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Resolving Political Divisions

The political divisions have always existed in different places worldwide and are linked to the historical, cultural, and religious diversity of people in that area. As far as three good examples are concerned, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Palestine will bring out the dynamics of political separation and possible solutions. Investigating their peculiar situations and the approaches to addressing their division may help other world nations achieve short-term and long-term solutions.

This separation of Ireland on a political basis is steeped in history, mainly due to differences in religion between Catholics and Protestants. However, it climaxed at the end of the 20th century, a period that became known as “The Troubles.” The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 signified the beginning of this new phase, creating power-sharing partnerships with Unionists and Nationalists. This led to institutions such as the Northern Ireland Assembly, which sought to promote cooperation and inclusion in society (Ruane, 2021). Despite these difficulties, the accords have substantially reduced violence and helped to stabilize a once fraught political situation.

Apartheid was a state-sponsored policy of racial segregation that posed a specific threat to the well-being of South Africans. There was, politically, a separation along racial grounds, where the minority whites ruled over the majority of blacks. Leaders in Nelson Mandela ushered in the era of apartheid ending after talks through dialogue in 1994. The role of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee was key in dealing with historical wrongs and fostering recuperation (Todes & Turok, 2018). Through this transition, the necessity for dialoguing, revealing the truth, and forgiveness became apparent in moving beyond severe political divides that had entrenched themselves in South Africa.

The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is a centuries-old political division between the various communities based on their national aspirations and land demands. The attempts of several peace deals and negotiations have not worked out well, leaving no complete solution. Oslo Accord was meant to create a governance model for Palestinians, and since then, occurrences have blocked development. Attribution Further work involves renewed diplomacy on fundamental concerns and trust building for lasting resolution (Caplan, 2019).

The international community can be very instrumental in the short run in helping to reduce political disputes through the dialogue process, facilitation of negotiations, and provision of resources for peacebuilding. Investment in diplomacy, mediation initiatives, and humanitarian support will alleviate pressures and create conditions for cooperation (Smidt, 2019). Addressing the underlying cause of such divisiveness might be a long-term solution. This entails championing education awareness, cultural integration, and economic advancement to close societal divides. These include active engagement in conflict prevention, observance of human rights, and encouragement of inclusive governance structures by international organizations. Peace is sustainable if there is a commitment to justice and equal opportunities for all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, tribe, or age, as well as guaranteeing the rights of minorities (Ellinor & Girard, 2023).

It is evident in the cases of Ireland, South Africa, and Palestine that dialogue, compromises, and external support mechanisms overcome political divides. Immediate conflicts should contain short-term solutions, whereas long-term measures should emphasize inclusiveness in addressing some of the root causes. The international community will be able to learn from these examples and help create a peaceful and cooperative world where political divisions are settled diplomatically amicably and respect for common humanity is upheld.


Caplan, N. (2019). The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Contested Histories. In Google Books. John Wiley & Sons.

Ellinor, L., & Girard, G. (2023). Dialogue: Rediscover the Transforming Power of Conversation. In Google Books. Crossroad Press.

Ruane, J. (2021). Long conflict and how it ends: Protestants and Catholics in Europe and Ireland. Irish Political Studies, 36(1), 109–131.

Smidt, H. M. (2019). United Nations Peacekeeping Locally: Enabling Conflict Resolution, Reducing Communal Violence. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 64(2-3), 002200271985963.

Todes, A., & Turok, I. (2018). Spatial inequalities and policies in South Africa: Place-based or people-centered? Progress in Planning, 123, 1–31.


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