis, myopathy, massive obesity, spinal cord or Central Nervous System dysfunction, chest trauma with a fracture or flail chest, and phrenic nerve paralysis. Additionally, psychogenic causes are foreign body aspiration, hyperventilation syndrome, vocal code dysfunction syndrome, and psychogenic dyspnea (Hashmi et al., 2023). Other systemic diseases may include liver cirrhosis, epiglottitis, sepsis, acute renal failure, angioedema, thyrotoxicosis, anaphylaxis, metabolic acidosis, and anemia.


Dyspnea is a sensation of being unable to breathe fast or deeply enough or running out of air. It results from various interactions of receptors and signals in the central nervous system, mechanoreceptors in the upper airway, chest wall, and lungs, and peripheral chemoreceptors. The brain’s respiratory center consists of three neuron groupings: pontine, ventral, and dorsal medullary groups (Hashmi et al., 2023). The pontine grouping consists of apneustic and pneumotaxic centers. This grouping modulates the frequency and intensity of the medullary signals where the apneustic centers encourage and prolong inhalation and the pneumotaxic center limits inhalation. Both centers work together in pace, making respiration. On the other hand, ventral medullary groups are responsible for exhalation, and the dorsal medullary for inhalation (Hashmi et al., 2023).

Mechanoreceptors in the pulmonary vessels, lung, trachea, and airways provide sensory information to the brain’s respiratory center regarding the lung space volume. Typically, two main types of thoracic sensors exist: rapid-adapting irritant receptors and slow-adapting stretch spindles (Hashmi et al., 2023). The rapid-acting receptors react to both chemical triggers like harmful foreign substances that might be present and the lung’s volume information. On the other hand, slow-acting spindle receptors only transmit volume information. These mechanoreceptors signal through cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve, to the brain to increase the breathing volume and rate or to stimulate errant coughing cycles of breathing secondary irritants in the airway (Hashmi et al., 2023).

Peripheral chemoreceptors compose of the aortic and the carotid bodies. Both sites monitor the particle arterial oxygen pressure in the blood. Nevertheless, acidosis and hypercapnia increase these receptors’ sensitivity, playing a partial role in the function of the receptor (Hashmi et al., 2023). The carotid bodies are positioned within the aortic arch. Once hypoxia stimulates them, they send a signal through the glossopharyngeal nerve, cranial nerve IX, to the brain’s nucleus tractus solatarius, which increases ventilation by stimulating the excitatory neurons. It is estimated that 15% of respiration’s total driving force comprises carotid bodies (Hashmi et al., 2023).

Central chemoreceptors hold respiratory’s drive major control. They work through PH changes sensing within the central nervous system. The major location within the brain is the retrotrapezoid nucleus and the medulla’s ventral surface (Hashmi et al., 2023). The PH change within the cerebrospinal fluid and the brain is derived mainly from decreases and increases in carbon dioxide levels. Carbon dioxide is a soluble lipid molecule that diffuses freely across the blood and brain barrier. This feature proves helpful because fast PH changes the possibility within the cerebrospinal fluid. Responsive PH changes chemoreceptors are located on the medulla’s ventral surface. Sensory input is generated to stimulate hyperventilation as these areas become acidic, and through increased ventilation, carbon dioxide within the body is reduced. On the other hand, hypoventilation occurs when the PH rises to more alkalotic levels and carbon dioxide levels decrease due to a decrease in ventilation (Hashmi et al., 2023).

Respiratory centers, which are found within the brainstem’s pons and the medulla oblongata, generate the respiratory rhythm baseline. Nonetheless, the respiration rate is modified by permitting aggregated sensory input from the central nervous system, which monitors PH, and the peripheral sensory system, which monitors oxygenation. The central nervous system also indirectly monitors the carbon dioxide levels and other portions of the brain’s cerebellar modulate to create a unified neural signal. The signal is then transmitted to the respiration’s primary muscles, scalene muscles, external intercostal muscles, the diaphragm, and other respiration minor muscles.

The Relationship Between Persistent Dyspnoea Post Covid-19 Recovery and The Role of a Respiratory Healthcare Practitioner Within This Patient Pathway

A prospective study by Grewal et al. (2023) shows that dyspnea is a persistent symptom following Covid-19. Many patients with this condition do not encounter meaningful enhancement in their symptoms’ severity in the first year following infection. The study also found that dyspnea was linked to worse frailty, quality of life, mood, and sleep at one-year post-Covid. Regarding the quality of life, research has shown that people with persistent dyspnea after Covid-19 recovery report higher levels of anxiety and depression, lower physical functioning, and reduced overall life quality. In the study by Grewal et al. (2023), there lacked a statistically significant difference comparing non-dyspneic and dyspneic post-Covid patients. These findings illustrate the multifaceted post-Covid dyspnea nature, with most patients having ongoing dyspnea for reasons apart from overt cardiac or pulmonary consequences of Covid-19. The mood impacts post-Covid dyspnea and thus can predict patients at potential risk for significant persistent dyspnea at one year.

According to the prospective cohort study by Grewal et al. (2023), post-covid dyspnea was a frequent problem in their patient’s cohort; 49% of them hospitalized for acute covid reported no dyspnea change, 24% reported dyspnea increase, and 20% reported the development of a new-onset of clinically significant dyspnea at the one-year mark when compared to the three months post-covid. The onset and increase in dyspnea at the one-year mark in the patient’s subset may be related to changes in aerobic activity ventilator response over time, peripheral oxygen delivery, and moods.

Respiratory healthcare professionals, including sleep physiologists, are essential in managing frequent dyspnea among coronavirus survivors. They can assist patients in identifying techniques to manage their symptoms, such as physical activity programs, relaxation techniques, and breathing exercises (Chambers et al.,2016). In addition, they can provide education on the efficient use of respiratory devices, like oxygen therapy or inhalers, and monitor the patients for any potential complications. Moreover, a sleep physiologist can also support patients in optimizing their general respiratory health. This may incorporate screening for sleep disorders, for instance, sleep apnea, which can contribute to dyspnea and other respiratory symptoms (Chambers et al.,2016). Additionally, they may work with patients to identify and address any underlying respiratory conditions that may increase their symptoms.

The Impact of Recent Studies and How They Have Contributed to the Knowledge Base in Dyspnea

A study by Tian et al. (2019) has shown the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions in managing persistent dyspnea among patients with chronic obstructive disease. Mindfulness-based interventions are typically described as short techniques, usually eight courses, offered in a group environment incorporating mindfulness mediation principles and exercises. The current mindfulness interventions include mindfulness-based stress reduction, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness meditation training. Of all these techniques, mindfulness-based stress reduction effectively reduced dyspnea in patients with COPD (Grosbois et al., 2022). This shows that non-pharmacological interventions such as this can also effectively manage dyspnea.

In addition, a study by Mahmu et al. (2021) illustrated the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on dyspnea in heart failure patients. The research showed that patients with heart failure encountered increased dyspnea during the pandemic, possibly due to a combination of factors such as decreased physical activity, increased anxiety, and reduced access to healthcare. This implies that various factors can lead to the onset and increased dyspnea.

The Management of a Patient with Persistent Dyspnoea

Managing a patient with persistent dyspnea requires a comprehensive and individualized approach considering the symptoms’ severity, underlying cause, and preferences. The first step in managing persistent dyspnea is to assess the patient’s symptoms and perform a thorough medical evaluation to identify the underlying cause. The assessment should include a detailed medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as chest X-rays, pulmonary function tests, and echocardiograms (Chambers et al.,2016). Non-pharmacological interventions such as breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and pulmonary rehabilitation may help manage dyspnea. These interventions can improve lung function, reduce anxiety, and enhance the patient’s overall well-being (Ekström et al., 2015).

Pharmacological interventions such as bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and diuretics may be prescribed depending on the underlying cause of dyspnea. Opioids may also be used in some cases, particularly in patients with advanced cancer or end-stage lung disease (Ekström et al., 2015). In cases where dyspnea cannot be effectively managed, palliative care may be appropriate. This involves focusing on symptom management, quality of life, and end-of-life care. Palliative care may involve using opioids, sedatives, or other medications to alleviate symptoms and improve the patient’s comfort (Ekström et al., 2015).


In summary, dyspnea is a disease symptom, not a disease itself. It can be managed by respiratory healthcare professionals or even sleep physiologists. Recent studies on dyspnea have shed light on understanding the condition well. They have identified management interventions for dyspnea and the factors that can lead to its onset or increase. The management of patients with dyspnea can be done through pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions or palliative care, depending on the severity of the symptoms.


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Chambers, D., Booth, A., Baxter, S.K., Johnson, M., Dickinson, K.C. and Goyder, EC, 2016. Primary care/community-led diagnostic pathways for the assessment of breathlessness. In Evidence for models of diagnostic service provision in the community: literature mapping exercise and focused rapid reviews. NIHR Journals Library.

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Grosbois, J.M., Gephine, S., Kyheng, M., Henguelle, J., Le Rouzic, O., Saey, D., Maltais, F. and Chenivesse, C., 2022. Physical and affective components of dyspnoea are improved by pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD. BMJ open respiratory research9(1), p.e001160.

Grewal, J.S., Carlsten, C., Johnston, J.C., Shah, A.S., Wong, A.W., and Ryerson, C.J., 2023. Post-COVID dyspnea: Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes in a longitudinal, prospective cohort. BMC Pulmonary Medicine23(1), pp.1-9.,to%203%20months%20post%2DCOVID.

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